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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. And an extended smart test. That way you are reading every sector after the clear operation has written every sector.
  2. Since these are app issues (rather than container issues) it would probably be best to raise them on the Plex forum as well. Lot more experienced Plex users there.
  3. V2 seems to be working properly for me. Test worked as expected.? We'll see how the regular automated features do. One question. Using the wizard for initial setup, if I select “Already have a token” is it still necessary to enter plex user/password? Really doesn’t matter now but I wondered if I really needed both. Edit: Got to say I really love the new admin page. Very nicely done.
  4. So the /config and Container Port need to be different from V1? I’d like to continue using V1 while I play around with V2. Maybe something like Container Port=7878 /config= /mnt/cache/appdata/nowshowingV2?
  5. Forum search has been very hit and miss lately. Right now it doesn’t seem to be working at all (clicking the search icon does nothing). Maybe @limetech has disabled forum search?
  6. Well, if you can connect from the local network but not from outside the local network that would indicate a problem with your router configuration. Either you aren’t forwarding the port properly or your ISP is blocking it.
  7. Are you trying to connect from outside the LAN that the unRAID server is on?
  8. IIRC the default is admin@<IP>:58846 I know that’s what I’m using.
  9. Are you planning to add this to CA?
  10. I’ve had this same problem with other plugins (notifications). Have seen some discussion of this on Reddit. Seems to be a general issue with Deluge.
  11. You might have some luck in the plex forums. I haven't seen a list of previous version numbers but plex support might have one.
  12. @jbrodriguez Emailed you the zip file. Let me know if you need anything else.
  13. This update fixed issues I was having viewing user/docker settings in webUI. Thanks.
  14. Yes. UnRAID 6.5.0. ControlR (iOS) 4.0.0. The iOS app shows no dockers available. The unRAID plugin shows no users setup on my server (they are though).
  15. Not sure exactly what Support was added but wanted to let you know that dockers are still a no show.
  16. Some people use the plugin as a tool for stress testing drives before shucking/installation.
  17. Im getting “No Dockers are installed” when I try to access them via the Controlr app. Not exactly sure when this started. Possibly when I updated the OS to 6.5.0. controlr.log
  18. You can edit boot/config/plugins/fix.common.problems/ignoreList.json. Just delete the lines associated with those ignored warnings. Good idea to make a copy of the file first though, just in case. Tested this on my server and it worked.
  19. Wishful thinking. I bet you just get a bunch of questions about why the assistant is saying that Advanced Buttons isn’t compatible.
  20. As I said, Frank1940 posted a link to the script and patch above.
  21. This still works for now- http://lime-technology.com/wiki/Configuration_Tutorial#Preclear_Hard_Drives Just use the patch that @Frank1940 linked above.
  22. This forum thread is really intended to support the docker container. For issues with the app itself I would recommend posting in The Plex forums. It’s possible someone here may have some advice toward resolving your issue, but probably much more likely there.
  23. There is also a reddit forum where you might want to check. https://www.reddit.com/r/radarr/
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