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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Absolutely right. Set test to no and everything works.???
  2. Settings- Here is the email- As you can see there are no details included. I've attached my advanced.yaml (redacted). This only happens when running the report from the cron schedule. If I use "test" or run it on the command line everything works. Is there a way to increase verbosity in settings so that the cron schedule will generate a more detailed log? advanced.yaml
  3. It works for test emails but not for the scheduled ones. Here is a test email- Here is a scheduled email with the same settings- nowshowing.log
  4. This isn't a major issue, but I notice that I never get extra details even though I have them enabled (not even really sure how they should appear).
  5. Just want to be sure I'm understanding correctly. Currently using the user script to run mover at a percentage in addition to the scheduler running mover daily. To use the tuning plugin for this I need to- Disable mover schedule in mover settings. Disable the user script. Set a percentage in mover tuning. Set a force mover cron schedule in mover tuning. Do I have this right?
  6. You may also want to check your shares. There’s a good chance that you now have a Media share and a media share.
  7. And you don’t see /media within the Sonarr app?
  8. Make an edit to the docker and then revert it. When you click apply the run command will pop up on the monitor. (Wild Guess) Your port mapping’s show that you set- /mnt/user/Media/TVShows/ Your post says you want to use- /mnt/user/media/tvshows These aren’t the same path. Media isn’t the same as media (caps matter). Same for tvshows.
  9. Post your docker run command. Looks like the docker doesn’t have the proper paths configured.
  10. Try this- https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/41044-recycle-bin-vfs-recycle-for-63-and-later-versions/?do=findComment&comment=589029 Make sure you read through the complete discussion. Basically you can map Radarr, Sonarr etc to the .recyclebin folder and use the recyclebin plugin to delete files after a set interval. You’ll need to setup the user script described in that conversation to prevent the .recylebin directory from being removed.
  11. No avatar.png there. I’ve entered my token in the nowshowing settings so looks like that results in no avatar and a question mark. Of course I could just use my own avatar perhaps. Is there a size requirement? Edit: It might also be that I have never set an avatar in Plex. Don’t even see any setting for it unless it’s “ Photo”?
  12. Here’s a sample of what one of my paths looks like- You’ll need to make adjustments as necessary for your setup and add as many paths as you need for all your media.
  13. Just updated to the v2 stable. No problems so far, but I am curious about what appears to be a missing image in the admin page- Am I missing something?
  14. Is it alright to keep the appdata from v2 beta?
  15. Your right. My bad. @Sinister you should also change your user name/password for PIA since they were included in the log.
  16. Quote from the log you posted- The docker isn’t seeing the openvpn directory. I would suggest deleting and installing a new one. The instructions for downloading the openvpn folder from PIA are in post number 2. That is the second post in this thread.
  17. The log shows that you don’t have an openvpn directory installed in appdata with the required ovpn, crt and pem files. Follow the instructions in post 2 to download the folder and just delete all the ovpn files except for Toronto. This is assuming you’re using PIA.
  18. If you have your endpoint set to Netherlands you’ll need to change it per instructions in post 2 of this thread. If not you’ll need to attach your supervisord.log file.
  19. Did you replace all 3 files? I ran into similar issues when I changed mine. Had to download a new openvpn package and use the new crt pem and ovpn files.
  20. I tried setting up a custom network a while back. Ran into the same issues. Never could get it to work.
  21. This isn’t really an answer to your question, but the location you are downloading to can also have some effect. I was able to boost my speeds slightly by downloading to a UD mount (outside the parity protected array). Since I copy completed downloads to my array I don’t really need parity protection for the download directory.
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