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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Looks like it failed though. root@Brunnhilde:~# docker run -it tquinnelly/clamav -i 2019-06-15T16:16+0000 ClamAV scanning started Updating ClamAV scan DB ClamAV update process started at Sat Jun 15 16:16:00 2019 Downloading main.cvd [100%] main.cvd updated (version: 58, sigs: 4566249, f-level: 60, builder: sigmgr) Downloading daily.cvd [100%] daily.cvd updated (version: 25481, sigs: 1594709, f-level: 63, builder: raynman) Downloading bytecode.cvd [100%] bytecode.cvd updated (version: 328, sigs: 94, f-level: 63, builder: neo) Database updated (6161052 signatures) from database.clamav.net (IP: Freshclam updated the DB Scanning /scan /scan: No such file or directory WARNING: /scan: Can't access file ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Known viruses: 6151733 Engine version: 0.101.2 Scanned directories: 0 Scanned files: 0 Infected files: 0 Data scanned: 0.00 MB Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1) Time: 25.827 sec (0 m 25 s)
  2. Have you seen this- https://forums.unraid.net/topic/80279-video-guide-unraid-shares-in-depth-pt2-macos-smb-time-machine-backups/ Might be a good place to start. Maybe you missed something in the setup.
  3. Switch to the stable branch and update. Should show up then.
  4. By “latest” do you mean latest stable or do you mean latest release candidate?
  5. Nonsense. I insist that we should split it 50/50 the next time I win.😁
  6. Does this mean that if I install this plugin I’ll have a better chance of winning the lottery? 😏
  7. Might try posting in the Plex forums. Lots more Plex users there.
  8. The Plex app is using its own permissions I imagine. It will use them wherever it stores the files. You could choose to store them separately from your media folder though if they are causing problems there.
  9. You can select a different location for the folders in plex.
  10. There is a setting in Plex that creates transcoded versions of the videos. That is what is creating those folders. If you disable this feature in Plex it’ll stop creating the folders. Sorry, can’t remember exactly what it’s called. Did some digging. It's "optimized versions". You can select it in the various libraries and choose where the folder is created. "In folders with original items" is the default.
  11. The problem isn’t necessarily related to which disk you use, rather the path to the disk. Problems have been reported using /mnt/user/appdata/ and were solved using /mnt/diskX/appdata/ or /mnt/cache/appdata/ whichever is appropriate. You could probably easily test to see if this resolves your problem by changing appdata to use a single disk and moving all the files there.
  12. The dynamix schedules plugin. It’ll set a time for the preset schedules system wide.
  13. Does this include the new pause function for parity checks?
  14. The only other thing I ever had to do was reboot my server. Perhaps you might want to post details of the settings you used for the share and any SMB Extras you have configured. Screenshots should work.
  15. If you create the share and mount it on a Mac it will appear as an available destination in TM settings (same as AFP). It is only necessary to mount the share for the first backup.
  16. Glad you got it working. TM has some really convenient features, but sometimes it can really be a pain.
  17. I’m running 6.7. Don’t see any obvious problems with the plugin.
  18. Might try backing up to a different destination just to confirm that TM can complete a backup. Another option would be to exclude everything except photos or documents (just for example) and then gradually add more if those succeed. TM will sometimes choke on corrupted files.
  19. When I did this I had to create a script to recreate the recycle directory after it was emptied (deleted). Not sure if this is still necessary or not since that was quite a while back and there have been more than a few updates to the plugin.
  20. While you can physically connect two different subnets to the mac, It's my understanding that the mac isn't actually using both at the same time. This is a little outside my zone, so I may be wrong, but I believe that the mac will use the networks in the order that you have set in system prefs>networks.
  21. But your ReadyNAS is on the same subnet as the Mac right?
  22. That would need to be configured in the router.
  23. Updated from RC. Only issue so far is the delayed “Syncing—-Please Wait” message on install which has been reported with the past couple of RC’s.
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