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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. @Voss may as start, since a while that direct connection to get satip (RUN_OPTS ...) is not needed anymore if you are on one of the latest firmwares on your fritz router, they started to officially support it. the tuners should come up automatically as long your tvheadend server is in host mode, may try that ahead. i had a 6490 before, started with RUN_OPTS, could dropped it in later firmware releases from fritz, currently on 6591 and waiting for dvb-c support, fw update from provider ... so cant cross test
  2. thanks to @derpuma who pointed me to voodooHDA to bypass now the issue and audio via hdmi is working without any changes needed to EFI etc ... works directly after installation and reboot. tested with a fresh install (without all my already done mods). so in case anyone has also no hdmi audio issue with nvidia 1030 on high sierra and cant find a solution ... may as hint thanks to @derpuma
  3. @tomas.lejdung which xteve container are you trying to route through this one ? in github u asked about my xteve_vpn container which wont work to route through another vpn container, just as note ... take a regular xteve one, use the --network ... like described in tutorials and it will work just nice, also through binhex vpn container.
  4. ok, after some reading and may taking a look what could be the reason(s) for no audio, here some things i tried in opencore configurator after changing to multifunction like @SpaceInvaderOne suggested. under Devices i added this device (was not there) under Kernel i enabled this Audio patch, was disabled before under UEFI i setted PlayChime to auto (was off before) and ticked AudioSupport of course rebooted after each step so now i am at the end what u unknown apple user could look for ;), under devices in macos overview there is still no audio device listed i also reinstalled the driver once, tested on hdmi and DP, but as there is not even a device listed i guess makes no sence to look for drivers or connections, even its listed as PCI device now ... but not as audio ... if somebody has another idea thanks ahead
  5. i left them all untouched AFTER i removed the old macinabox docker AND appdata folder ... and all is good, way easier then 1st approach, may also consider removing the user scripts so macinabox creates them for you
  6. you may should consider leaving them default, you know when you done u could just delete all that stuff die its needed for installing only ... by adjusting all kinda volumes etc there might be a small issue somewhere which stops you. also, you could start moving AFTER you done installing ...
  7. thanks, no idea why it worked "out of the box" in bigsur now i only need some audio
  8. i gave it a try, but either i end up with no sound or no picture i guess its due the busses are different then in your sample video here how it looks like by default when i add the gpu (video & audio) <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </source> <rom file='/mnt/vms/VM/bios/bios_1030.rom'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/> </source> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x05' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </hostdev> in your sample the busses are equal and the slots have to be adjusted, in my usecase the defaults are vice vers so i tried adjusting as sample by editing the bus but also no audio device found, i guess its by macos design mit a 10xx card ? <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev0'/> <rom file='/mnt/vms/VM/bios/bios_1030.rom'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev1'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/> </hostdev> if you think there is a solution, thanks ahead
  9. ok, i did now the overwrite and yes, the vm is still booting now after leaving only the vdisk from macos as disk, but its still not autostarting, nvm and thanks for the info.
  10. as the scripts didnt auto install in your case, may start by edit the helper scripts (in user scripts addon) by default there is no name in the script ... "Macinabox HighSierra" without quotes as sample
  11. when you followed the video in the 1st post step by step starting from removing "old" macinabox incl. old template, adjust new docker, start docker, wait a little until download is done, run vm ready script, edit vm helper script, start vm helper script, after notification start vm ... i would start from scratch and watch the tutorial video, very good explained, if you still broke i would look for an error where it didnt do what u expected, like what comes when u run the helper script
  12. i would say yes, but be aware of what you do here ... its also commented "when you change appdata, also change ..." and about user scripts too, just weird they didnt install in your case
  13. did you take a look inside the appdata folder from macinabox, here there is a copy of them inside
  14. may a last question, when u moved the files into the other partition, did you say overwrite or merge ? as there are files in there already ?
  15. then somehow my vm is wrecked since i transfered the EFI files, nvm, thanks for the infos anyway.
  16. ok, i tried now by adding the opencore and install images again, still cant boot anymore. so you say it works in your place, you did remove the 2 entries from the vm template and the vm boots fine directly ? in case u didnt remove the 2 entries and still have to hit enter to boot, then be careful to remove them ... my intention was a direct boot like bigsur as sample ... i give up now
  17. i will once i would get the macos to boot again, i tried to add the EFI stuff and wrecked it (again)
  18. GPU passthrough worked directly, edit vm, add gpu, add gpu audio, i also added the bios rom file run the helper script, restart done sadly i didnt get any audio device from nvidia now, i gave it another try again with the EFI files and ended up again the same after i moved the file and directory (merged it as there is one already with different subfolder), removed the 2 boot devices from template so only vmdisk is left, run the helper script, VM wont boot again anymore at all. Boot menu comes up, i select macos disc, restarts over to the boot menu ... so for now im frustrated with macos, wanted to try how it works with a gpu, i have to say its pretty snappy then ... so if you like macos, give it a try. as note, i used the command from @SpaceInvaderOne to install the webdriver, when i downloaded them and tryed manually to install them it always told me im on the wrong macos version (which wasnt the case), just no audio came up.
  19. may a question about EFI edit on high sierra (worked like described on bigsur) as i would like to test out with a gpu now and im on nvidia only. when i walk through the video, on minute 12 there is mounting the EFI partitions and copy over the files, but on high sierra im missing the target partition ... live with it and no way to autostart without the other partitions or is there a different way maybe ? thanks ahead
  20. @Rick Gillyon if its only the logging u can disable it by adding -q -I dummy --sout #std{mux=ts,access=file,dst=-} -q the error is only due there is no display connected to the docker and i force cvlc to work anyway and my best bet is rather your provider wants to block other clients, so may take a look at the xteve user agent settings sample line for xteve buffer (there is always a description) VLC/3.0.8 LibVLC/3.0.8
  21. its the vlc package coming from apk add vlc and im not experimenting now with others, does its job when used ... may a side question, why would you need a newer vlc ? as note, its the last option you should choose in terms of issues for remuxing ...
  22. @curtp and may to keep it cleaner and ppl can follow, you installed the plugin, now, did you also install a driver ? like libreelec, tbs, ... ? the plugin is just the base, then u install the driver, then if you see the the tuner its a matter if plex supports it or not, if plex supports it u can add it nativ there add a device like /dev/dvb to the plex docker u use if its not supported by plex but can be used in tvheadend, (also /dev/dvb ...) then u need a "bridge" like xteve which will be useable in plex as hdhr device ... tvheadend native in plex is not supported (yet). step 1, install a driver (i think TBS supports your xbox tuner) step 2, check plex if tuner is detected (after adding device to docker), as you can read at plex it should be supported ... rest you will figure yourself how to scan channels and use plex epg ps. double posting in forums is not a nice attitude
  23. either you want the usb tuner directly in plex if its working with the dvb plugin, then you are wrong here in tvheadend, or you want the usb tuner in tvheadend and then pass tvheadend to plex like using xteve therefore, may take a look if your tuner is recognized in tvheadend or plex depending now on your usecase. if not, may check at dvb plugin subforum if there is support for that tuner
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