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Everything posted by bonienl

  1. Why would Adblock have any issues with the webGUI..., are pages / plugin's trying to load remote information? The webGUI runs in a dynamic mode (hence the name). It retrieves local information in the background, which gives the user the impression pages are not hanging while these are being build and provides regular information updates while watching a page. In case of Plugins, it will read remote information, as is given in the particular plugin (usually this is a github location). In short, yes Adblockers or anti-virus programs can interfere with the operation of the webGUI. The simplest workaround is to just whitelist the webGUI as mentioned before.
  2. User made cron files do not become visible under the scheduler page, though this sounds like a feature request You can manually check the 'running' cron jobs, telnet into your system and do: [b]cat /etc/cron.d/root[/b]
  3. You need to install the hot fix. See earlier message in this thread.
  4. No dice. Still locked up. Should I pull another diag? I would start from scratch ... save your current flash contents, reformat the flash and do a fresh installation! Your data isn't lost and you can do basic installation and rebuild your shares (see also these tutorial videos).
  5. I've made another update, which hopefully addresses all outstanding points. Download the attached file, unzip it and install manually: installpkg dynamix.smart.update-2015.12.04.txz Thanks for your feedback! dynamix.smart.update-2015.12.04.zip
  6. Upon re-reading smartctl for different controllers, the numbers can range from 0-127 or 1-128. Will make something which can accommodate that and still user-friendly. The self-test button is only enabled when the drive is active, this is tested by the code using hdparm. I can add that state "unknown" is seen as "active".
  7. Ok, thanks for the feedback. Different controllers use different port numbering schemes ranging from 1 to 3 fields. Hence the reason to have up to three fields (I can actually disable the unused fields). Also the separation character differs, most controllers use a comma (,) but some use a slash (/). I created an automatic selection of the separator based on the controller selection so the user doesn't have to worry about the exact syntax. I can make the dropdown list longer, perhaps up to 31. This has my preference cause it is more user-friendly than a free-form field. To detect whether a disk is standby or active the hdparm command is used, e.g. hdparm -C /dev/sdb. Apparently that doesn't work on your controller. Can you post an output of hdparm for both an active and standby disk?
  8. Set a NTP server, e.g. pool.ntp.org and see if that makes a difference. In your syslog it is complaining about being unsynchronized, make sure you have a correct time. Not sure what the webserver is calling (the IP address points to google) but this is the reason it stalls, this particular session is not terminated properly and the webserver is waiting indefinitely.
  9. The standard webGUI doesn't offer a preclear start option, I suppose you have one of gfjardim's plugins installed ...
  10. What version of unRAID are you using ? This 'bug' was solved several versions ago (can't remember exactly).
  11. That is definitely true, latest version of unRAID uses Linux kernel 4.1.13 - dated Nov 9, 2015
  12. In the process of converting from RFS to XFS I also 'unjumpered' my older 2 TB WD drives and changed the alignment to 4K aligned. All is humming along
  13. The standard webGUI has built-in support for displaying the progress of preclear (it can be followed under Unassigned Devices).
  14. Thank you I will try this. Does the array need to be stopped to do this? And I assume notepad is the editor to use? Yes, stop the array before making changes and notepad can be used, though I prefer notepad++
  15. Not sure what you did but ... unRAID will NEVER rebuild a replacement disk automatically. You need to tell it which 'new' disk you want to use, this assignment is done when the array is off-line, and once you bring the array on-line it starts the rebuild process. These are all steps a user has to start/take.
  16. The shares configuration is stored on your flash device in folder /config/shares. You can open and edit the <share-name>.cfg files and reset the include/exclude settings to: shareInclude="" shareExclude="" You might need to restart your system to make these changes effective.
  17. Yes, a new parity check result only becomes available after the process is completed (or aborted).I started another parity check after there was a history button available during normal operation, and the history button went away during the check. So, apparently there is something else that needs to be fixed since you say it's supposed to be available during the check to show previous check history. I misunderstood your question... During a parity check it will show the progress of the operation, the only button available is to cancel the parity operation.
  18. It looks like you ran out of memory, how much is installed? Do these commands: df -h /tmp free -m
  19. Your include/exclude assignments for the user shares don't look right, e.g. shareComment="Full Bluray Rips" shareInclude="Disk17" shareExclude="Disk1,Disk2,Disk3,Disk4,Disk5,Disk6,Disk7,Disk8,Disk9,Disk10,Disk11,Disk12,Disk13,Disk14,Disk15,Disk16,Disk18" both include and exclude is used, recommend to use one or the other but not both it contains references to none existing disks As a first step I recommend you set include/exclude settings for EACH user share back to default and see if shares start to appear. Next re-apply either include or exclude as needed for each share.
  20. Apparently the name given to the table body in the user shares list: <tbody id="share_list"></tbody>
  21. Starting from version 6.1.4 the disk and user share list is dynamically populated. To the user there is no difference but under the hood it is a very different approach. Seems adblockers are intercepting the dynamic concept, though nothing suspicious is done.
  22. I always thought it was because of the free beer advice
  23. I don't have a /extra folder in the root of either of my flash drives. Should a just create one and copy the file into it? Sure, go ahead and create the folder when not existing.
  24. I've made an update and added an additional input field which allow to specify the device name, e.g. twa0 I like to get your feedback on this. Can you download the attached file which includes the updates and manual install? installpkg dynamix.smart.update-2015.12.03.txz Thanks for your explanations. See update later in this topic...
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