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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. That's likely caused by the Adaptec RAID controllers, they've been known to change the MBR before, causing the errors you're seeing, solution is to rebuild one disk (or two with dual parity) at a time so Unraid can recreate the partitions, like this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84717-solved-moving-drives-from-non-hba-raid-card-to-hba/?do=findComment&comment=794399
  2. Macvlan call traces are usually the result of having dockers with a custom IP address, upgrading to v6.10 and switching to ipvlan might fix it (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enable, top right)), or see below for more info. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/70529-650-call-traces-when-assigning-ip-address-to-docker-containers/ See also here: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/690691-kernel-panic-due-to-netfilter-nf_nat_setup_info-docker-static-ip-macvlan-r1356/
  3. Not surprisingly I'm not seeing anything relevant logged, this usually points to a hardware issue, one thing you can try it to boot the server in safe mode with all docker/VMs disable, let it run as a basic NAS for a few days, if it still crashes it's likely a hardware problem, if it doesn't start turning on the other services one by one.
  4. Yes, just create a new pool in the other server, assign all existing pool members and the old pool will be imported by the server. This is also possible, after the pool was imported, i.e., don't add new drives before first importing it, also note that adding a new drive or changing profiles will re-balance the entire pool, i.e., all data will be re-written to be redistributed by all devices (or converted to the new profile) this will take some time with that much data.
  5. There are constant errors with multiple devices, these suggests a power/connection problem, you should also upgrade the LSI firmware since it's very old. Creating a smaller array is relatively easy, you just need to do a new config, unassign the disks you don't want in the new array and start it to begin a parity sync, but this should be done only after the above issues are solved.
  6. Parity status is unclear, you didn't even mentioned for how long has disk 3 been disabled, and if you know if there were any writes to it after, like mentioned above you could try to force enable disk3 to rebuild disk2 to a new disk, I can still post instructions for that if you want, but it will only work if parity is still valid.
  7. It's easy to verify, just disable spin down and see if the server still crashes.
  8. First you'd need SAS3 devices to support 12Gbps, SATA3 will only link at 6Gbps, and unless you're using SSDs it won't make a difference anyway.
  9. LSI SAS3 models, based on the SAS3008 chip like the 9300-8i, will trim SSDs, but only those with Deterministic read ZEROs after TRIM support. It should. Yes, you can still use them. Yes.
  10. Try with a different PSU if available.
  11. Depends on the use case, a pool would be faster for most cases, array with parity is generally more reliable, in part because each device is a unique filesystem.
  12. Sounds to me like a power/connection problem, if the same devices sometimes work, sometimes don't, problem is probably on the power side.
  13. Not really following, what disks are missing? The ones on the PCIe controller? Usually boards share some lanes, so using for example an M.2 slot might disable a PCIe slot, also using M.2 SATA devices will generally disable some SATA port(s), consult the board manual.
  14. Those SSDs (and 99.9% of them) will work fine, just note that they can't be trimmed if used in the array, they can in a pool.
  15. Feb 23 17:09:11 Zeus root: Installing atop-2.2 package... Try uninstalling this, it's a known issue.
  16. Make sure the missing devices are all connected to the onboard SATA controller and see if they are detected by the board BIOS.
  17. With the array stopped wipe all pool devices with: blkdiscard /dev/sdX Replace X with the correct letters, after all 3 are wiped start the array and you'll have the option to format the pool.
  18. IMHO very unlikely that crashing is related to spinning down a disk.
  19. du isn't reliable with btrfs, what the GUI (and df) show will be the correct used space, note that for example untrimmed vdisks can grow with time: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/51703-vm-faq/?do=findComment&comment=557606
  20. Not a good idea since you have a known bad disk in the array, disk2.
  21. Very unlikely a power failure would cause checksum errors, recommend monitoring the pool so you're notified if more corruption is found.
  22. Weird, sync should never finish successfully, but it should be a corner case.
  23. Assuming HBA is using latest IT mode firmware: Yes Correct No There's enough bandwidth for 8 hard drives (and more, more require an expander) Yes Trim won't work. Not really, you'll lose a slot and increase power consumption a little, also make sure it's sufficiently cooled, there needs to be some airflow on/around it.
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