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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. I'm having a couple of issues with the editing feature, I'm not able to consistently reproduce them but both things happened more than once: -after editing one scrip and canceling without any changes the previous script appears when I editing a different script -the + is removed from one my scripts in the date variable, (date '+%Y%m%d') becomes (date ' %Y%m%d') in all instances in the script If I find a way of consistently reproducing this I'll post again.
  2. LSI 9207-8i supports trim, it uses the SAS2308 chipset, other models based on the same chipset should also work, 9211 and all others SAS2008 based won't work.
  3. It works on any pcie x1/x4/x8/x16 slot.
  4. Without trim write speed will deteriorate a lot, as low as 20MB/s, it's also bad for the SSD endurance but if write speed is not very important you can live without it. A cheap 2 port Asmedia controller supports trim, e.g.: https://www.amazon.com/IO-Crest-Port-PCI-Express-SY-PEX40039/dp/B005B0A6ZS
  5. Is the 9211 the only controller, i.e., is it connected to an expander? That controller doesn't support trim on most SSDs (it only trims SSDSs that support deterministic read after trim (read zero) like most Samsung Pro).
  6. Yes, this is what I use also, though KVM still launches a java window it works great, never liked using the browser, that is kink of buggy, I believe my X11 already uses HTML5 instead of java, still IPMIView is the best option.
  7. Didn't try it yet, as the java based one always works great form me, with 4 generations of boards, X7/8/9 e 11.
  8. Move the SSD to the onboard or another AHCI controller.
  9. If you need to recover data see the FAQ to try and mount read only or use btrfs restore, if data is not important might as well format it.
  10. Disk2 is the problem: Apr 8 21:41:25 Cardinal kernel: XFS (md2): _xfs_buf_find: Block out of range: block 0x874704438, EOFS 0xe8e08870 Start in maintenance mode and run xfs_repair on disk2 (md2)
  11. Probably filesystem issues on one of your disks, nothing visible with the array stopped, start the array and grab the diags by typing diagnostics in the console, post those.
  12. Yes, that's an old bug, not related to the case above, but it does provide some interesting results
  13. Any vdisks or other sparse files on disk8? If not sure add --sparse to the rsync command, it won't hurt and if there really are sparse files they will use the same space on the destination. If there aren't any sparse files run reiserfsck on disk8 (after upgrading to v6.3.3 as there are known problems with the one included on all the other v6.3 releases).
  14. H240 support is very recent and very few users using one, AFAIK you're the 2nd, still strange that it works for one user an not the other. The Dell H200 (or any of its LSI cousins) is currently the best 8 port controller to use with unRAID.
  15. Do you have cache dirs? If yes the initial scan is normal, and maybe disk 5 has more total files (smaller files), in that case also normal.
  16. Replacement doesn't require clearing, only adding a disk to the array.
  17. There may be a small difference like 15 minutes, not over 4 hours, simply impossible.
  18. Sorry, but it also can't be a sync with those disks , it can be the clearing of a 8TB disk (it is recorded in the history as a parity check), or a parity check/sync with 8TB disks only.
  19. This can't be a parity check with 8TB + 3TB disks, too fast.
  20. Nice work! Hope this helps LT fix the stability issues and let you enjoy your new server in the meantime, even if that means wasting a few more watts, I know how much I hate it when I have a stability problem in one of my servers.
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