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Everything posted by DZMM

  1. Lol I had to Google to double-check what you were asking! I just went with the default latest setting
  2. Problem solved. I joined the mineos forums and hexparrot, the mineos creator, has updated all his dockers: I just installed https://hub.docker.com/r/hexparrot/mineos-docker via CA and it worked perfectly - I just added another variable for USER_PASSWORD. I'd recommend switching to the official docker
  3. I just tried the forked docker and 1.12 doesn't work there either
  4. Thanks - I might try installing the fork and then importing backups from my current installation
  5. I've been successfully running a couple of minecraft servers for a couple of weeks now using the 1.11.2.jar file. I'm trying to upgrade to 1.12 but it's not working - I can add a new profile, but when I try to change a server to use the new profile it won't start - what am I doing wrong? Need help as got cranky kids now. I can't even get a new test server to start using the profile Thanks
  6. I sold my Quad HD card and switched to ta TBS and it was a very good move. Yes, it's more money but you have to put a price on your own time as well
  7. it's worth linking to this post from the first post. It took me a while to cobble together all this info and figure out why I needed this docker.
  8. works for me as works fine for me as long as I ensure all clients on the same version. Had problems last week when windows client seemed to mess up DB, so I'm sticking to just Android clients so I can ensure they are all running exactly the same version that I manually update every now and then
  9. No worries. I did some digging and I don't think it is, so I ended up creating another docker instance on another port for the 2nd profile for my kids
  10. is there a way to add additional user profiles? Thanks
  11. just read the post and it might not be all doom and gloom
  12. Bummer just as I was about to get my FTTP connection :-( It was bound to happen eventually as I can imagine how much usage Amazon have been seeing from mounted drives
  13. automatically Sonarr only downloads new stuff i.e. new files not new shows that are added to feeds/APIs etc. This is to avoid thousands of API calls constantly asking 'do you have this?', 'ok, now do you have this?' 'what about now....?' It only does a mass search if manually if you ask
  14. FYI If anyone is having with lag in the android builds of Kodi V17 the latest V18 alphas fix the problem. I just installed the 20170515 nightly and apart from a slight initial delay when changing to a few HD channels (acceptable as before couldn't watch at all), tvheadend works perfectly
  15. Never used btsync before.... very nice app, wish I'd come across it before. Now got my files in sync perfectly with my laptop which was a major problem - thanks for another great docker
  16. +1 from me as well please as I've failed so far getting this to work
  17. Good to know. I think I'll still wait until the full initial build has been done before adding other clients.
  18. Thanks. I focussed today on just getting mysql working by installing a kodi client going on my daily driver VM - figured this is as good as the headless version as my VM is on 24/7. I think my problems yesterday were with setting up the kodi database user. Using MySQL workbench was easy to do this (thanks for the advice Squid) as I just clicked on 'Users and privilidges' , added a new user account 'kodi/kodi', then clicked on 'Administrative Roles' and ticked the 'DBA' box to give that user full privilidges. My VM kodi installation is now populating the library. I think I jumped the gun earlier and added the mysql settings to one of my TV clients, but it seemed to crash the whole process, so I've started again and waiting until the VM has finished before adding more clients. I am a little bit worried though that it seemed a bit flaky with concurrent usage....we will see. I might still try and setup the headless client, as it'd be nice to have everything dockerised.
  19. ok, tried setting up a client following the instructions on the kodi site with the advancedsettings.xml they have: <advancedsettings> <videodatabase> <type>mysql</type> <host></host> <port>3306</port> <user>kodi</user> <pass></pass> </videodatabase> <musicdatabase> <type>mysql</type> <host></host> <port>3306</port> <user>kodi</user> <pass>/pass> </musicdatabase> <videolibrary> <importwatchedstate>true</importwatchedstate> <importresumepoint>true</importresumepoint> </videolibrary> </advancedsettings> Tried with and without password kodi inserted and no joy with files added to library. Giving up - thanks for trying anyway
  20. yep, that's what I saw. Still no joy. Latest attempt: - removed mariadb and reinstalled with no password - made no other changes to mariadb - removed password from advancedsettings.xml (also tried with password kodi just in case) Still getting websockets messages popping up and no media in kodi headless.
  21. I think this is where I'm getting confused. I've got Kodi-Headless running on my unraid machine which has an IP of - should I be be putting in the IP of one of my kodi clients e.g. my mi box 3 which has an IP of
  22. Still no joy. It's just whirring around saying 'Just a sec' with occassional messages popping up saying 'Attempting websocket reconnect' and then 'lost websocket connection'. Here's what I've done so far. 1. Installed Kodi Docker 2. Installed MariaDB 3. Ran the commands you listed above 4. Copied my sources.xml over to the userdata folder <sources> <programs> <default pathversion="1"></default> </programs> <video> <default pathversion="1"></default> <source> <name>tv shows</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://HIGHLANDER/media/tv shows/adults/</path> <path pathversion="1">smb://HIGHLANDER/media/tv shows/kids/</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> <source> <name>movies</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://HIGHLANDER/media/movies/library/adults/</path> <path pathversion="1">smb://HIGHLANDER/media/movies/library/kids/</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> </video> <music> <default pathversion="1"></default> <source> <name>music</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://HIGHLANDER/media/music/library/adults/</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> </music> <pictures> <default pathversion="1"></default> </pictures> <files> <default pathversion="1"></default> </files> </sources> 5. Filled in advancedsettings.xml <advancedsettings> <!-- ##################################################### # For more information on the settings available in # # this file, refer to the kodi wiki at # # http://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings.xml # ##################################################### --> <videodatabase> <type>mysql</type> <!-- don't change this value --> <host></host> <!-- change this to the IP address of your mysql/mariadb server --> <port>3306</port> <!-- change this to the port of your mysql/mariadb server --> <user>kodi</user> <!-- change this to the user for your database, not root --> <pass>PASSWORD</pass> <!-- change this to the password for your database --> </videodatabase> <musicdatabase> <type>mysql</type> <!-- don't change this value --> <host></host> <!-- change this to the IP address of your mysql/mariadb server --> <port>3306</port> <!-- change this to the port of your mysql/mariadb server --> <user>kodi</user> <!-- change this to the user for your database, not root --> <pass>PASSWORD</pass> <!-- change this to the password for your database --> </musicdatabase> <services> <devicename>KODI Server</devicename> <esallinterfaces>true</esallinterfaces> <!-- don't change this value --> <escontinuousdelay>25</escontinuousdelay> <esenabled>true</esenabled> <!-- don't change this value --> <esinitialdelay>750</esinitialdelay> <esmaxclients>20</esmaxclients> <esport>9777</esport> <!-- don't change this value --> <esportrange>10</esportrange> <upnpannounce>true</upnpannounce> <upnprenderer>false</upnprenderer> <upnpserver>true</upnpserver> <webserver>true</webserver> <!-- don't change this value --> <webserverpassword>kodi</webserverpassword> <webserverport>8080</webserverport> <!-- don't change this value --> <webserverusername>kodi</webserverusername> <webskin>webinterface.default</webskin> <zeroconf>true</zeroconf> </services> <videolibrary> <importresumepoint>true</importresumepoint> <!-- import previously exported resume point from .nfo files --> <importwatchedstate>true</importwatchedstate> <!-- import previously exported playdate and playcount from .nfo files --> <backgroundupdate>true</backgroundupdate> <dateadded>1</dateadded> <!-- 0 results in using the current datetime when adding a video; 1 (default) results in prefering to use the files mtime (if it's valid) and only using the file's ctime if the mtime isn't valid; 2 results in using the newer datetime of the file's mtime and ctime --> </videolibrary> <musiclibrary> <backgroundupdate>true</backgroundupdate> <!-- don't change this value --> </musiclibrary> <videoscanner> <ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors> <!-- Set to true to silently ignore errors while scanning videos. This prevents the error dialogue box, so you don't have to keep hitting "yes" to keep scanning.--> </videoscanner> <splash>false</splash> <bginfoloadermaxthreads>2</bginfoloadermaxthreads> <myvideos> <extractflags>false</extractflags> <extractthumb>false</extractthumb> </myvideos> <lookandfeel> <enablerssfeeds>false</enablerssfeeds> </lookandfeel> <audiooutput> <guisoundmode>0</guisoundmode> <ac3passthrough>false</ac3passthrough> <dtspassthrough>false</dtspassthrough> <multichannellpcm>false</multichannellpcm> <truehdpassthrough>false</truehdpassthrough> <dtshdpassthrough>false</dtshdpassthrough> <mode>2</mode> </audiooutput> <videoscreen> <vsync>2</vsync> </videoscreen> <input> <enablemouse>false</enablemouse> <remoteaskeyboard>false</remoteaskeyboard> </input> <general> <addonnotifications>false</addonnotifications> </general> <skinsettings> <setting type="bool" name="skin.confluence.FirstTimeRun">false</setting> </skinsettings> </advancedsettings>
  23. I'm having another go at setting up this docker, but I'm struggling as I can't find an E-2-E guide. I think I'm messing up the mariadb settings. I've entered a password in the docker settings, but how do I create a new non-root user and does that new user have the password setup in the docker? Thanks
  24. You don't do anything in deluge - if sonarr added the download it will move it if you've set sonarr up correctly https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Completed-Download-Handling
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