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Everything posted by DZMM

  1. I've created VLANs recently and assigned IPs to most of my dockers and sometimes a VLAN. I don't think CA should throw these up as errors e.g. beets running in bro.10 mode rather than bridge isn't an error:
  2. I'm sharing a neat way I've just simplified my traffic shaping. My pfSense setup is based on the guides I've posted here https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/61401-useful-pfsense-links/ which has allowed me to setup VLANs, and then I've assigned devices to VLANs eg. VL20_VPN: I've put my deluge, jackett, sonarr, radarr etc dockers here VL30_CLRNET: I've put nzbget docker here, as I don't see the point of wasting 'power' sendign through the VPN when it's already encrypted VL50_Priority: my STBs, PCs, Laptops, Phones etc are on here For each of my VLANs I have a set of firewall rules that look like this: As you can see I have a rule allowing traffic out to the WAN. To shape this connection (remember you have to shape as traffic leaves not arrives) I've added a tag VL20_queue to the rule in advanced options: Then I've created two floating rules to assign TCP and UDP traffic to the relevant queue using the tags:
  3. Result! I've just picked up an Asus X99-E WS/USB 3.1 motherboard on eBay for less than what I should be able to sell my X99-A-II for!! It was a replacement board which is good as it's 'new' - and I've managed to get an IO guard for it. This will solve all the problems I've been struggling with on my current mobo: An extra PCIe slot so I don't have to sacrifice my pfSense VM to add a sata/sas card to add more drives. 7 in total for x16/x8/x8/x8/x8/x8/x8 2 more onboard SATA ports fro 12 in total to delay the need to upgrade, plus 2 eSATAs I could potentially use. 2 USB 3.1 controllers I can passthrough to VMs, which will solve the fact my webcam doesn't work at the moment - it only works when the sole USB controller is passed through, which I can't as on my current motherboard you lose the USB3.1 controller if you run the last PCIe slot at x4 An extra nic I'm hoping I can passthrough to pfSense as I'll be getting gigabit internet next year so at times my LAN might need more than 1Gbps throughput Extra fan header so I can better control my fan speeds It's the mobo I really wanted, but couldn't justify it at the time for the cost and because I thought it needed a bigger case. However, I found a build https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/b/ttZ8TW where it fit in an R5 case, so I'm very happy!
  4. My installation is working now without changing the version, so I think the docker must have updated (although my docker is now behind a VPN rather than using privoxy)
  5. But, if turbo mode is on the chances of there being no activity is low i.e. the drives never spin down e.g. a kodi client decides to check if there's new files, radarr/sonarr/headphones etc moves a file, nzbget/deluge downloading etc etc. Maybe it's my setup and level of server activity, but I just can't get this plugin to spin down my drives once turbo is on.
  6. My indexers that need my privoxy proxy are no longer working. I've checked the proxy with a browser and it's working, but the indexers are failing tests. Has something changed? Thanks
  7. This tool will allow you to move the playlists https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/120292/moviefans-database-tool-for-plex
  8. has anyone got this working with letsencrypt? I'd rather enable remote access this way rather than open a port. A VPN works for me, but not for other users in my family. Thanks
  9. the webplayer works, but nothing else - both on my LAN and via remote access. Yes, when I changed the IP I changed the port forward IP in my router. Update: changing docker back to host doesn't help either. If doesn't work on my LAN so this shouldn't be a remote access problem Update 2: Found the problem and it's a stupid bug in plex. In the remote access section you can set upload speed and max remote stream bitrate: if I put upload speed to my true upload speed it limits my LAN streams not just my remote streams - duh. So, I have to set high so my LAN streams work ok and I have to remember to set my remote devices to low streams manually If my upload speed is set low e.g. 1Mbps and my remote stream as well, nothing plays.... To fix I've out upload at 1000Mbps and original for remote stream bitrate and it works.
  10. My clients can no longer play files - Fire TV, Android TV and Nexus 6P. They connect to the server, but I get the error message even on my local network: "playback has stopped because the connection to the Plex Media Server has been host. Please ensure the server is available and retry" Anyone else having this problem? The only change I can think of my end is I switched to assigning an IP address for the docker. I'm currently trying to switch back to see if that helps, but it's taking an eternity to restart
  11. I'm curious. I'm running home-assistant by adding the docker that comes up when you search in CA: What's the difference between that version and this one? Thanks
  12. I've followed the video guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I58LTMKyeYw and I can connect to my server from my VPN server The problem I'm having is I've moved my dockers to other IPs e.g. doe nzbget and I can't connect to them via the VPN? Do I need to assign an IP for the VPN server e.g. as well? Would this mean though that I won't be able to connect to my unraid server on Or, is there another solution? Thanks
  13. has anyone cracked deleting old backups automatically? I'm tempted to add at the start of the script: #!/bin/bash rm -rf /mnt/user/backup/vmbackup/ #################################################################### # # # WARNING - PLEASE CONSIDER THIS A WORK IN PROGRESS. I HAVE TESTED # # IT ON MY SERVER AND THERE WAS NO ISSUE BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN IN # to delete my backup folder before new backups are created, but I'm wondering if there's a better solution?
  14. Makes sense. Ill have to setup a bind mount though as there isn't enough space on my cache pool to hold my VM backups. Thanks
  15. I get this error as well: /root/mdcmd: line 11: echo: write error: Invalid argument after every test. Should I be worried or is this normal? Thanks
  16. This just got me thinking. I've been looking for a way to automate my VM backups At the moment I have to manually delete the old backups as they start taking up a lot of space after a while. If I use your plugin to run my VM backup script at Stop and set the VM backup location as backup/Community_Applications_Appdata_Backup/VM_backup would the following occur when the dated sub folders option is off? CA_backup runs and deletes old files in backup/Community_Applications_Appdata_Backup/ including old files in backup/Community_Applications_Appdata_Backup/VM_backup appdata backup job runs and stores backup in backup/Community_Applications_Appdata_Backup/ and when finished starts my vm backup script vm backup script recreates vm backups in backup/Community_Applications_Appdata_Backup/VM_backup CA_backup finishes until next scheduled run If so, then I'll be a very happy bunny as I can do all my backups in one go and only have one instance that manually refreshes!
  17. Ahh mine was stuck on checking updated builds - reinstalled and all ok now
  18. @CHBMB is the plugin version of rc10b out? It's not coming up in my available plugin updates
  19. I'm not sure what's happening. At first I thought maybe polling every second isn't giving unRAID enough time to spin down the disks i.e. the disks spinning down takes >1 second, so while the disks are spinning down, your plugin is sending a 'spin up'/'turbo' command every second. So, I tried extending the polling to 15 seconds, but it still doesn't behave properly i.e. there are periods I know where only disk 3 is being accessed, yet the disks are all spun up. What I've done for now is just schedule turbo mode overnight when I'm typically not at the PC working - that way I can have silent running during the day and faster writes if necessary overnight, when I tend to remotely access the server so noise isn't important.
  20. Thanks I'll stick to crontab-generator.org as that's the format it created.
  21. I've cut my syslog down to show where I had to hit 'spin down' twice to turn off turbo mode. As you can see I hit spin down twice within 16 seconds, so there's no way 4 drives suddenly became inactive and I know for certain only disk 3 was active at the time as that's how I've got my shares setup to try and only have this drive spinning during the day (other disks contain old downloads/movies/tv shows and new stuff goes to cache/disk 3 before being added to libraries) BTW is there something wrong with my cron job: 0 0 2 ? * MON * as the logs are showing this error: Oct 29 12:10:01 Highlander crond[2957]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * MON * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php enable 90 > /dev/null 2>&1 I created it at cronmaker.com to run every Monday at 2am (when my vm backups run) edited syslog.txt
  22. The only way I seem to be able to get my drives to switch back to normal mode is to set my polling to 1 second. Even 10 seconds doesn't switching back to normal if I manually try and force them to spin down- they just spin right back up, even when I know there's no activity on most of the drives. Is 1 second still safe to use? If so, I'm loving this plugin as even though most of my writes occur in the background it's still nice knowing they are completing as fast as possible when appropriate, as well as my drives spinning down afterwards for maximum noise reduction.
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