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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. You should be able to run the current DIMMs @ 2400Mhz
  2. It's a refresh of 1st gen Ryzen, not 2nd gen CPU, first model number denotes the generation, they are on gen 3 now, models 3xxx.
  3. Forgot to mention, there are several ATA errors on the parity disk, looks like a connection issue, check/replace cables.
  4. Docker image is corrupt, delete and re-create, cache filesystem looks OK for now. P.S. there were several sync errors during last parity check, were those expected?
  5. It includes a port multiplier, the Marvell 9215 is a 4 port controller, one of them connects to the port multiplier, so then you have 3 + 5 ports, those 5 are sharing a single SATA port.
  6. If that RAM is dual ranked 2666Mhz is overclock for Ryzen 1st gen. more info here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=819173
  7. There's corruption on the filesystem of the emulated drive, that's why I mentioned it wasn't the best option to rebuild on top of the original disk, though by your description that one was likely suffering from corruption as well, but possibly not as serious.
  8. JorgeB

    Upgrading server

    No, I mean if there's a folder for that movie on any of the data disks, assuming you create a folder for each movie inside the share, if that's not the case them please post an example of the path used. Also there's an f---s share and and an f---s(1) share, you should only have one of those, there could be two shares with different capitalization, Linux is case sensitive, Windows isn't.
  9. JorgeB

    Upgrading server

    If the mover is still trying to move the file to a disk without enough space it's the split level setting, note that a folder would be created when the first move was attempted, after that, even with the corrected minimum space, if the split level requires to keep all files on the same folder it will again try to copy to the same disk, you'd need to manually deleted the folder, or move it to another disk if there are other files there.
  10. Run the RAM without overclocking.
  11. Unlikely, default is 30 minutes IIRC, but you can change it on disk settings (tunable poll attributes)
  12. See if this helps: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=819173
  13. Doesn't look like IOMMU is enable, check system info:
  14. Not the best option, but nothing to be done about that now, let the rebuild finish then see here for some recovery options.
  15. Assuming this is about the docker you should post on the appropriate support thread.
  16. Did you try booting in safe mode?
  17. It's not just ata14, it's ata14.00 to ata14.04, the five disks on the port multiplier, SATA port multipliers are not recommended, though unlikely it's causing the sync errors, but if nothing else it will be causing performance issues. Also because of the log spam caused by that there's nothing else to see, can't even see if it was a correcting check, first step would be to run a correcting check and then a non correcting one to see if the errors keep happening, ideally after getting rid of the port multiplier.
  18. By the looks of it disk1 was likely the correct data disk, but fs is corrupted, running xfs_repair (without -n) should fix the filesystem.
  19. JorgeB

    Upgrading server

    Also note that split level overrides allocation method.
  20. JorgeB

    Upgrading server

    You likely need to increase the share's minimum free space of 10GB, it's failing because of ENOSPC moving the Terminator 4K movie file, is that file larger than 10/12GB?
  21. As for your actual question, and if I'm understanding it correctly, if you disable cache for that share, as in set it to cache="no", then any new files written to that share would go to the array, immediatly after the change, but it won't do anything to existing files, i.e., any existing vdisk will remain in use on cache.
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