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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. http://www.seagate.com/www-content/product-content/barracuda-fam/barracuda-new/en-us/docs/100804071d.pdf Wrong link, linked the ST8000DM0004 instead of the ST8000DM004, all info available suggests that this is in fact an SMR drive.
  2. That's an older controller, it doesn't support >2TB disks.
  3. Agree, like with with the IPMI plugin, users with supported Asrock Rack models and Supermicro X10/X11 can already do that. Edit to add: Obviously not all boards support this, but it's the best solution for boards that do.
  4. If all data on the pool fits on a single device you don't even need to stop your docker/VMs, though it's always a good idea to backup any important data before starting:
  5. It's an Asmedia 160x, so it will work.
  6. Not really, I would expect that with mostly large files speed would be normal. I get always above 100MB/s (using turbo write)
  7. Are these small or large files? I have no speed issues copying TBs at a time to may server that uses 5 of theses disks, including parity, they are all large files though, 4GB and larger.
  8. I believe is talking about ReFS, the new MS filesystem and AFAIK not supported by unRAID or any other linux OS.
  9. No harm in trying but pretty sure unRAID doesn't support Infiniband.
  10. Not really... is this recent behavior? With v6.3 or v6.4 is the same? My cache is a single device at the moment, but recently was using a 8 SSD pool in RAID10 and copied a lot of data daily at about 800/900MB/s (using 10Gbe) without any slowdowns.
  11. VMs pause when they are out of space, timeout issues are probably causing that, no idea on what's causing the timeouts I'm afraid.
  12. Some (including me) fear these are chinese fakes, that price is from a merchant, Newegg price is 219.99$, sometimes there's a reason when the price seams to good to be true. I prefer to buy a used server pull on ebay than possibly a new chinese fake.
  13. Just to report that I've been using the beta for over 24 hours on an X11 and it's working great, thanks
  14. You can already do that, I edited my post, wrote before seeing how the plugin works.
  15. Usually FANA is for peripherals, but since there's only one of those most people use FANA for the CPU and the other 4 for peripherals, so it would be nice if the script had and option to reverse that so that FANA responded to CPU temp sensor and the other fans to disks temps. Ignore that, I see you can already select the temp you want that fan group to respond to.
  16. I've only seen this issue when there's no space, but unless you post your diagnostics all we can is guess.
  17. ¿qué? I was talking about your fans, not mine.
  18. Glad you figured it out but just for future readers that's expected since the UD plugin doesn't support ZFS pools.
  19. If you have all 3 Notcua fans on FANA setting the profile to "Heavy IO" should keep those at or close to maximum speed while keeping the CPU fan at about 50%.
  20. No, I hadn't, didn't know that was what its function, but tried it now and it worked.
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