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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Just to be sure you know, there is no necessity to preclear drives. Some people like to use this plugin to test new drives before installing them in their array, but UnRAID will clear new drives when they are added to the array.
  2. I never had any problem setting mine up. Mount the share on my Mac and select it in TM prefs. Same as when I used AFP.
  3. Really sounds like an issue with Deluge v2. The Deluge forum might be the best place to ask about this.
  4. That’s what I use. Paragon software sells the ext for Mac app for about $20 I believe. Was trying to give you a free alternative though.
  5. IIRC, exFAT should also work. You might want to test it though, just to be sure. Format it in unRAID, add some sort of test file, then hook the drive to your Mac and be sure you can read/write to the file.
  6. Safari should work from a Mac. I’ve never had any issues logging in to the webUI with it. I’m still using Deluge v1 though.
  7. Have you tried another browser? I know people have reported having problems entering the password with Firefox.
  8. The log might have some clues appdata/binhex-delugevpn/deluged.log. Also might try a different browser.
  9. How are you trying to access the app? I don’t remember the webUI ever asking me to change the password.
  10. Just from looking at that GitHub link, it appears that you are trying to use a python 2 plugin with the latest version of Deluge which uses python 3. This plugin (along with more than a few others) must be updated to python 3 before you can use it. You can use tagging in the docker configuration to roll back to a previous (python 2) version of Deluge if you want. The full tag doesn't show in the screenshot, but it's binhex/arch-delugevpn:1.3.15_18_ge050905b2-1-04 Edit: Some people have lost torrents when rolling back. Be sure you have a backup of the docker to restore from.
  11. It will link to whatever you have set for the host path.
  12. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-564345
  13. Can’t really offer any advice for that. Posting your docker run command might help to provide more info for someone else though.
  14. Whatever container path you set in the docker configuration should match exactly to what you use in Plex settings. If the container path is /transcode then you would enter /transcode for your transcode location in Plex. This will result in transcoding in whatever host directory you have configured in the docker. /mnt/user/transcode in your example.
  15. Settings>Fix Common Problems If you enable email notifications on your server they should also be listed there.
  16. I believe you can also still stop your Mac from creating these files. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techrepublic.com/google-amp/article/how-to-disable-the-creation-of-dsstore-files-for-mac-users-folders/ I don’t use this, so not sure if it still works with recent macOS’s.
  17. What version of Deluge are you running? I don’t believe the Windows thin client has been upgraded for compatibility with Deluge v2 yet.
  18. You could test with APFS, but I doubt unRAID supports that. Probably HFS+ is going to be your best bet. Paragon Software offers extFS for Mac which would also allow you to use EXT. I don’t think there is any sort of free version though.
  19. Are you running this at first array start?
  20. I was surprised to see that this script starts a parity check when you run it. Is this normal? Edit: Tried canceling the parity check, but it just restarted when the next test started.
  21. Use a version tag. See the instructions on GitHub and docker hub linked in the first post.
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