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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  2. Try these: Do you have any other browsers open to your server? Close all, clear browser cache, try again. Do you have any adblockers? Whitelist your server. Are you booting from a USB2 port? You should. Put flash in PC and let it checkdisk. While there make a backup. Try again.
  3. Yes I wasn't clear about that. Mover moves existing files (how could it move non-existing files?) depending on the Use cache setting. One word (no,yes,prefer,only) can't possibly give enough information to understand. The link I gave earlier even talks about these uses, describing them as "orphaned files". Maybe you were the one who first pointed that out, don't remember.
  4. I assume here you meant switching from cache-no to cache-yes. Arguably cache-yes and cache-prefer are both cache on. In what way does cache-yes not work as expected? It writes new files to cache and moves them to the array. Yes was the original use of cache. Its purpose was to speed up writes to the server by going to a disk that wasn't affected by parity writes, and then later moving to the parity-protected array. It is important to be aware that ALL user share settings are "the behavior going forward". Nothing is done to existing files.
  5. I don't know how you happened to choose the thread you posted in, but I have split this into its own thread. Unless you are seeking support for a specific plugin or docker that already has a support thread created for that purpose, it is best to start your own thread rather than "hijacking" the thread of another user. Even if your question seems similar, the details are often different, and it is better to let that other user have his thread. Lots of things in that syslog that seem to indicate a problem with your nvme cache. I'm not familiar with those messages but I don't think they are normal since I haven't noticed them in other diagnostics.
  6. Finally looked at your diagnostics and you were definitely having a flash problem. Post new diagnostics.
  7. I don't use this but did you create this folder on Unraid or within the container?
  8. Do you have backups of anything important and irreplaceable?
  9. On mobile now so can't look at Diagnostics yet. Could you be more specific about "transfer speeds"?
  10. Post your docker run command as explained at the first link in the Docker FAQ pinned near the top of the Docker Engine subforum.
  11. You should probably study this explanation of the Use cache settings and carefully consider how you have that set for each of your user shares. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/#comment-537383 Post diagnostics and we can give recommendations.
  12. That thread was already pretty old and was already marked solved, so not exactly a hijack. But problems that seem similar in some way often are different in the details. Except for support threads for specific dockers or plugins, it is usually better to start your own thread so we can deal with your problems separate from another user and their problem.
  13. Do you have a link to that? Maybe they meant a specific package in Nerd Pack could help in some way for some situations. Or maybe they were just clueless.
  14. You would also have to reboot to get the log space cleared out. If you were running atop that is a likely cause. Why were you running it? In fact, looking at your syslog it appears you have probably installed everything in Nerd Pack, just because you could, I guess. Don't install anything that you aren't using and that you might not even know what it is. I will have split this into a new thread so no need to start a new one.
  15. Cache Minimum Free is to keep you from overfilling cache. A larger cache will help of course but if you were overflowing 500G there are probably some things you might consider changing about how you are using cache. Post Diagnostics if you want further advice.
  16. I guess another possibility is you are not using this on Unraid but some other system, in which case you are on the wrong forum.
  17. Those are not mappings to user shares or indeed any actual storage. That path was created in RAM by your mapping. Have you read any of the Docker FAQ (pinned near the top of the Docker Engine subforum) or followed any guide to setting up a docker?
  18. Your BIOS is probably changing the boot when you plug the new disk in. Go to the BIOS and set it to boot from the Flash again.
  19. The "plugin" is not the driver, it is a custom build of the OS that includes the driver. I think this is explained pretty well in the beginning of this thread.
  20. On mobile now so haven't looked at Diagnostics. Sounds like a Flash problem. Are you booting from USB2 port? You should.
  21. The linked picture is of you trying to do something to a file that was probably created by one of your dockers. So
  22. No benefit to USB 3.2 for this and less likely to give problems if you boot from a USB2 port anyway.
  23. That isn't exactly what I meant. What I had in mind is copying over the network from a shared UD on the server to a user share or shared disk on the server. Not actually copying it to your PC and then back to your server. The PC would still be involved in between but would not actually store any of the data. 👍
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