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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Click the edit button for the path and you will see a pop up with the r/w slave option.
  2. IIRC there isn’t one. It’s configured automatically.
  3. Is this a torrent? Searching the Radarr forum shows other posts regarding this issue. It looks like the minimum seed ratio must be met for torrents before they are deleted. You haven’t posted any screenshots of the contents of your cache drive so I can’t say if it is being used or not. /mnt/user/Downloads and /mnt/user/Media are both user shares. If they are both configured to use the same disks and also cache then both copies will get moved to the same disk but different shares(assuming neither share is “cache only”). What are you seeing that makes you think cache isn’t working? The reason for using cache for your downloads is that it is not parity protected so writes will be much faster. Any disk mounted with Unassigned Devices would work just as well.
  4. You're correct. Just fails with an error- error: "mail" program does not exist. Looks like the mail program must have been part of the old unMenu package.
  5. That’s good to know. Which variable is used? Nevermind, I see them in “help” (-?).
  6. Just want to be sure you realize that it may never get updated and that the preclear script still works (with a couple of minor modifications) just lacks a GUI and no notifications.
  7. Thanks, but it looks like GSmart Control is the only app in that article that has a Mac version and as far as I can see it only runs a SMART test and reports any errors.
  8. Ok, so you'll want to set hard links to "NO". My GUESS is that this will only effect future downloads. You'll need to test this probably and possibly fix the problem manually. Since this is really an app issue (not the docker itself) I'd also recommend posting your question on the Radarr forum. You might find much more informed info there.
  9. Curious which ones? I see Drive Genius 5 but it's really expensive IMO and reviews are mixed. This is the only one I've been able to find that does more than just monitor SMART and test a few random blocks.
  10. You don't mention you're settings, but I think what you need is this- Be sure that "Use Hard Links Instead Of Copy" is set to NO. Also, "Remove Completed Downloads" must be set to YES (don't copy my setting).
  11. You have the option in settings to select either copy or move in your download handling. Edit: Sorry, that’s wrong. It’s in the download client section-
  12. You need to edit your post to remove your credentials.
  13. Thanks. I've seen that and tried different emulators. They all have exactly the same issues. If I knew what hex code screen expects for the delete key I could set it, but I haven't been able to find the right one. Putty isn't an option.
  14. Looks like that got rid of one error. Still get lots of vt-100 errors though using the web terminal. My guess is that this is a screen issue though. I notice many of my keyboard keys don't work correctly in screen. For instance the delete key generates a space instead.
  15. The preclear script and plugin are both user provided and maintained. They are not provided by limetech and to my knowledge have never been recommended by limetech. Limetech does offer the ability to clear the drives, which is all that is required. The rest is user preference. If you prefer to do preclears then the script still works although the creator hasn’t been offering any support recently.
  16. Opinions on this issue a split. One opinion is that preclears are the best way to test a drive by putting severe read/write stresses on it and see if it survives. The drawback is that the 3 cycles (the usual recommended minimum) of preclears will take a long time. IIRC the last 8TB drive I precleared took almost 2 weeks for 3 cycles. Can’t remember for sure, but more than a week anyway. This would mean that an existing array with a failed drive could be waiting for a replacement and at risk of data lose for an extended period while the new drive was being precleared if you don’t keep a spare drive on standby (hot spare). The other opinion is that preclears aren’t needed since unRAID will now clear new drives as part of the process of adding them to the array. UnRAID supports SMART and an extended SMART test will reveal any defects with a new drive. This process is much faster than preclearing (still probably measured in days though for large drives) and can all be done while the array is online just like preclearing. If you search the forum you’ll find a few discussions of preclear vs smart. I’m not qualified to offer any opinion on that. In the end it’s your decision which is best suited for your needs. In my case if I were building a new machine and stocking it with new drives I’d probably go ahead and preclear them since there wouldn’t be a rush to get the array online. This would be especially true if I was shucking the drives from external enclosures since many of them still don’t support SMART and once shucked you won’t be able to RMA them. If I had an existing array with a failed drive I’d probably skip the preclear to save time in this unprotected condition and just trust SMART.
  17. Nothing is possible with the plugin in 6.4.1. It won’t install at all. You can still use the script if you want to run multiple preclears.
  18. Line 24- $vars = parse_ini_file("var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); I should change it to this? $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini");
  19. I have a script set to run at parity start/stop. It fails since updating to 6.4 with this error- Warning: parse_ini_file(var/local/emhttp/var.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /boot/scripts/docker_start_stop_parity/parity_test.php on line 24 Warning: parse_ini_file(var/local/emhttp/var.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /boot/scripts/docker_start_stop_parity/parity_test.php on line 24 Warning: parse_ini_file(var/local/emhttp/var.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /boot/scripts/docker_start_stop_parity/parity_test.php on line 24 Looks like var/local/emhttp/var.ini no longer exists if I'm reading this right. Is there something I can modify to get this working?
  20. At one time the preclear script was necessary to avoid extended periods where the array would be offline. That is no longer true. The script is now optional. You can use it or not depending on whether you feel that SMART testing is enough. There is a fair amount of discussion on that both ways, but in the end it’s a personal choice.
  21. At one time that was true but it changed in 6.2(?) maybe. Now clears are done while the array is online.
  22. Not compatible with 6.4+. And not really needed.
  23. Are you setting the interface variable in your docker configuration? IIRC it defaults to eth0. If you’re using anything else you need to set it.
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