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Everything posted by strike

  1. Buy the molex to 6-pin adapter and some molex spitters and you're done?
  2. Thanks! I believe I tried this but it didn't work, can't remember what went wrong though. I'll try it again when I have time.
  3. Well, I'm creating a jail for repeat offenders and want to have logs for a whole year. So I want to change the rotation to monthly and have it delete any logs older than 13 months. Right now the settings are weekly rotation and I only have logs for 7 weeks.
  4. If I want to make changes to /etc/logrotate.d/fail2ban can I map that file to /config so it doesn't get overwritten on restart? I tried to add a volume mapping but I think I messed it up.. I also need to create a file in /etc/fail2ban but I think that folder is already mapped to /config so I should be able to just create the file in /config/fail2ban/ right? I've never really made any changes to files that are not mapped in the appdata dir in any containers before so I'm a bit lost here.
  5. takes more time to open up a web browser,punch in tower, then click on the terminal. winkey+r type in "ssh user@server" takes much less time
  6. Did you guys know that you don't need putty anymore in windows 10? You can just use the command line like in linux. Just open cmd and type "ssh user@server" If you use key-based login you just place the key in c:/Users/username/.ssh/
  7. I've just ordered a couple on ebay as I was looking for the same thing. The one I ordered supposedly works up to 150 ft. They were cheap though so I don't know about the quality. Will be great if they work though! But yeah I believe one of those would work better than a 20m usb cable with a booster. CAT 6 cables do carry the signal further that's for sure.
  8. Sure, if you're using LSIO's let's encrypt container which also has nginx you could just reverse proxy emby. All you need is either an own domain name or a free dynamic DNS service like duckdns. It's pretty easy to set up. Or you can also check out the new container by @Djoss nginx proxy manager which is supposed to be even easier to set up. If you're not comfortable with reverse proxy there is a way to set up just SSL with your LE certificate, but I couldn't tell you how to do it. I know I've seen it somewhere on google though.
  9. Hmm.. I still can't see anything wrong with that. No errors in the log either? It's a long shot, but the only thing I can think of is to remove the comment before geoip_country /config/geoip/GeoIPv6.dat; in your nginx.conf, restart the container and test again. It says in the guide you should put the geo ip part right after http { But then again I can't see why comments should affect that either, as I said a long shot. If all else fail you can try to put it in your proxy conf files instead of the default site config and see if that makes a difference.
  10. Anyone using ldap authentication here? Are there any security benefits from using ldap auth vs basic auth?
  11. Since you started from scratch, please post your nginx.conf and your default site config again.
  12. How are you testing to check if you get blocked or not? Remember you told it to ignore your LAN IP so you must test from outside your LAN. I can't see any obvious reason why it won't work.
  13. Try to move the geoIP part away from your main server block to after the location ~ \.php$ part in your default site config so it looks like this: Location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; } # LOCAL IP ALLOW GEO BLOCK if ($lan-ip = yes) { set $allowed_country yes; } # COUNTRY GEO BLOCK if ($allowed_country = no) { return 403; } Edit: And remember to restart the container
  14. You're probably missing something in your site config like the include syntax. Anyways, everything you want to know is in here: https://technicalramblings.com/blog/banning-with-http-auth-and-fail2ban/ He also has a guide on how to use geo IP database to block IP's based on contries which I think you should check out.
  15. I don't use sonarr, but in radarr you have to set the "base URL", I think you have to do the same in sonarr or else you'll be stuck at the loading screen.
  16. Several of your docker containers contains SQlite databases and what you're seeing is probably writes to a database/temp database. Depending on what "mode" your database is using these writes can cause heavy disk I/O. I had the same issue, then I started using the file activity plugin to see what could be causing this and I found that most of the writes were to a database or a database related file. Basically, there are two database files, the main database file and a second file called "rollback journal" or a "write-ahead log" file (WAL) I found that databases using the rollback journal caused heavy disk I/O. I think I had 30 million writes in 24 hours or something when I was testing. The container causing the most writes was the Ombi container in my case. I found a way to reduce the writes though. If your containers are using the rollback journal for their database you can choose between a few journal modes. I won't go into detail right now but I changed the mode to the "truncate" mode and was able to reduce the writes drastically. Right at this moment, I have 23 Million writes in 6 days. I still think that is a bit much so I will try to check out what I can do about my containers which are using the WAL mode (I know Radarr is using it). Maybe I can reduce the disk I/O even more. A few links: https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html#walindexformat https://www.sqlite.org/wal.html https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode
  17. The Netherlands was dropped from the port forwarding list, try one of the other supported endpoints. If you still have issues please enable debug logging in the container template, and post the complete supervisord.log file (be sure to redact your username/password first) located in your appdata folder.
  18. Are you securing your reverse proxy with basic auth? For some reason ombi doesn't like that. At least I cound't get it to work properly with basic auth, I got weird ui issues last time I tried.
  19. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46281-unraid-autovmbackup-automate-backup-of-virtual-machines-in-unraid-v04/
  20. There's no reason you can't run both containers simultaneously, you just need to check there are no conflicting ports and that you're not exceeding the number of vpn connections that are allowed. I've never used sabnzb so I don't know which ports it's using other than the privoxy port. Regarding privoxy if you want to use that, you only need to enable it on one of the containers as I mentioned. And it doesn't matter which one it is. Privoxy is just for routing other apps/web browsers through you vpn enabled connection. And there's really no need for 2 proxies. And from the FAQ: For sabnzb:
  21. This can happen if you haven't put a cap on your upload speed, and maybe have a crappy router. Torrenting is very taxing on the router as it opens hundreds of connections. The first thing you need to do is limit your upload speed in the torrent client to 80% of what your connection can handle. If you don't do this, symptoms like what you're seeing can happen. If you still have issues after doing that, it could mean that your router is having trouble with that many connections and you should limit this in the torrent client.
  22. Privoxy is running on port 8118. You'll need to remove the port mapping for that port on one of the containers. Or maybe it works if you just disable privoxy on one of them, I can't really remember. In any case, you only need privoxy running on one of the containers. If you still have issues please enable debug logging and post the complete supervisord.log file located in your appdata folder. And Tyler, (I'm just guessing that's your name) you should also change your PIA password asap. Mods will probably remove the screenshot as I reported your post. Edit: And if you're posting your log file be sure to remove your PIA username/password first.
  23. Not having an open incoming port and trying to download torrents on a private tracker has this "symptom". Or grabbing the torrent from "outside the vpn tunnel" on a private tracker, such as from your laptop which is not connected to the vpn tunnel and adding the torrent in delugevpn. Then the tracker sees the IP from the laptop and expects that same IP to show up when adding the torrent in delugevpn, but since deluge are connected to the vpn tunnel it sees a different IP and are not able to connect.
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