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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Well then, I was correct. It was a mistake on my part.šŸ˜€ Thanks for the explanation. I know there isnā€™t much the plugin can do to correct the core functionality, and honestly, the stats for a running check have never been very accurate due to the speed changes across the disk itself (and Iā€™m sure many other factors).
  2. I know that originally if a check was paused the elapsed time would reset to zero after the check was resumed. I had assumed this would also effect the averaged speed, but that may be a mistake on my part, and possibly this has all been corrected already.
  3. Has the statistics report (time, speed, etc) been updated to carryover after a pause, or is it still just for the currently running check? Just trying to keep track of the changes.šŸ˜
  4. They need to be updated by whoever the 3rd party developer is for the plugin from python v2 to python v3. Of course anyone can update them and then submit a pull request on github. Quite a few Deluge plugins are still waiting for their individual developers to update them. You might want to check the github pages for those plugins. In some cases pull request are pending but havenā€™t been merged. I know this is true for AutoRemovePlus.
  5. You did use the ā€œEditā€ button to change the setting right. Not sure that it matters, but it might. Checking for conflicts as @Hoopster suggested is also a good idea. Also posting the run command so that others can see the full settings. Be sure to redact any user/password fields.
  6. Port mappings are configured in the docker configuration. Just go to the docker tab and click the unifi-controller link. This will open the configuration page and you can use the edit buttons to change the port mappings.
  7. Just include site:<addressofthread> in your google search.
  8. Grammar isnā€™t my strong suit. šŸ˜Š
  9. UnRAID will format the drive when you add it to the array. You will see a format button near the bottom of the main page. If you are replacing a failed disk that contains data, unRAID will also have to rebuild the data on the new disk.
  10. The preclear plugin sets a flag on the disk.
  11. Typically dockers will update to the most recent version of the app automatically. There isn't really any decision making involved. I'm sure @binhex can provide more specifics for this particular docker. You can downgrade back to deluge 1.3 using tags. Start reading here and scroll through the next several posts you'll see what version number to use in the tag. I also had to restore from backup after downgrading to get my torrents back.
  12. I wouldnā€™t expect too much regarding AFP. Apple has deprecated it in favor of APFS and LT has indicated they will likely do the same. SMB with Enhanced osX enabled has been working nicely for me in unRAID 6.7+.
  13. I'm trying to fix "write cache disabled on parity". Used the solution listed- https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-755621. I get this- Linux 4.19.56-Unraid. root@Brunnhilde:~# hdparm -W 1 /dev/sdc /dev/sdc: setting drive write-caching to 1 (on) write-caching = 0 (off) root@Brunnhilde:~# Looks like it didn't work. The drive is an 8TB HGST (HGST Ultrastar He8 HUH728080ALE600) sata drive connected to a sata port on my motherboard. Any other ideas for a fix?
  14. Has it made it out of the nightly builds and into the binhex Radarr docker yet?
  15. Always best practice to attach the full diagnostics.
  16. I understand completely. I was just thinking that many Deluge docker users might appreciate the delay. Maybe just setting auto to off is a better policy.
  17. Feature request: Plugin updates have a canary period, would it be possible to initiate this for docker updates as well?
  18. Sonarr, Radarr and most plugins arenā€™t compatible with the new version of Deluge (2.0). Your best bet might be to revert to 1.3 from backup until these authors have updated their plugins.
  19. Use CA Backup/Restore to backup your appdata.
  20. Disk Location isnā€™t currently compatible with 6.7.1.
  21. Looks like a patch for this issue has been merged in the Radarr develop branch. https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/pull/3577 Since this pull was based on a Sonarr pull hopefully both will make it into the dockers soon.
  22. When I initially upgraded to 2.0 there werenā€™t any issues at all (other than the compatibility problems with plugins, thin clients, etc). When I decided to downgrade back to 1.3 to get my plugins back I lost all my torrents and had to use restore to get them back. That restores the entire docker though (actually all my dockers) so I donā€™t think that will work if I lose my torrents when upgrading, as some people have reported. Just trying to be prepared when the time comes to upgrade again.
  23. I do have a backup and used it when downgrading back to 1.3 to restore my torrents. Itā€™s my guess though that I wonā€™t be able to restore in CA Backup if the backup is from 1.3 and Iā€™m restoring to 2.0. Maybe there is some way to restore just the torrent files from a backup?
  24. Is there any way to restore the torrents from within the app when this happens? I see several people have had this problem when installing the update too. Wondering how to fix it without downgrading back to 1.3.
  25. I was able to connect via the webUI, but since most of the indexers, plugins and thin clients arenā€™t v2 compatible I decided to revert back to 1.3.
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