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Everything posted by testdasi

  1. I would suggest raising a bug report with Limetech, attaching all the details, including diagnostics for them to have a look.
  2. As always, Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file in your next post.
  3. As always, when you have the problem, go to Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file. (the diagnostics zip is critical in diagnosing issues)
  4. Assuming you haven't set up any RAID stuff with your 4 USB hard drives, try mounting one of the USB hard drive using the Unassigned Devices plugin and see if you can read the partition. Then you can do copy using the console command line / via ssh / docker.
  5. You are probably better off asking in the Duplicati forum (the one at https://forum.duplicati.com/).
  6. Start a new template and use Q35 machine type (with OVMF). You are better off sorting it out first to make sure your VM boots (to Windows installer) with a display. At the very least, you want to be able to see the Tiano Core screen at VM boot.
  7. Start with having the GPU passed through (note: remember to also include the HDMI audio device) to see if there's display. Default generic driver from the windows installer doesn't do error code 43. Error code 43 is a Nvidia driver thing. If no display THEN do Windows install in VNC. However, in this case, it's more likely due to a bad vbios (e.g. file downloaded from Techpowerup that doesn't match the device). In other words, if you do your pass through correctly on the host end (e.g. correct VM xml, correct vbios, stubbing etc.) then you should be able to install Windows with the GPU passed through. If it doesn't work at this stage then you need to focus on fixing the host config first. Once you have installed Windows + Nvidia driver and then you lose display (or can't install Nvidia driver to begin with) then it's likely error code 43 so you then deal with that.
  8. 1. Yes. Part of my manual offline backup is done like that (albeit automated using a 3rd party software and not manual drag-and-drop). 2. "Mac" files and "Windows" files on the array are the same thing to Unraid - they are just files. So as long as there's nothing stopping them from being detected by Windows (e.g. having . prefix will be shared in SMB with hidden attribute) then it makes no diff.
  9. Why? There are 2 Plex dockers (binhex and lsio) that work perfectly so why would you want to install Plex in a VM? I have had my server crashing if I edit a certain exact image in Photoshop but only with Precision Boost enabled. It's that level of specificity so what you described is a little bit hard to narrow down.
  10. You can test out pass-through by plugging your 2080 Ti to the current Unraid server and play with it. (hint 1: it has 4 devices that will all need to be passed through together + you will need a vbios rom so watch SpaceInvader One guide on youtube on vfio stubbing and vbios dumping). Given you have a dedicated GPU for Unraid, you should have a relatively smoother path passing through the 2080 Ti. (hint 2: get a Gigabyte motherboard - Gigabyte BIOS allows you to pick any of the 4 PCIe x16 slot for initial display i.e. what Unraid boots with - flexibility in terms of which GPU is plugged into which slot).
  11. Unraid docker is really just Linux docker integrated into the Unraid. So pretty much any advanced Linux distro would work but you will almost certainly have to set some stuff up manually. The beauty of Unraid is "stuff" is integrated tightly and #ItJustWorks
  12. SATA data cable: it's the narrower connector and connects to the drive to your motherboard. Your motherboard should have some included but you are likely to need more. The connectors can be straight or angled or low-profile but straight is the most common. They can be latched or without latch. Take care that if your connector has a latch, you have to release the latch before pulling the cable (or risk silly stuff happen). Latchless is completely fine but I only use latched connectors nowadays because they tend to lock stuff in place when I do cable management. The cable is usually flat but Silverstone makes ultra-thin one and there are some round cables too. You don't have to get expensive branded stuff. Cheap stuff (e.g. Startech brand) will be fine. I haven't had many failed SATA data cable but surprisingly the ones that failed came with the motherboards so go figure LOL. SATA power cable: that's the wider connector and connects drive to the PSU. Your PSU will come with SATA power cable. Usually it can power 3 or 4 drives per cable. Depending on the PSU, some will come with 2+ SATA power cables and some only 1. If you run out SATA power cable from the PSU then you can run the MOLEX power cable (also included with your PSU) and use MOLEX to SATA converter. The recommendation here is to use crimped connector and NOT molded connector. The latter was reported to have caught fire due to arcing. It's sometimes hard to tell so either you have someone giving you a specific recommendation or you can check review - some kind folks had checked and reported in the review. I remember there's a topic recently about that too but can't tell from the history so you may just need to do a quick search on the forum.
  13. There isn't a "fix". A "fix" for a niche problem that breaks other stuff that work isn't a fix - it's called a "regression" - so no, it's not dull to remove it. If you even bother to read the topic, there are workarounds albeit with limitations. If you can't work around the limitation then buy new hardware I guess. The 660p is dirt cheap for a reason.
  14. Don't get the A400. That's a (normal) TLC. You want 3D TLC or V-NAND. The "3D" part matters (i.e. the TLC bits are stacked vertically hence "V" for vertical).
  15. With regards to USB locking things up, have you checked (and double checked) that your Unraid USB stick isn't connected to the controller you are passing through? Next, have you checked if the USB controller can be reset? With regards to the GPU, how did you obtain the vbios file? Are you able to RDP into the VM to see if the Nvidia driver spits out error 43?
  16. First, go to you BIOS -> Advanced -> System Agent (SA) configuration -> Graphics Configuration -> select IGFX That should make Unraid boot with the iGPU so connect your monitor to the iGPU display output (doesn't matter which port) to verify and be 100% sure that your server is booting with the iGPU and not the GTX 1070. Next, watch SpaceInvader One guide on youtube on how to dump vbios and dump your own vbios (with any additional changes to the header as required). Do NOT download vbios from Techpowerup. Now use the vbios you just dumped in your VM template and hope it works. I would recommend start from a fresh Windows install if possible. Also if you run out of Trial and still can't get it working, you can ask LT nicely and they are usually understanding enough to give you an extension.
  17. Perhaps try mapping to /mnt/user/TV instead of /mnt/user (and make Sonarr changes accordingly). Nothing should have access to /mnt/user.
  18. The OP hasn't logged in since 2017 so you are unlikely to get a response. On your questions 1. Constant OC is a no. You can, however, rely on Intel / AMD certified automatic overclock aka boost clock. 2. Xeon does NOT require ECC. Some Xeon motherboards do. And even with ECC, there's buffered and unbuffered so make sure to check the manual. 3. For your case of 7 streams, are they 1080p streams or 4k streams? H264 or H265? 5820K should be able to handle 7+ 1080p H264 streams but probably not 7 1080p H265 streams. 7 4k streams, you are probably better off with Nvidia NVENC.
  19. Don't buy the license yet. Start with trial and set things up. If for some reasons you can't complete in 30 days, you can ask LT nicely and they are usually understanding enough to give you a trial extension.
  20. AFAIK, only Gigabyte motherboard allows you to pick a secondary GPU as Initial Display Output i.e. what Unraid boots with. It's a BIOS option, not an Unraid option. You have no choice but to swap the slot unfortunately.
  21. Hmmm... cooking is never advised in a PC case. 🤣
  22. The reason the CPU is cheaper is because it doesn't have integrated GPU. If the no-iGPU option is just a bit cheaper (need to include the cost of the GT 710 to the calculation), it's better to get CPU with iGPU. At the very least, it saves you a PCI x16 slot (e.g. for a future HBA SATA card). As I said, flexibility is paramount. Check if the CPU comes with a bundled cooler. Intel bundled cooler, while janky, is generally good enough if you don't overclock. If there's a bundled cooler then don't buy a 3rd party cooler until you have completed the build. It may just be good enough. The RAM should work. At worst, you simply run it at 2133MHz base speed but 2400 is generally something that doesn't require any special sauce to work. 512GB cache is generally enough, unless you are downing Linux iso at 50GB+ each or if you are doing write-intensive stuff. Just curious why you picked Gigabyte SSD though. Usually they are not the cheapest (in terms of price / GB). Whatever you pick, remember to make sure that it's 3D TLC (or V-NAND) and not QLC. Did you add the HDD to your build on pcpartpicker when doing the power estimate? The HDD's eat a lot of power. Don't buy the fans until you have the build done. The Fractal Design case fans are actually quite good and quiet.
  23. You have an RTX 2080 Ti. The RTX GPU has 4 devices that have to be passed through all together (the GPU + the HDMI soundcard + the USB devices). You can see all of them under device 68 (System Devices under Tools tab). The ACS Override only masks the issue by allowing you to pass through 1 of the 4 but you must do all 4 for it to work. I would suggest you watch SpaceInvader One guide on Youtube about vfio stubbing because you will need to stub the non-GPU devices for them to show up as "other PCIe devices" for you to select. Also recommend you to watch the SIO guide on vbios because you almost certainly will need it to avoid the infamous error code 43.
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