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Everything posted by mgworek

  1. I just finally got it to work myself. I had to blow away my docker image, cleaned out all unused and unifi templates. Created a new docker image, installed the unifi docker and worked on first try.
  2. I never got 5.0.6 to work. I tried your instructions but didn't help me. My gateway from them came in and my 4.x install wouldn't see it so I had to install the server on my Mac in order to use it. I will keep trying this docker and the other unifi docker and hopefully one of them will work for me and the others who can't get this one to work.
  3. Having the same issue with the timezone issue with my emby server.
  4. any chance you can explain how you deleted the file? Thanks
  5. Getting the same error, but Unifi is working fine for me (after a restart). Restart didn't help me. Still have same error. I ordered their Gateway last week so I will be good once it gets here. I was just trying to to be up to date with my current setup before I export my config.
  6. when trying to load it I get an error in the logs. "keytool error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore (No such file or directory)"
  7. Yeah the echo ended up becoming one of my best purchases. I integrated that thing with my lights, media center and everything. My friend's kids especially love chatting with Alexa lol Yea. I waited and waited. At first I thought it was pointless but then Apple home kit hasn't gone anywhere and I got real experience with one. Before I bought it my wife was like what's the point. But it took maybe 30 mins before we both loved it. My Insteon worked out of the box and now my Harmony setup works. It has its quirks but what doesn't. I like Siris personality better then Alexa but Alexa does more and I don't need my phone. I've had to change some names around for my activities. 3 words in a name can confuse her. If I am playing music and have a timer, i ask her to stop the timer and sometimes she will stop everything. But she's a baby and still learning so.
  8. Thank you so much for the Home-Automation-Bridge. I didn't know about it until 2 days ago. I can now have Alexa turn on my media center!!
  9. Nice. Will have to try this out. Any chance to have the use subfolders for each magazine and the first page just shows the latest magazine and if you click that, you will see all the issues you have for that magazine?
  10. Over in the Emby forums he said he is working on new builds but he needs to fix the debs first.
  11. Doh, I looked back at your post from earlier today and it thought you said restart but you said "You need to update via docker". Sorry about that. Restarting the container doesn't update it, I will implement the feature though.
  12. Yea. You add it to the Extra Parameters section of the settings.
  13. Sorry I should have said that I restarted the docker from unraid, not from Emby interface. I thought I had the correct environment variable but I will check again.
  14. A restart didn't update it for me. I had to delete and add the docker again and it was the latest version.
  15. Is there a way to test to make sure it is installed and working right? Having trouble trying to connect to observium. On another computer I tried to telnet to tower on port 161 which should at least connect if the port is open but doesn't work. Thanks
  16. I have been running into problems like this with my Emby plugin. I have 4 cores and 16 gig of ram. I have emby using 3 of the 4 cores. When transcoding a tv show from a remote location during parts of the process i get to 75% cpu, which is expected. If I try a movie, most of the time my cpu jumps to 100% and if I don't kill it in time, it will crash my entire server. My Ram never gets close to 100%. This only started happening after we were warned about the cpuset code change. I have tripled check to make sure I changed it and it looks right ( I can't check right now) and like I said, it normally just uses up to 3 cores. I haven't gotten the chance to test it since upgrading to rc1.
  17. I must have been trying while you were in the middle of updating. I guess when I reinstalled, it happened right around the time you updated. Thanks!
  18. Trying to use this on a new 4TB drive and nothing happens. I used it about a month ago and it ran fine. I have the scripts in the correct location as well. ----- Update: Delete and reinstalled plugin and it works.
  19. Not sure if this is the right place to post this question or not about your emby docker.. My Library scans are taking over an hour. I think actually close to 2 hours. I just checked the log and there is nothing in it for a scan since 40 minutes ago yet my scan is only at 72%. It does finally finish. I am running the latest version of unraid. I have 15 drives in my array. My drives have all gone to sleep because nothing is hitting them. I was thinking of installing Emby on my on my mac and seeing how long the scans take. Thanks.
  20. I noticed Unifi is now on version 4.5.2. have you tried to update it on your side? Thanks
  21. First time unraid builder. had it working in a test environment, now wanting to build the real server. Ran the Preclear script on 2 brand new drives and have questions on my results. 1. First drive is a western digital ws20ears with the jumper set. The script runs but gives me this message after. S.M.A.R.T. error count differences detected after pre-clear note, some 'raw' values may change, but not be an indication of a problem 19,20c19,20 < Offline data collection status: (0x82) Offline data collection activity < was completed without error. --- > Offline data collection status: (0x84) Offline data collection activity > was suspended by an interrupting command from host. 63c63 < 193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 32 --- > 193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 35 67c67 < 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x0032 200 253 000 Old_age Always - 0 --- > 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0 2. drive is a samsung HD204UI with the latest patch installed. I ran the script last friday, been out sick till today so did not get to check it at all until now. The script is still running. It says Post-Read in progress: 70% complete. It has been running 114:35:21. Any thoughts on why it would be taking so long? Like I said before, these are 2 new drives. Took them out of package and put them in my server. Thanks!
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