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Everything posted by DZMM

  1. Thanks - how do I change the permissions of adapters? Never done that before
  2. hmm not totally out of the woods yet. My wife just tried to watch tv and it wasn't working and I actually opened the docker (thought launching was enough) and the adapters aren't showing in TVH. I get from ls -la /dev/dvb/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 120 Oct 26 22:57 ./ drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4040 Oct 27 11:45 ../ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 120 Oct 26 22:57 adapter0/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 120 Oct 26 22:57 adapter1/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 120 Oct 26 22:57 adapter2/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 120 Oct 26 22:57 adapter3/ I'm guessing the 0 is bad? Do I need to reboot or is there another solution? I'm in the middle of a parity check so I can't do that for another 6 hours or so if that's the solution.
  3. That was it - with the card moving around, one of my VMs grabbed the TV card rather than a USB controller. Sorted - thanks. My wife just got back and she's probably missed a corrie/emerdale recording - hope she doesn't notice!
  4. nope - I've always been on the open source drivers with this TBS card I think (well, for a long time anyway) What happened today: machine kept crashing (turned out to be a loose SATA cable). During investigation thought TV card looked a bit too close to another card, so moved to diff slot to space out a bit more got confused with stubbing (you saw the other post). Moved card back to previous slot Removed new stubbing and rebooted docker wouldn't start - said docker doesn't exist (weird) removed and then reinstalled with same settings from App plugin get docker error
  5. I had this docker working fine and then after moving my tv card to another slot the docker stopped working. I've tried reinstalling, but I get this error: Command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="tvheadend" --net="br0" --ip="" -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PGID"="100" -e "PUID"="99" -e "TCP_PORT_9981"="9981" -e "TCP_PORT_9982"="9982" -e "TZ"="Europe/London" -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/tvheadend":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/tv_recordings/recordings/":"/recordings":rw -v "/mnt/user/tv_recordings/timeshift/":"/timeshift":rw --device=/dev/dvb/ linuxserver/tvheadend 65e25772644732cf830e16f1139416f68f07d59f10a773e6d63ea83f3b5676b9 /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: linux runtime spec devices: error gathering device information while adding custom device "/dev/dvb": lstat /dev/dvb: no such file or directory. The command failed. The card is detected by unraid dvb edition: Confused - help please! highlander-diagnostics-20171026-2155.zip
  6. Grrr. I moved the card to another slot and it ended up getting attached to a VM and I latched onto fixing the stubbing as the solution....... Thanks!
  7. Weird. I had to reboot for other reasons and after rebooting the device ID (and the description) for my tbs card changed. No biggie I thought, so I restubbed with the new ID. The card is stubbed, but it's not getting detected as a DVB adapter by unRAID. It also means TVheadend won't start if the --device=/dev/dvb command is included. Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks highlander-diagnostics-20171026-1942.zip
  8. Update: sorted. my new plex profile wasn't using pass as the streaming profile. @chvb help please! tvhproxy looks like it's connecting to TVH ok as it's picking up my channels, so I think the proxy-plex bit isn't working for me. I've taken screenshots so hopefully you can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
  9. I've setup TVHproxy and all seems correct as it picks up my tuner, epg etc. But when I try to watch a live show I get 'Playback Error Unable to tune channel' I tried doing a recording as well, but when I go to Recording Schedule to check it says ' Transcoder error' net to the recording. Do I need to setup a particular profile or change any settings in TVH other than creating a user for Plex to use like I have? Thanks
  10. It's working, but when mover is triggered I need to add turn TW off after mover has finished. I think: exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method"); turns TW off, but how do I put a delay in to (i) not do this until mover has finished or (ii) hardcode a 30 min delay. Have I used sleep correctly? #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP $moveAt = 85; # Adjust this value to suit (% cache drive full to move at) $runDuringCheck = true; # change to true to run mover during a parity check / rebuild $diskTotal = disk_total_space("/mnt/cache"); $diskFree = disk_free_space("/mnt/cache"); $percent = ($diskTotal - $diskFree) / $diskTotal * 100; if ( $percent > $moveAt ) { if ( ! $runDuringCheck ) { $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( $vars['mdResync'] ) { echo "Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover\n"; exec("logger Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover"); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method 1"); exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); sleep 1800; # trying to put a 30 min pause in exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method"); } } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method 1"); exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); sleep 1800; # trying to put a 30 min pause in exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method"); } } ?>
  11. For the rest of my LE enabled dockers I've set them up with my duckdns.org and then created a CNAME for my server.com address and all worked well e.g. server.com/plex --> server.duckdns.org/plex. But, I can't get nextcloud.server.com --> nextcloud.server.duckdns.org to work using the same CNAME method. I'm using the nextcloud.server.duckdns.org address so not all is lost, but I'd prefer to use nextcloud.server.com. Anyone cracked this?
  12. This works well for me - I use it to sync with Kodi https://github.com/trakt/Plex-Trakt-Scrobbler
  13. I just mapped shares in docker, and then used the external storage app to add them as 'Local' and to control which nextcloud users/groups got access - very easy solution
  14. Update: worked it out - bad day Confused - I've only been using nextcloud a few hours. I've just tried adding a /music mount, but where does it show up in nextcloud? When I click on 'files' I only see my personal folders, - I can't see the new share.
  15. I'm trying to use the External Storages App to add an unRAID share but I'm having no joy - help please? - SMB/CIFS - Auth: global credentials where I've stored my unraid username:pass - Host: unraid IP address. I've also tried my hostname Highlander - share: name of unraid share
  16. Thanks - is this correct? I'm not sure about the '1' at the end. #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP $moveAt = 85; # Adjust this value to suit (% cache drive full to move at) $runDuringCheck = true; # change to true to run mover during a parity check / rebuild $diskTotal = disk_total_space("/mnt/cache"); $diskFree = disk_free_space("/mnt/cache"); $percent = ($diskTotal - $diskFree) / $diskTotal * 100; if ( $percent > $moveAt ) { if ( ! $runDuringCheck ) { $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( $vars['mdResync'] ) { echo "Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover\n"; exec("logger Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover"); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method 1"); exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); } } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method 1"); exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); } } ?> I'm going to do this for my weekly overnight vm backup jobs as well to ensure they finish quickly.
  17. great script squid. Is there anyway I can combine your custom mover script with your turbo scripts, so that when the mover script kicks in turbo mode is activated and then turned off when mover finishes? Thanks
  18. I totally agree with this sentiment. I use my SSD cache mainly to reduce disk spin-ups and noise as my machine is about 1m away from where I work, rather than to get faster write speeds which don't really matter as they tend to be background activity. To avoid the issue of what frequency to use mover, I use this script to only run mover when my cache gets to 85% capacity i.e. for my 500GB cache mover doesn't run until it hits 425GB. The 85% limit has worked perfectly for me as the cache empties fast enough if its filling up with new files and files just stay on the cache otherwise. I tend to set my smaller shares like 'books' and personal shares on the cache as 'only' or 'prefer' and my larger shares like 'downloads' 'import' and 'media' as 'yes' as there isn't enough room on the cache to hold these for long. I'd recommend getting a cache pool if you haven't got one yet though if you go down this road or aren't flushing your cache regularly.
  19. Is it really that simple to get add-ons to work? You just copy the userdata and addon_data folders? I'll give this a go tonight
  20. If you manage to get this working I'd love to know how, so I can get trakt and artwork beef working. I'm currently running kodi on one of my VMs as I'm running Leia builds so sonarr etc can ping it and so trakt and artwork beef work. If I can get my add-ons working I can return to the headless version once v18 is supported
  21. I'm not sure if I'm using this plugin correctly. After installing the plugin does it work out of the box, or do I need to make the changes listed in the wiki? https://wiki.lime-technology.com/index.php?title=Improving_unRAID_Performance#Keep_directory_entries_cached Edit your go script to include the following line, near the bottom: /boot/cache_dirs -w This will go into effect on your next boot, and will cache all files and folders, with a scanning interval of between 1 and 10 seconds The cache_dirs command is commonly customized, for example like this: /boot/cache_dirs -d 5 -m 3 -M 5 -w confused
  22. I used to have this problem. What fixed it was letting only kodi handle the metadata - no .NFO file from radarr, CP etc in the movie folder and making sure folder names are just movie name (year). This also solved the problem I was having with movie years always being wrong e.g a 2010 movie coming up as 1923
  23. ok, I've joined the 8TB club!! First drive was DOA - powered up with unbelievably loud (scared me to death!) and then wasn't even visible in BIOS. 2nd drive worked perfectly - precleared in 33hours (1 pass): ############################################################################################################################ # # # unRAID Server Preclear of disk Z840QTHH # # Cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64. # # # # # # Step 1 of 5 - Pre-read verification: [4:16:13 @ 520 MB/s] SUCCESS # # Step 2 of 5 - Zeroing the disk: [14:36:35 @ 152 MB/s] SUCCESS # # Step 3 of 5 - Writing unRAID's Preclear signature: SUCCESS # # Step 4 of 5 - Verifying unRAID's Preclear signature: SUCCESS # # Step 5 of 5 - Post-Read verification: [14:30:05 @ 153 MB/s] SUCCESS # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ############################################################################################################################ # Cycle elapsed time: 33:23:08 | Total elapsed time: 33:23:09 # ############################################################################################################################ ############################################################################################################################ # # # S.M.A.R.T. Status default # # # # # # ATTRIBUTE INITIAL CYCLE 1 STATUS # # 5-Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 0 - # # 9-Power_On_Hours 0 33 Up 33 # # 183-Runtime_Bad_Block 0 0 - # # 184-End-to-End_Error 0 0 - # # 187-Reported_Uncorrect 0 0 - # # 190-Airflow_Temperature_Cel 29 39 Up 10 # # 197-Current_Pending_Sector 0 0 - # # 198-Offline_Uncorrectable 0 0 - # # 199-UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0 0 - # # # # # # # ############################################################################################################################ # SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED # ############################################################################################################################ --> ATTENTION: Please take a look into the SMART report above for drive health issues. --> RESULT: Preclear Finished Successfully!. root@Highlander:/usr/local/emhttp#
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