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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Enter restricted tags in settings>indexers.
  2. I use Radarr or Sonarr for this. Also use a UD mounted disk for torrents rather than cache (let’s me use a higher capacity spinner).
  3. Time Machine will handle that. You’ll have to manually mount the share the first time probably, but after the first backup is complete you won’t have to worry about it.
  4. I haven’t tested this, but running “Update Library” should do it.
  5. Looks like this is a common problem with TimeMachine. Google shows many complaints about this error on various network destinations. It appears some people have been able to resolve it by coping an existing sparsebundle backup to the new destination. http://time machine the selected backup disk does not support the required capabilities
  6. Why don’t you post a screenshot of your share configuration.
  7. Are you sure that 2GB (2048MB) is a large enough volume for your backup? Mine is much larger. I use 1TB (1000000MB).
  8. In settings>SMB set enhanced OS X to yes and click apply.
  9. RC=Release Candidate (currently RC5) Installation Instructions
  10. It is currently available in the 6.7RC. These are mostly stable but you might not want to try them if your server is mission critical.
  11. Just wanted to confirm this is correct- remote france.privateinternetaccess.com 1198 client dev tun proto udp resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key cipher aes-128-gcm auth sha256 ncp-disable tls-client remote-cert-tls server auth-user-pass credentials.conf comp-lzo verb 1 crl-verify crl.rsa.2048.pem ca ca.rsa.2048.crt disable-occ
  12. Select the “Setting” box and the select “Apply”. Should change the “Actual”.
  13. This is great. My speeds weren't bad before, but now they have more than doubled. Thx.
  14. @jbrodriguez I know you’re waiting for 6.7 stable to make modifications. Just wanted to add another item in your radar. When trying to start, stop, access docker controls I get this-
  15. Should the Go file entry also be changed?
  16. It started with RC1. You should probably start a thread in general support.
  17. I notice that this script assumes that the syslog share is "cache only". Mine is located on the array with cache "No". Is there any reason why the share needs to be on cache, or is this just user's choice?
  18. If you select the “New Apps” category you don't even need to search. It’s right in the middle.
  19. I have been using a script to prevent the .Recycle.Bin folder from being deleted so that I could use it with a couple of dockers. echo "" > /mnt/user/Media/.Recycle.Bin/placeholder.txt Does this mean that I no longer need it?
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