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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Have you tried just using JoeL's script (or one of the others) from the command line? Another option would be the disk testing utilities provided by the various manufacturers since the "preclearing" is no longer really necessary.
  2. Google shows quite a bit of threads regarding profile location in the plex forums. They all seem to use the same location that your using (ie. Plex Media Server/Profiles). Perhaps location isn't the issue with yours. The plex forum is probably a better place to get this resolved though since this is really an issue with the app and not specific to this docker. Many more experienced Plex users their than on the unraid forum.
  3. +1 I often get extended lists of new episodes, all for the same series. Would be very nice to have an option to collapse this to a single listing in the email.
  4. It's not going to be exact. Mine will run on every 3rd day of the month. Yours will run on every 3rd day of the week. Either way you'll have some misses when the week/month changes.
  5. If you select "custom" and then "apply" you should be able to enter a cron schedule in the field provided. Probably need to select "apply" again.
  6. Perhaps you didn't enter the full version number (example- Another possibility is that the version you entered is no longer available, maybe.
  7. I've noticed that even though i have auto update plugin set to update dockers at 7 am i also have dockers updating at 3 am. Checked the system log and it shows that CA Auto Backup is running at 3 am. Does Auto Backup also update dockers? Just wondering if I really need both plugins running daily updates? brunnhilde-diagnostics-20180825-0837.zip
  8. To do that you just need to enter the FULL version number for the version variable in your docker configuration as described in the docker/GitHub readmes linked in the first post.
  9. Edit: Without more info from you it's going to be hard for anyone to determine the problem with your system. See this post for what is needed.
  10. Google Search phrase followed by "site: <IP of thread>" Not the easiest solution, but it works.
  11. If you want to revert to a previous version you’ll need the version number. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/40463-support-linuxserverio-plex-media-server/?do=findComment&comment=607587
  12. In appdata. appdata/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs
  13. I could probably see some advantage to preclearing if the drive was still under warranty, but since the warranty is voided I’d probably not worry about preclearing it. If there’s some problem you won’t be able to return it anyway. I would probably just let unRAID clear the drive and then run an extended smart test. If you still want to preclear the drive there are several scripts that can be run from a terminal window as well as a plugin which can run the scripts. AFAIK none of these are still being actively supported by their authors though, so use at your own risk. Preclear plugin preclear_disks.sh Faster preclear If you use one of the scripts you’ll need to go through the linked support threads to get the most recent script.
  14. Seems to be. Others have experienced this problem with Deluge and large numbers of torrents. rtorrentvpn seems to handle this better.
  15. It’s fairly easy. Go to Dockers tab and select the docker you want to edit. This is what the /data path in my Deluge docker looks like- This is an example of a standalone UD path. If you click the edit button you'll get this popup window- You just need to replace the host path with your new one and be sure access mode is set to RW/slave. You'll need to do this with Sonarr, Radarr and any other torrent dockers you use.
  16. You can already do this. One option would be to just install an SSD as cache drive in your unRAID server. Another would be to use Unassigned Devices plugin to mount an SSD that is not a part of the array and then edit the paths on your download docker, Sonarr docker, Radarr docker, etc to point to the UD mount. Once the downloads are complete Sonarr/Radarr can be set to move or copy the files to the array.
  17. I had restarted the server to clear the log before I figured out which log was causing the problem. It’s up to 800k after 3 days though, even after I changed to 20 seconds. Pretty easy to just delete the log when I get an FCP warning though now that I know which one.
  18. Noticed recently (with the help of FCP) that my log folder is filling rather quickly. Finally got a chance to investigate today and it looks like /var/log/ipmifan is creating the problem. Fan speeds and temps are being logged about every 10 seconds. This looks like it corresponds with the polling time I have set. Do I need to change the polling time? What should it be set to?
  19. Wouldn’t it be better if all notifications included the server name rather than just FCP? Or is it just FCP notifications that don’t ID the server?
  20. Expect is included in nerd tools.
  21. Are you saying that you can’t select /media/movies/ in your Plex Settings?
  22. Inside Plex the path would be /media. With your settings this will link to whatever is in /mnt/user/data on your server. edit: so your movies path would be something like /media/movies/ depending on how you named the movie folder.
  23. 2018-07-03 11:17:40.956054 [info] VPN_USER defined as 'redacted' 2018-07-03 11:17:41.034335 [info] VPN_PASS defined as 'redacted' You should change your user name and password right away. If you open the log file in a text editor before posting it you’ll be able to use the find command to locate these.
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