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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. The log you posted contains your vpn password. You should change it. There are also warnings in the log regarding special characters in the password. Might want to stick with letters and numbers on the new one. Not sure if this is the cause of your problem but it’s a place to start.
  2. I set my extractor plugin to extract to completed with the create a sub folder option enabled. Radarr doesn’t have any trouble processing the file if it’s still in the completed path.
  3. I think your access mode should probably be read/write. RW/Slave is usually used for UD mounts.
  4. I’m sure I’m the only one who would screw that up.😁
  5. Eazzy Pezzy There wasn't any mention of shutting down the old docker before installing the new one, but it seemed like the safe thing to do. Don't know if it's necessary or not, but didn't want to find out.
  6. I set that up, but it doesn’t have a log file for my unRAID server. Maybe I just haven’t waited long enough?
  7. I wanted to be able to log from remote equipment (router) as well as unRAID server. Maybe I’m just not understanding how to do that in 6.7?
  8. I found a blog post describing setting up a syslog-ng docker since it looks like there isn’t one yet for unRAID. Not sure if this would work for the host though. Would a docker running on unRAID be able to monitor the unRAID logs?
  9. Updated RC3–>RC4. Everything went smoothly.
  10. Same process works on a Mac using Finder, if you don’t use a pc.
  11. Pausing and then resuming a parity check resets elapsed time to zero and I think it is also resetting the average speed as well. This skews the results when the check is completed and added to the history tab. Very Minor.
  12. @jbrodriguez Feature Request Looks like unRAID has added a “Pause” feature for parity checks. Would it be possible for you to include this in ControlR once 6.7 reaches stable release?
  13. FCP is generating an erroneous report regarding Now Showing V2 docker- Now Showing v1 was deprecated, not v2. Not sure if this is an error in a template by @ninthwalker or an error with FCP? This just started for me when I installed RC3 but I believe I saw a report in the docker's support thread about someone getting the same error in RC2. brunnhilde-diagnostics-20190209-1844.zip
  14. is your gateway. If your IP is and your netmask is then your network is as per the example that @strike linked.
  15. If you want it to automatically mount each time you login you’ll need to add it as a login item in system preferences. Here is the full process step-by-step. http://osxdaily.com/2012/05/04/automatically-connect-to-network-drive-mac-os-x/
  16. Right click it and select Eject. This will disconnect the share.
  17. Another option once you have this icon, right click the icon and select “make alias”. This will create a shortcut on your desktop to connect to the share if you don’t plan to keep it mounted all the time.
  18. You can also add the share to favorites in your connect to server window to speed up the connection process.
  19. If you have specified users in unRAID share settings then it will be the password associated with that user. If you have the share set as “public” in unRAID you can select “Guest” in the password prompt window.
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