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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. There's already a report in the the prerelease section, no point if having another one here:
  2. Devices dropping and being added with a new ID won't be automatically re-added, you need to reboot then run a scrub, also see here for better pool monitoring.
  3. Boot in safe mode with all dockers/VMs disable, if CPU usage is normal start turning services one by one.
  4. No good 6 port options, you have the 5 port JMB585 based controllers, if you need more best bet it to get an 8 port LSI HBA.
  5. I find that hard to believe, but you can always set a static IP address.
  6. Sorry, not familiar, it shouldn't be hard to find with google, or in the manual.
  7. I believe this is already fixed for next release, but wait for confirmation.
  8. Yes, you don't have to have parity assigned.
  9. Please set the DHCP leasing time to a much larger value, like a day or so, or it keeps spamming the log every 5 minutes making it much harder to look for other issues: Aug 21 03:05:16 Unraid dhcpcd[2099]: eth1: leased for 300 seconds
  10. Cache filesystem is fully allocated, which shouldn't really happen on recent kernels, but you need to run a balance, see here for more info: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/62230-out-of-space-errors-on-cache-drive/?do=findComment&comment=610551 You should also update to latest beta.
  11. Except WD SMR drives before they are written to, since the firmware knows there's nothing on those sectors in the platters they return the data from the cache, making them look much faster then they actually are.
  12. Yep. There are some macvlan call traces, these are usually caused by dockers with custom IP addresses:
  13. It's unusual, but difficult to guess why, could be due to unclean shutdown(s), hardware issue or just a filesystem issue, if it happens again to other disks likely there's some hardware issues, but most likely it was an isolated incident.
  14. You can get an 8 port LSI like the 9211-8i or 9300-8i and a SAS expander, get multiple 8 port HBAs, or get 24 port HBA, but those are usually more expensive than a HBA plus expander.
  15. Difficult (if not impossible) to find NVMe + one SATA in the same controller, there are dual NVMe + SATA m.2 adapters, but the SATA m.2 requires an available SATA port on the board or other controller.
  16. Usually only a few incomplete/partial files are moved there, rest of the data should be where it was, unless there was massive corruption.
  17. Also have this one, same chipset, it supports 5 SATA devices total (not NVMe), m.2 or regular SATA ports using the bundled adapters: https://www.amazon.it/PCI-Adapter-Card-JMB585-chipset/dp/B087613YTK/ref=sr_1_7?__mk_it_IT=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=jmb585&qid=1597944207&sr=8-7
  18. If the controller is the only thing shared by those disks it's the most likely issues, since they got disabled at exactly the same time.
  19. It is, though the Marvell 9215 usually works better than the 9230, still not recommended.
  20. Yes, and if possible buy the NIC from someplace that allows returns in case it doesn't help, though like mentioned Intel NIC is always preferred.
  21. There are 3 controllers, 6 ports Intel controller plus two 2 port Asmedia controllers. Since you still have Intel ports available use those first.
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