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Everything posted by trurl

  1. trurl

    factory reset

    Backup the config folder from your current install, then you can just make a new install and restore whatever you want from the config folder backup. You will want to keep the license .key file from the config folder, and your disk assignments are the super.dat file from the config folder. If you have your disks assigned then you will have all your files, but you will also still have all your shares, because the shares are just the top level folders on all disks. But if you have a new install, all those shares will have default settings.
  2. trurl

    factory reset

    Is this a trial license?
  3. Looks like you have installed WireGuard. That is what I meant by a VPN. Have you been able to get it setup and working? You have multiple disk problems, probably a controller or SAS cable issue. Also Jan 26 04:30:02 Geralt root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Same share (mkv) exists in a different case Jan 26 04:30:02 Geralt root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Same share (MKV) exists in a different case Jan 26 04:30:02 Geralt root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Same share (video) exists in a different case Jan 26 04:30:02 Geralt root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Same share (Video) exists in a different case Probably you have used different upper/lower case in your docker mappings and so accidentally created shares you didn't intend to have.
  4. Also, what version Unraid do you really have? 6.8.1 according to your diagnostics.
  5. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  6. Don't put your server on the internet. Use VPN Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=ethernet+to+wifi+adapter&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS805US805&oq=ethernet+to+wifi&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l3j69i60l3.3256j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  8. Why does your server think it's July?
  9. It would read parity PLUS ALL remaining disks and use the parity calculation to recreate the data for the rebuilt disk. All New Config does is allow you to assign any disks however you want, and then optionally (and by default) rebuild parity. The rebuild has already assigned the new disk to replace the old disk. You could make an argument for not having that unused disk in the array at all. Each additional disk is an additional point of failure. If you really wanted to you could go to the trouble to get all the data moved to a single disk, then you could New Config without the unused disk and rebuild parity. But simpler, less trouble, and less likely to cause problems to just keep the disk and keep using it with the data already on it. Parity always updates in realtime. For the rebuild, there is nothing to update since parity is already correct for the data being rebuilt (that is how the rebuild is able to be correct). It is possible, though, to continue to write to disks in the array during the rebuild, including the one being rebuilt, and parity would be updated for those writes. Parity check, whether you do it manually or on schedule, is just about checking (and optionally, correcting) parity. But parity is maintained all the time whether a check is done or not.
  10. Settings - Date and Time You should go ahead and enable NTP so it gets its time from the internet.
  11. What is the time on your server? Post the last line in your syslog.
  12. The appdata for each docker is where that application keeps its data. And that doesn't get deleted. In this particular case if you use a different (correct) path then it won't use the other appdata where the old settings are. And since those are in RAM they wouldn't survive reboot anyway. You seem completely lost on dockers in general. Best if you get where you can understand them and you will not have to get people to tell you how to set up each one. On mobile now so can't get you links, but take a look at the FAQs pinned near the top of General Support and Docker Engine subforums. Spaceinvaderone has a YouTube channel which might work for you also. I'll check back later when I get to my computer.
  13. Can you boot another computer using that flash drive? Can you boot that computer with another flash drive?
  14. yes why? no. It doesn't copy or move anything. Parity doesn't know or care about files. Each disk is just a bunch of bits. The rebuild itself doesn't actually copy or move anything for even that 1TB(a) disk. In fact, usually the original disk isn't even installed during the rebuild. Often the original disk doesn't even work. Its data is calculated from parity plus all remaining disks and written to the new disk. Once that has been done, it's finished and nothing is done with any other disks. If I am interpreting you correctly, then if you understood what I said above, the obvious answer is: And no parity rebuild is needed. Why would it? Parity was used to rebuild the data disks, so the data disks match parity. Here is the wiki on parity: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Overview#Parity-Protected_Array I wanted the diagnostics to see if I could understand what you had already done, but since you explained it, I didn't look at them. There are methods to get data from multiple smaller disks onto a single larger disk, but that is for the purpose of ending up with fewer disks and that doesn't sound like what you intend. Let me know if I can clarify anything.
  15. If all you get is a flashing cursor then it is definitely not booting from the flash drive.
  16. This is definitely wrong. As is that other mapping. /mnt/appdata is not a path to any disk or user share, so it is in RAM. I just pulled up the pihole template and those are not the default mappings for me. Try again from scratch. Take a look at where your plex is storing its appdata and I think you will see the difference.
  17. Syslog snippets are seldom sufficient. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  18. But unless you restore that complete config folder from your backup, you won't have any of your settings. You will have to set everything up again. And that config folder would have taken care of your disk assignments too. In fact, you could have even skipped the parity rebuild.
  19. You don't need those because they are in a new install and they don't change except with an upgrade. As I said, all you need is the complete config folder. Just prepare flash as a new install, copy the config folder from your backup to that new install, and you are good to go.
  20. Set Array status notification for every day. You would have gotten a new email every day that told you "Array Health FAIL"
  21. SMART for all disks looks fine. Do you know how to rebuild the disk to itself?
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