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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. I'm not sure what the problem is, but if I do an ipmi-sensors-config --checkout to a file, there's info on all fans.
  2. This is from one of my servers, only FAN2 has data, both using the config editor or editing /config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi-sensors.config, using an X11SSM-F:
  3. You definitely don't want to use the 4 Marvell ports on those boards, you're going to have disks dropping willy-nilly.
  4. It doesn't on mine, there's only the warning on the log (orange triangle), only when it drops below the critical threshold the fans ramp up (red x on the log)
  5. Not really, it's going lower than non-critical, that shouldn't cause fans to ramp up, are you using latest bios and BMC firmware?
  6. Why not backup the libvirt.img? All you need to restore VMs is that and the vdisks.
  7. Settings -> VM Manger -> (Advanced mode enable) - Libvirt storage location:
  8. Do you backup the libvirt.img? If yes just restore that.
  9. With the 3pin cable they should always work at max speed, or you can select the "Full Speed" profile.
  10. Not sure, but your fans are going to low in any case, they are dropping below 500rpm, and unless they are very big fans they won't cool much at these speeds, you should get fans that don't go below 800/900rpm with low pwm settings. If you're using the Optimal profile you can try switching to Standard and see if there's any difference.
  11. Clear the event log and post it again after a couple of minutes.
  12. As it's visible in the logs fans 1, 2 and 3 are going lower than critical, which is set at 540rpm, you need to lower that, set lower critical at 300 and lower non-recover at 0 or 150.
  13. Something still wrong with the thresholds, on the IPMI settings, clear the event Log, browse to main page and then go there again after a couples of minutes and post the log.
  14. I tested on an X9SCM and it only accepts a different threshold value if it's a multiple of 150, so you can only change the thresholds to 150, 300, 450, etc.
  15. Maybe it doesn't work on the X9 series, or it only accepts some specific values, I can test on one of my servers with the same board but most likely not before tomorrow.
  16. Try lowering only the lower non recoverable to 200
  17. The same happened on one of my servers, there was only data for one of the fans, you can do it on the console: 1) download current config to a text file ipmi-sensors-config --checkout --filename=sensordata.conf 2) use an editor like nano to change the values you want nano -w sensordata.conf ctrl+o to save, ctrl+x to exit nano 3) commit the changes ipmi-sensors-config --commit --filename=sensordata.conf
  18. This only works on X10/X11, it won't work on the X9 series.
  19. Saarg already told you where to set them: settings -> ipmi - readings -> sensors config
  20. Any cache files are not parity protected if that's what you mean, and unRAID can't fix corrupt files, it can fix a failed array device.
  21. Plugin only runs on array devices, also btrfs already cheksums all data, so it's not needed.
  22. dotm looks like it's day of the month, mode not sure, my is set at 3, but was able to change what I wanted, thanks.
  23. Not really the right thread but didn't want to make a new one about this, my VM unRAID server is currently running without parity, and to my surprise although I can't set a parity check schedule (which I expected) it still started a read check based on the old schedule I had set when there was parity, I don't mind it running since it's a good way to test all disks but would like to change the current schedule, any way I can do it in the CLI without re-adding parity?
  24. Looks like it, the raw commands to get/set the auto mode work on my X9, the commands for the speed steps don't work.
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