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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Are you sure it is a DHCP address? Is it on the same subnet as the PC you are trying to access it with?
  2. Unraid does not support ZFS natively. There is a plugin for using ZFS on drives outside the array or cache pool. I have no experience with ZFS myself.
  3. Locking this thread. Bump the support thread instead of starting a new topic, especially since you already had posted in that other thread. You should not post the same thing in multiple threads. Makes it impossible to coordinate responses. I know it seems a moot point to you since you hadn't gotten any responses anyway. If anyone wants to respond, here is a link to his other post in the support thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/78060-support-linuxserverio-unifi-controller/?do=findComment&comment=812238
  4. Split Level has precedence over Minimum Free and Allocation Method, so it sounds like you didn't let it split anything to other disks. Maybe just need to split the next level.
  5. Your disk assignments are in config/super.dat. But if you know your disk assignments you can just reassign them as they were, so that file isn't critical. If you don't have the .cfg file for your user shares, then the user shares will still exist, because they are simply the top level folders on all disks. But without the .cfg file for a user share, it will have default settings and if you want something else you can make those settings, so those aren't critical either. Your docker templates might be the biggest pain to recreate, but again not critical. Most things in config folder are just text so you can look at them if you want. They correspond to settings in the webUI. Anything that you don't have will get default settings. Your license .key file is perhaps the most important. But not having any of these things will have no effect on your data. As long as you don't assign a data disk to a parity slot your data should be fine.
  6. You want appdata, domains, system shares all on cache. You can see how much of each drive each user share is using by going to Shares - User Shares and clicking Compute All. If you don't get a result after several minutes refresh the page.
  7. Your description is incomplete and unclear, to me at least. How are these getting written? What user share is it writing to? Is the folder 'tv' a subfolder in a user share, or is it a user share? Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post. That will let me get a closer look at the settings for your user shares.
  8. Which plex docker are you trying to use?
  9. Not entirely clear what you mean. Are you mounting it with the Unassigned Devices plugin? Or do you have it in the array somehow?
  10. I knew you had changed the settings. What I am still unsure about is whether the shares that should be on cache still have files on the array. Just changing a share to cache-only will not do anything about files for that share that are already on the array, and even changing it to cache-prefer may not get them moved to cache if they are open.
  11. Just now getting to look at your diagnostics, and I know you have made some changes to your shares use cache setting, but I doubt you have them set up correctly now. This is unlikely to be the reason for the crashes but I thought I would comment anyway. appdata, domains, and system shares should be cache-prefer until you get them all moved to cache, then you should set them to cache-only. But mover can't move open files, so Docker and VM services would have to be disabled before attempting to move them. And in your diagnostics each of those shares had files on the array. You had another share, probably Downloads, that was prefer and that was probably how you filled cache. People are often confused about the cache settings. Prefer means prefer to keep files on cache and if any are on the array move them to cache. That share should be cache-yes. All the other shares should be cache-yes also, at least until you get all their files moved to the array, then you can set them to cache-no if you want. That is just a basic guideline. Once you better understand how you intend to use cache you can set them as you see fit. See here for more details about the nuances of the use cache setting: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=537383 You can see how much of each disk each user share is using by going to Shares - User Shares and click on Compute... for the share, or just use the Compute All button at the bottom. If it hasn't produced any results after several minutes refresh the screen. Why are you using docker-compose instead of the Unraid webUI to manage your dockers? I know there are some things that can't be easily done without docker-compose, but if you manage your dockers at the command line there are some features of the Unraid webUI for managing dockers that won't apply.
  12. Parity has none of your data. Parity PLUS ALL remaining disks are required to calculate the data for a missing disk. Doesn't matter at all how large any of the disks are except none can be larger than parity. So single parity only allows one disk to be rebuilt. Dual parity allows 2. Here is the wiki on parity: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Overview#Parity-Protected_Array
  13. I have seen other reports of that. I think it had something to do with UEFI. I think the recommendation was to download memtest to another flash and boot it from that.
  14. sorry "@Newbie", but I don't see what I asked for anywhere in this thread. And the reason I asked for it to be attached to your NEXT post is so I wouldn't have to go looking for it in a previously edited post. But I did look and I still don't see it. All I see are a lot of syslogs. The diagnostics I am asking for includes syslog, but it also includes a lot of other information that gives a more complete understanding of your situation, such as SMART for all disks, the output of some simple commands, the settings you have made in the webUI, and other things.
  15. All you need is a good copy of the config folder from flash. That config folder is all that is required on a new install to get your configuration going again. You might try this manual method for preparing that flash then copy the config folder from your backup: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/85785-server-wont-boot-panic/?do=findComment&comment=795122
  16. Was that wall of text supposed to be a response to this request? In the Unraid webUI, click on Tools on the main menu, then click on Diagnostics. From that page, you can download the zipped Diagnostics file I am asking for. Attach that zip file to your NEXT post.
  17. Do you have a backup of flash?
  18. That sounds like you really don't understand Unraid. Unraid is an Operating System. If you are going to run Windows on the same machine then Windows will have to be a VM with Unraid as the host.
  19. Do memtest just to eliminate that as a possibility. You really should want to know your RAM is OK. Everything goes through memory, your data, the executable code, everything.
  20. Are you sure you don't have a power or cooling issue? Have you done memtest?
  21. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post. Then setup Syslog Server so you can save syslogs: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=781601
  22. That didn't actually answer any of my questions directly, and I still don't know. Is Windows a separate machine or not?
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