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Everything posted by DZMM

  1. I've just realised I have a solution for you. I do something similar already just the other way around. I have my appdata set to cache only, but I don't want my background plex transcodes (when syncing to cloud sync or to a device) to be on my cache drive as they can take up a lot of space e.g. a cloud sync run could create 1TB of files that would sit on my cache drive (too small) until uploaded. What I've done to fix this is create a new share called Plex Sync which is set to array only and created a bind mount from the offending appdata folder to the Plex Sync share on the array. This allows plex docker etc to access the files as though they are still stored in appdata on my cache drive, when in fact they are on my array in Plex Sync. mount --bind /mnt/user/plex_sync/ "/mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/Transcode/Sync+" I run this at the startup of the array via the user scripts plugin: #!/bin/bash mount --bind /mnt/user/plex_sync/ "/mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/Transcode/Sync+" If you flip this, you can do the same for your scenario: mount --bind /mnt/user/CACHE_ONLY_SHARE/ "/mnt/cache/appdata/DIRECTORY_ON_CACHE_I_DONT_WANT_MOVER_TO_MOVE i.e create a new 'virtual' share that is set to cache only and then link files from cache shares that you don't want the mover to move
  2. Thanks - I had to rollback to RC6 ad RC7 was a dud for me
  3. Thanks gridrunner - that helped me decide what to do. My 4 VMs are: VM1&2: Used by my young kids. They don't do much heavy duty, but their gaming is increasing. Probably could get away with less than 3 cores, but my overall CPU usage rarely goes >50%, so for now I'm indulging them VM3: My daily driver. Giving myself 4 cores because I'm a bloke, even though I probably don't need them VM4: pfsense. At the moment the CPU usage is also low, but might pick up as my linespeed goes up (hopefully soon as I'm on 19/1) I've adjusted my cores to: cpu 0 <===> cpu 14 . Unraid cpu 1 <===> cpu 15 . Emulator Pin for VMs cpu 2 <===> cpu 16 vm1 cpu 3 <===> cpu 17 vm1 cpu 4 <===> cpu 18 . vm1 cpu 5 <===> cpu 19 . vm2 cpu 6 <===> cpu 20 . vm2 cpu 7 <===> cpu 21 vm2 cpu 8 <===> cpu 22 . vm3 cpu 9 <===> cpu 23 . vm3 cpu 10 <===> cpu 24 .vm3 cpu 11 <===> cpu 25 vm3 cpu 12 <===> cpu 26 vm4 cpu 13 <===> cpu 27 vm4 I think you're right and I was taxing Core 0 too hard, so moving the emulators to another core will hopefully help. I've pinned all as the usage on core 1 never seems to max out, so I don't think there's a lot of overhead My docker usage can get high thanks to mainly Plex, but even when transcoding, unraid seems to intelligently spread the usage across a number of cores. It seems to touch the higher cores last, so that's why I've put VMs 3&4 on the higher cores. In the future I might pin dockers, but I honestly think unraid does a good job of spreading the load and I don't want to restrict it's options. I haven't really had a situation where a docker has impacted VM usage yet, although I do occasionally get a blip on video playback that could be down to sabnzbd activity - hopefully having two cores that aren't used by VMs will help unRAID better balance docker usage.
  4. Can I get a link to download the TBS Open Source 6.4RC6 build please - thanks! UPDATE: Found build links
  5. how do I turn debugging on for a docker? Never done that before. Thanks
  6. I'm trying to get this docker working with airvpn, but I can't access the webui. Help please Thanks in advance supervisord.log
  7. Thanks for the videos. Quick question re emulator pinning. I have a 14 core CPU and I have 4 VMs running pretty much 247 spread between 13 of the cores, with each one pinned to the first core (pinned 0, vm1 cores 1,2 vm2 3,4,5,6 vm3 7,8,9,10 vm4 11,12,13) In your video you suggest pinning all free cores. Do you think I should pin 0,3-13 for vm1, 0-2,7-13 for vm2 etc etc?
  8. The only unRAID specific issues are to make sure you have a nic you can passthrough - some useful info in this thread Other than that, create a freebsd VM with seabios not OVMF. Then just follow the standard pfsense setup instructions.
  9. I have permissions issues with any file I download - I have to run the docker safe permissions tool before I can move them to my target directories. Am I missing a setting somewhere? Thanks
  10. I'd tackle it differently and do it all in pfSense and forget using windows: - create a new queue e.g. qMyGames or qMyHigh - get the ports for overwatch https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/300479 and create a new alias GamingPorts or something similar (alias is better for adding more ports in the future) - then create a firewall rule and say that any traffic on the GamingPorts alias is assigned qACK/qMyGames for TCP or none/qMyGames for UDP - then for the qMyGames queue give it a high bandwidth allocation/priority For qLink - it doesn't really matter what you set as it only kicks in when it needs to shape Nova. Given that Nova is set at 1000Mbps and qInterent at 14, there's always 1000-14=986Mbps available for qLink. You only have to worry about qLink if you are lucky enough to have a gigabit internet connection or a very fast internet connection where you need to start worrying about starving your local traffic of bandwidth Edit: don't forget to make qMyGames a child of qInternet
  11. If you click on Root queue under Interface NOVA you can set this to your LAN speed. If pfsense was working perfectly all internet traffic would then go under qInternet and any 'on-net' traffic e.g. transfers between PCs should go into qLink. Unfortunately some of my internet traffic goes into qLink, but not a lot. qInternet is where you want to set your line speed What port is DCSP (??) on? What I did is the following: created a new queue say qDCSP (qNNTP in my example) so I could track my rule worked then created a firewall rule so that any traffic on destination port xx got tagged with that tag - in my example I created a new alias qNNTP_Ports for all NNTP ports (119, 563) In the advanced options set the queue for TCP traffic to qACK/qNNTP, qACK/qDCSP etc or none/qNNTP none/qDCSP for UDP traffic Hmm I'm not really sure what the bars mean. To be honest I don't think the stats here are 100% accurate e.g. sometimes it will show traffic way in excess of my linespeed That's the beauty of it for me. It's not 100% perfect, but once you've got the rules setup you'll really see the benefits as everything works without some services getting starved of bandwidth
  12. Fixed. I had a suspicion that my failed attempts to install 6.4RC2 were the problem, so I did a fresh 6.3.5 install again and all is ok now
  13. switch (category) { case 'network:': $("#MainCategory").hide(); $("#NetworkCategory,#NONE").show(); $("#network").prop("disabled",true); break; case 'MediaApp:': $("#MainCategory").hide(); $("#MediaAppCategory,#NONE").show(); $("#MediaApp").prop("disabled",true); break; case 'MediaServer:': $("#MainCategory").hide(); $("#MediaServerCategory,#NONE").show(); $("#MediaServer").prop("disabled",true); break; case 'tools:': $("#MainCategory").hide(); $("#ToolsCategory,#NONE").show(); $("#tools").prop("disabled",true); break; case '': $("#All").prop("disabled",true); $("#NetworkCategory,#MediaServerCategory,#MediaAppCategory,#NONE,#ToolsCategory").hide(); $("#MainCategory,#New").show(); break; case 'NONE': $("#NetworkCategory,#MediaServerCategory,#MediaAppCategory,#NONE,#ToolsCategory").hide(); $("#MainCategory").show(); break; } $('#BackToTop').hide(); if ( category != "NONE" ) { if ( category == "INITIALIZE" ) { category = "NONE"; var initialize = true; enableButtons(); $("#All").prop("disabled",true); $("#NetworkCategory,#MediaServerCategory,#MediaAppCategory,#NONE,#ToolsCategory,#Total1").hide(); $("#MainCategory,#New").show(); $(".allButtons").prop("disabled",false); } $("#Total").html("Searching... <img src='/plugins/community.applications/images/spinner2.gif' style='height:30px;width:30px'>"); if ( (category == "New") || (category == "All") ) { category = ""; } var sortOrder = getSortOrder(); var maxPerPage = getPerPage(); $.post(URL,{action:'get_content',category:category,newApp:newApp,sortOrder:sortOrder,windowWidth:windowWidth,maxPerPage:maxPerPage},function(data) { if (data) { $('#templates_content').html(data); readMore(); myCloseAlert(); setToolTip(); } description = "Recommended Applications: <font color='red'>"+description+"</font>"; $("#Category").html(description); $("#updateButton").prop("disabled",false); }); } $('#BackToTop').show(); $('.dockerSearch').hide(); setSortOrder(); } function mySearch(filter) { <!-- remove any html tags from the filter --> filter = filter.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''); $('#searchBox').val(filter); if ( $("#searchButton").hasClass('fa-search') ) { $('#searchButton').toggleClass('fa-search fa-remove'); } initDockerSearch(1); } function initDockerSearch() { $("#maxPerPage").prop("disabled",true); dockerSearch(1); $("#sortorder").attr("data-docker","searching docker"); $("#sortorder").attr("data-section",""); $("#sortorder").attr("data-selected_category",""); enableIcon("#categoryIcon,#subcategoryIcon",false); } function dockerSearch(pageNumber) { var filter = $('#searchBox').val(); var dockerURL = "https://registry.hub.docker.com/search?q=" + filter; $("#sortorder").attr("data-docker","searching docker"); $(".appButtons").prop("disabled",false); $("#AppStore").prop("disabled",true); $("#AppsOnly,#New,#UNCATEGORIZED,#All,#sortButtons").show(); enableIcon("#sortIcon",true); $(".dockerSearch,#templateSortButtons").hide(); $("#Total").html("Searching... <img src='/plugins/community.applications/images/spinner2.gif' style='height:30px;width:30px'>"); $("#Category").html("DockerHub Search Results For <font color='red'>"+filter+"</font> <span id='pageNumber'></span>"); var sortOrder = getSortOrder(); myAlert("Searching dockerHub", "Retrieving <strong><font color=red>"+filter+"</font></strong> page <strong><font color=red>"+pageNumber+"</font></strong>","/plugins/community.applications/images/spinner2.gif","40x40"); $.post(URL,{action:'search_dockerhub',filter:filter,page:pageNumber,sortOrder:sortOrder},function(data) { if (data) { $('#templates_content').html(data); readMore(); myCloseAlert(); setToolTip(); } }); } CA.html
  14. down at row 1060! <style> .searchSubmit{font-family:'FontAwesome';width:29px;height:26px;border:1px solid #dadada;border-radius:0px 4px 4px 0px;font-size:11px;position:relative;padding:0px 2px;background:#DADADA;border:none;cursor:pointer;} table#templates_list tbody td.topRow{border-top:1px solid #E8E8E8;} .back-to-top {background: none;margin: 0;position: fixed;bottom: 40px;right: 0;width: 50px;height: 50px;z-index: 100;display: none;text-decoration: none;color: #ffffff;} input.appButtons {margin:0px;} input.viewButton {margin:1px;} input.sortButton {margin:1px;} input.dirButton {margin:1px;} input.resourceSort {margin:1px;} input.resourceDir {margin:1px;} input.allButtons {margin:-1px;} </style> <p> <script> var URL = "/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php"; var monitorInterval; var last = $('input[name$="tabs"]').length; var VIEWSBACKUP = " ";
  15. Here you go: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of null at ca (dynamix.js:5) at ua (dynamix.js:5) at n.fn.init.append (dynamix.js:5) at n.fn.init.<anonymous> (dynamix.js:5) at K (dynamix.js:4) at n.fn.init.html (dynamix.js:5) at Object.success (Apps:1846) at i (dynamix.js:4) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (dynamix.js:4) at z (dynamix.js:6)
  16. Google Chrome - I've tried clearing the cache on two different machines and I've also rebooted unRAID Just tried Edge to rule out Chrome and same problem
  17. 6.3.5 and docker is enabled - I'm trying to add a new one I get this after running the command root 28473 0.0 0.0 9640 1840 pts/4 S+ 14:48 0:00 grep comm
  18. I'm getting stuck on the 'Updating Content, retrieving the latest application lists' - am I the only one?
  19. here are my docker settings. I changed the host port to 8444 as I have another docker on 8443 Remember username is mc with this docker
  20. you should tell the limeserver team so that they put you back on the dvb plugin list of links
  21. ahh I didn't bother doing the extra parameters as I was just going to see if the software worked - it installed tvsource fine once I added the actual cards. brilliant - good work
  22. Docker installed ok - tick Couldn't get TVSource to install though :-(
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