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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Did you check the wiki article I linked? It has more info regarding setting/checking credentials.
  2. Actually, now that I checked mine, the default user name looks to be admin.
  3. It’s been a while, but I think this is correct as long as you haven’t changed the defaults (not positive about Username)- Hostname=IP of server Username=admin Password=deluge https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient#ClientSetup1
  4. You can run one instance of unRAID bare metal and one in a VM. https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.linuxserver.io/2015/12/14/creating-an-unraid-virtual-machine-to-run-on-an-unraid-host/amp/
  5. I use the extractor plugin in Deluge to handle this. I have mine set to unrar to a torrent named subfolder. Not sure if that's necessary but it's the setting I'm using. Every once in a while the unrar will fail and I'll have to do it from another computer but that's rare.😏 Once the unrar is complete I have Sonarr set to copy (but not delete) the file to my movie share for use by plex and kodi. I use the autoremoveplus plugin to remove torrents when certain criteria are met. You may not need it but it provides a little more flexibility for how long you seed torrents. Hope this is what you wanted.
  6. You could just set Sonarr to copy the files instead of moving them. Then delete the original when seeding is complete. That’s what I do with mine.
  7. This usually happens because of a difference in your container paths on the various dockers. Deluge is mapped to /data unless you changed it. That means that Sonarr, Radarr, etc must also have a /data mapping. If you post your docker run commands people can check your mappings. Be sure to redact passwords. How to retrieve docker run commond
  8. Change the password on your PIA account and see if it works. Letters and numbers should work I think.
  9. Well. That’s interesting.😎 Bet I’ll be updating my server later today.
  10. /data should have been the default predefined value in the docker template when you installed it. At least it used to be.
  11. You could try running docker safe new permissions tool and see if that helps. Tools>docker safe new perms. You can install it from the apps tab if you haven’t already. Edit: make sure it’s the docker safe version of the new permissions tool.
  12. Deluge has permissions configurations in its settings menu. You left those off right? No special permissions configured inside the app itself?
  13. /config will be whatever you have mapped in your docker template. Usually it’s /mnt/cache/appdata/<nameofdocker> but that is user configurable.
  14. Is there a chance that the password may have had special characters that might not be supported? At this point it might be easier just to nuke the docker and start over (if you haven’t already). Delete the docker and image. Delete the docker’s appdata folder. Re-install and configure from scratch. Just an idea. Someone else may have better advice.
  15. @BennyD You’ll want to change your vpn password that was in your post.
  16. From the instructions linked in the first post- Your password must be at least 4 letters. Edit: You can run mysqladmin -u root password <PASSWORD> to set a new password.
  17. Thanks. The discussion was regarding dB corruption due stopping/starting docker, but surely this can’t be very common or it would be happening to a large number of users. I’ll probably just leave it at default for now and see what happens.
  18. @Squid Saw a comment in the LSIO mariadb docker support thread that CA Appdata backup should be set to not stop that docker when running backup. I don't see this option in settings though? The only option I see is to exclude the appdata folder completely.
  19. I just got one of these delivered yesterday and glad I saw your post. Can you tell me how you did this? Did you just manually enter an IP on your computer in the 192.168.88.XX range?
  20. Curious how you do this without a serial port on the switch?
  21. Nevermind. Did a little research and IDENTIFIED BY sets the password.
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