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Everything posted by gfjardim

  1. Nothing on this log, please send me your unRAID diagnostics file.
  2. Something must went wrong. Please send me the Preclear plugin log (see the original post of this thread if you need guidance).
  3. @rxnelson, there was a small bug preventing the toggle between scripts, fixed in version 2018.08.23. Thanks for reporting.
  4. @Squid, could you confirm those weirdness with Tooltipster and Preclear you mentioned are gone?
  5. @bonienl, are you sure it was a preclear plugin error?
  6. Nope, drive is certified bad: === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED! Drive failure expected in less than 24 hours. SAVE ALL DATA. See vendor-specific Attribute list for failed Attributes. ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate PO-R-- 097 097 016 - 7 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 100 100 005 - 156 196 Reallocated_Event_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 156 197 Current_Pending_Sector -O---K 100 100 000 - 7360
  7. Nothing on your preclear_disk_log.txt file, very strange.
  8. Yes, it is. When I get a little time I try to keep this updated.
  9. Take a look into the OP and send me both diagnostics file and preclear log.
  10. Those will be addressed in the next release, guys. Thanks for pointing them out.
  11. Not always because LT doesn't update it's build machine environment every time, I think.
  12. Just read the post, and the problem is that @1812 is compiling the kernel against GCC version 8.1.1 instead of compiling it agains GCC version 7.3.0, the default version for unRAID 6.5.3. Will take a look to see if this can be fixed without broke all systems that use official releases.
  13. Very strange, since unRAID 6.5.3 gcc version is 7.3.0. Are you using any custom builds, like @CHBMB DVB?
  14. If you call "headache-free" an easier setup, then you're about right, there's will be a handful of solutions out there to satisfy you. IMHO, "headache-free" NAS OS is something that will never exist; or you have some workload in the beginning with a more complicated setup, or you will buy a pre-customized product that will be easier to setup, but may lead to catastrophic loss with the usage of non-friendly SOHO storage system, because RAID5/6/Z are enterprise-focused on data availability and integrity, not on data resilience. Windows, by far, is not suited to the task, I'm afraid. Maybe LT could make things easier by creating some "wizard" setup that asks where the user want to store it's downloads, it's movies and it's documents, and the docker system request the predefined value instead of letting the user choose every path. But this didn't take the merits of the product itself.
  15. Nope, I'm using Tapatalk right now and didn't saw your PM. Sorry for that. Will take a close look soon.
  16. Please take a look at the first post for "How can I download a copy of the plugin log" and send the file here.
  17. Please send me the whole previews plugin log, please.
  18. You have to rename it preclear_disk.sh too.
  19. It's the only one in the dropdown list?
  20. Yes, just take a look at the first post of this thread.
  21. Update 2018.05.03 just released. In my tests it fixed the "not zeroed" error. Enviado de meu SM-G955F usando Tapatalk
  22. Joe L. script reads the disk in chunks. It reads, in a loop, n bytes and sum them up to verify it's zeroed. The speed you guys see on the cli is the read speed; in the gui you can see the whole operation speed (read + sum + verify zero sum). Enviado de meu SM-G955F usando Tapatalk
  23. Nope, still testing it and will release it later this week. Enviado de meu SM-G955F usando Tapatalk
  24. Yep, that's the one. Enviado de meu SM-G955F usando Tapatalk
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