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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. I used this to set up the db for MrMC but don't I also need to set a user password in the docker? docker exec -it mariadb bash mysql -uroot -p CREATE USER ‘mrmc’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘mrmc’; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO ‘mrmc’; flush privileges; exit exit
  2. Thanks. Was wondering why I would set a password just to turn around and change it immediately afterwords. I’m guessing everything else is correct?
  3. I don’t have any experience really with mariadb and I’m a little confused by the instructions in dockerhub- Is this the correct process- 1. Install the docker with a MySQL root password variable defined in the template. 2. Run to change that password after the docker is running. 3. Delete the MySQL root password variable in the template and restart the docker. 4. Run the Kodi dB setup- Or have I totally misunderstood the instructions?😁
  4. Might shutdown the plex docker for a bit and maybe un-pin the others just to verify that it's really plex that's the cause. Running memtest overnight on your new memory couldn't hurt either, just to rule it out (if you haven't already). I've bought memory that was bad straight out of the box.
  5. AFP. TimeMachine backups via SMB is a feature scheduled for the version 6.7 release of unRAID. As far as I know, it doesn't matter. I use one share per Mac. Lets me limit the size of each backup. No. You should be able to just mount the share on your Mac and point TM at it. I am far from an expert, but it's my understanding that it is best to set an alternate location for Volume db path. I set up another share for this-
  6. I believe you will lose some functionality without the plugin running on unraid. This is not recommended. Unraid has very limited security and not intended to be exposed directly to the internet. A better solution would be to run an OpenVPN server on your network and access the unraid server that way.
  7. I have CA Backup configured to backup to a UD mounted network volume (daily) and send notifications for errors only. The network volume was offline for the past 3 days so no backups were performed but also no notifications were sent. Shouldn't a failed backup generate an error notification? I checked to be sure notifications are working after getting the network volume back online. Set notifications to "on completion" and ran a backup. Worked fine.
  8. IIRC it’s deluge/deluge. I know the default password is deluge. May be wrong about the default user.
  9. You probably have a blind spot right in front of your face like me.😁
  10. Just change it in the docker settings. Docker tab>select the docker>edit the key.
  11. There is a bit of discussion regarding this feature in page 1 of this thread.
  12. Your post shows that the startup failed because port 58946 is already in use. Is another docker using the same port?
  13. Thanks. That worked. It seems that connecting via IP is no longer working but enabling localhost brought back all the sensor readings. Not sure what happened to the IP connection? I think I was worried too much about the bios update and didn't realize that the BMC update was actually a downgrade. I have been running a Redfish version (beta I think) supplied by SM tech support a year or so ago (Redfish_X10_352) and the firmware listed on the website for my X10 is Redfish_X10_327. I should have spotted the problem, but didn't until after the install. Once the flash was complete I no longer had access to the IPMI webUI, which removed my ability to easily flash back to 352. After a little digging I found the AlUpdate package for Linux which works great from command line on unRAID. The IPMICFG package could probably flash the firmware as well.
  14. A couple of days ago I decided to update BMC firmware after updating bios. Long story short, it didn't go well but was finally able to restore the BMC firmware version that I started with. Now I notice that only HDD temps are working in the IPMI plugin, and only connecting locally when previously I was using a network connection. IPMI settings are all grayed out and I can't figure out how to make changes to them? EDIT: SuperMicro X10SLL-F motherboard.
  15. Since my old defect report was marked as deprecated after the forum change I am reposting it here. The defect does still exist. The linked thread has details of exactly what permissions are being applied when using these settings and connecting to a share from OS X.
  16. I would suggest the OpenVPN-AS docker from LSIO. @SpaceInvaderOne has made a great how-to video for the setup and installation.
  17. The unraid server. settings>network settings>dns server
  18. Sounds like maybe you’re using unRAID 6.6.4. There is a bug which prevents crontab from running. You’ll need to update to 6.6.5.
  19. Wondering if it’s possible to move this docker to another nic on my unRAID server? I often have problems with port congestion if I try to stream a video while torrents are seeding and have to pause the torrents to eliminate buffering on streaming videos. I feel like running Deluge on a seperate nic would possibly eliminate this problem. Tried to do this a while back but could never get it to work. A lot of changes to unRAID since then though so thought it might be worth a try again if anyone has any ideas on how to configure?
  20. Don’t think you will but I found this on the downloads page-
  21. Erase is used to securely delete (overwrite) any info on the disk. Prior to disposable for example.
  22. Ok. How do you know which one you’re downloading from CA? The only one I see says “Author: bergware”. Is the the alex r berg version or the bonienl version?🤔
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