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Everything posted by DZMM

  1. In the last couple of weeks I've moved the old Fire TV gen1s that are on the secondary TVs in the bedrooms back to Plex away from Kodi, as either my Kodi database was getting too big or the infrequent use meant they were too 'laggy' trying to update database, thumbnails etc whenever they were turned on. Plex is working well there. For the TVs downstairs where I need passthrough support, Kodi is much better - audio problems I was having with Plex for years is what drove me back to Kodi after being away for 12 years. I also have family using my remote Plex and a few friends. I tried TVHProxy last month and wasn't keen on the lack of guide for liveTV. What I've done for my FireTVs is install SPMC alongside Plex just for live TV. To be honest, my family doesn't watch much live TV upstairs so they haven't even noticed yet - upstairs is where all my old kit has ended up after upgrading the real TVs downstairs. I've recently turned off my pfsense VM as I'll need the last pcie slot next month when my server hits its current capacity, so I thought I might as well move early. I'm struggling to justify paying £300 for a dedicated box (and associated running & support costs) for effectively squid and a bit more firewall control as I've met my VPN needs with dockers+privoxy and VPN clients for the occasional times I want to connect a PC or a Kodi box; I can do ad blocking via my browsers, I traffic manage by scheduling my download clients as even with a slow connection (19/1) we have enough bandwidth etc etc. As a VM it was a no-brainer as the nic card only cost my £60, but £300 is a bit much. What's the spec of your pfsense box? If I can find a cheaper way to build a pfsense box e.g. cheaper hardware or 2nd hand kit as I can do my heavy VPN traffic through dockers, then I might build one. I've ditched the idea of changing my mobo to get more slots for future storage and space for my nic as I've got space on my mobo for 1 more drive, I can add another 4 internally and 4 externally - 9 more data drives on top of my current 5 should be more than enough! So, if I'm going to return to pfsense it'll have to be via a dedicated box
  2. grr I removed my pfsense VM last week and went back to my ISPs router, so this is why I can't connect anymore. It works in a VPN so it's definitely my router - will contact my ISP. Thanks
  3. It just gets stuck saying 'sending request' at the bottom of my chrome tab with nothing seeming to happen Edit: Timed out eventually This site can’t be reached The webpage at ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz/data/fullexport/20171007-001758/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
  4. all my three folders are empty - dbase, import and redis
  5. it's not downloading anything. When it does work I know it's best to leave it alone to download the database - I know this because after a couple of days (I'm assuming when it's doing an update) it usually starts generating errors. Normally I just do a fresh install and it works, but this time for over a week I haven't been able to get it to install. Here's a fresh log from an install until the error: ErrorWarningSystemArrayLogin [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0. [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0. [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes... [fix-attrs.d] done. [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts... [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing... ------------------------------------- _ _ _ | |___| (_) ___ | / __| | |/ _ \ | \__ \ | | (_) | |_|___/ |_|\___/ |_| Brought to you by linuxserver.io We gratefully accept donations at: https://www.linuxserver.io/donations/ ------------------------------------- GID/UID ------------------------------------- User uid: 99 User gid: 100 ------------------------------------- [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: executing... [cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: executing... [cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: exited 56. [cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: executing... fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git [15:11:25] Using gulpfile /app/musicbrainz/gulpfile.js [15:11:25] Starting 'default'... [15:11:48] Finished 'default' after 22 s [cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 40-config: executing... [cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0. [cont-init.d] done. [services.d] starting services [services.d] done. postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory Luckily, for once the main MB server seems to working very well with headphones so not having my own installation hasn't been too much of a problem!
  6. thanks - will try that to see if I get more stability. I still had problems when I used a separate share, but maybe those issues are resolved now
  7. Yes. I used to have a musicbrainz cache only share that I used, but I went this way in the hope that my appdata backups would speed up restoration
  8. yes, my /data is mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/musicbrainz/database
  9. The docker safe permissions tool now and then, not the the other one.
  10. my tuner isn't supported yet, but I'll have a play with it if support is added as the DVR is better than Kodi where you just get the 'guide' and no recommendations etc
  11. My installation has gone again. This normally happens once a week or so and I'd just reinstall, but now i'm getting a constant error: FATAL: data directory "/data/dbase" has group or world access DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700). LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/data/dbase/postgresql.auto.conf"
  12. Downloading to my cache is nice from a noise perspective (assuming the mover is working when I'm AFK), but I download direct to my array as they have to go there anyway and to reduce wear on my SSD. When I'm lucky enough to have a broadband connection that means I need my SSD speeds for downloads, I'll happily do this! Any drive I buy now will definitely be 8TB and upwards - last year I was buying 6TB drives. Part of my upgrade planning is replacing my older drives as they fail with larget capacities e.g. the 2TB I've had for over 6 years, so it's probably going to die one day soon. I can get one more HDD in without removing any current drives, and I've got space for 5 more in the case if I put a 3x3.5" enclosure into the 2x5.25" bays and a PCIe Sata card taking me up to 62TB with 8TB drives. If I need more storage beyond that, the plan is get an eSATA card for 4 external drives taking me up to 94TB from without replacing the smaller drives, so that'll keep me going for a few more years! I might give this another look, as the SQL setup does take a bit of effort. It might confuse my family a bit though having to switch between an addon and going back to Kodi for live TV - if it wasn't for the Kodi PVR, I'd probably just move them onto Plex as I agree it's a lot easier to manage and I do this with my FireTVs gen 1s that are too low-powered to work with Kodi properly
  13. I'm been using the docker for a while, but it seems to have stopped modifying my music files. I've done a fresh install and it's still not renaming files e.g. when I run: docker exec -it beets /bin/bash -c 'beet import /music_library' it will find a song: and say it's going to rename it to: Which is what I want. But it never actually modifies the file. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance. plugins: fetchart embedart convert scrub replaygain lastgenre chroma web ftintitle lyrics duplicates missing fromfilename directory: /music_library library: /config/musiclibrary.blb art_filename: albumart threaded: yes original_date: no per_disc_numbering: no musicbrainz: host: ratelimit: 100 ftintitle: auto: yes lyrics: fallback: '' force: yes convert: auto: no ffmpeg: /usr/bin/ffmpeg opts: -ab 320k -ac 2 -ar 48000 max_bitrate: 320 threads: 1 paths: default: $albumartist/$album%aunique{}/$track - $title singleton: Non-Album/$artist - $title comp: Compilations/$album%aunique{}/$track - $title albumtype_soundtrack: Soundtracks/$album/$track $title import: write: yes copy: no move: yes resume: ask incremental: no quiet_fallback: skip autotag: yes timid: no log: /config/beet.log lastgenre: auto: yes source: album canonical: yes canoncical: /config/genres-tree.yaml fallback: unknown whitelist: /config/genres.txt embedart: auto: yes fetchart: auto: yes replaygain: auto: yes scrub: auto: yes replace: '^\.': _ '[\x00-\x1f]': _ '[<>:"\?\*\|]': _ '[\xE8-\xEB]': e '[\xEC-\xEF]': i '[\xE2-\xE6]': a '[\xF2-\xF6]': o '[\xF8]': o '\.$': _ '\s+$': '' web: host: port: 8337
  14. Or if a device is underpowered - I've just switched my 1st gen fire TVs over to Plex from Kodi, as they were getting just too slow. I don't know if it was Amazon bloat or my Kodi database getting too big. Happy I made the switch as I wasting too much time trying to debug
  15. Don't think so - just double-check all the ports match
  16. thx. 443 is already open and forwarded to my server so that's not it. I'll ping airvpn as I've been having DNS problems with them which I know think is related. Thanks for the help Update: I signed up for the 7 day trial with PIA and it worked perfectly. So, I went back to Airvpn and it's been working fine for the last 45 mins or so. The only change I made was to delete an unused forwarded port from my airvpn account so that only the one I need for torrents is live - I'm guessing that something was wrong with the forwarded airvpn ports.
  17. Ok, I've just tried some slackware torrents in deluge windows and the non-vpn docker and it's flying with no problems. I think airvpn is causing my problems - what port does the VPN use? Is it 1194?
  18. I'll try a popular torrent as you suggest, but I doubt it's my router as I run a pfsense docker - unless I've got a pfsense setting that's causing problems
  19. I found the easiest way to do this was: setup Mariadb with the default root user download mySQL workbench and connect as root setup new kodi user and tick all the boxes for 'Administrative Roles' setup your sources.xml file setup your advancedsettings.xml to use the mariadb database and new kodi user account scan all your files on one machine FULLY before copying the sources.xml and advancedsettings.xml to other machines. This can be the headless docker or another machine <videodatabase> <type>mysql</type> <host></host> <port>3306</port> <user>kodi</user> <pass>kodi</pass> <name>Video_MariaDB</name> </videodatabase>
  20. I just realised this morning that it’s been just over a year since I built my unRAID server. I meant to write this post last year, but never got around to it. I’ve taken some very quick photos – apologies for the quality (and some of the dust on my PC – hasn’t been cleaned for a while…) as I only had my Nexus 6P! Overall I’m amazed by how much unRAID has allowed me to do with this machine, and a year in I still haven’t scratched the surface of what it can do. I’m convinced I’ll be able to, with a few select upgrades along the way, keep this machine going for another 10 years like my last machine. ------------------------------------------------------------ This build has been both exciting and sad at the same time. Sad, because my 1st Build 'Cylon', which was lovingly created as a xmas present to myself way back in 2005, was finally deactivated. Cylon evolved over the years with all of the parts changing except for my trusty Gigabyte 3DAurora chassis , including the CPU from a AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ (2005) --> Intel Core 2 Quad Pro Q6600 (2008), i7 920 (2009) to its final i5-3450 (2012). I've built several HTPCs (and a WHS server at one point) along the way that used to be connected to each of my TVs, but they've all gone over the years with only my trusty Cylon staying the course. What drove the new build? Cylon was starting to fall apart and was unable to keep cool and was too noisy. Some of my HDDs weren't even in bays anymore...... I needed more power - my setup couldn't keep up with the Plex streaming needs of my family, with multiple concurrent transcodes locally and remotely I needed more workstations - MY PC seemingly overnight was being shared by my wife and 2 kids, so I was looking for a way to cost effectively support concurrent users I miss building and configuring PCs and I finally had a good excuse for a major new challenge! It's been exciting getting up to speed with the last 10 years of PC development While I was trying to find the best solution, two things sent me down the path that I choose: reading about amazing dual Xeon E5-2670 systems being built, thanks to cheap CPUs flooding eBay stumbling onto LinusTechTips '2 Gaming Rigs, 1 Tower' video and realising that unRAID would let me build one powerful PC capable of running multiple concurrent workstations and media centers, just struck a chord. Adding parity protection to my HDDs was also attractive, as it’s been a real pain in the ass replacing failed drives over the years in terms of working out what files had been lost and replacing them. Part Selection CPU: My original intention was to build a system around dual E5-2670s I had picked up on eBay. But, after struggling to find reasonably priced motherboards due to lack of availability and being forced to buy SSI-EEB cases I didn't like, I decided I needed a more modern system with as many current gen products as possible, so that my next system has a chance of surviving as long as Cylon with future upgrades. I was lucky enough to find a E5-2683V3 on eBay for 1/10th of the cost of a new one - 14 cores Vs the 16 of the 2670s, with lower power consumption for a 24/7 ATX not SSI-EEB machine and support for DDR4, USB3.1, M.2 etc Motherboard: Future-proofing was a major consideration (32Mbps M.2, 32Mbps USB 3.1, Type C, ) and 3+ PCIe x16 slots allowing me to run multiple virtual machines in unRAID Case: Although it's been out 2 years, the R5 is still a great case. It's not ostentatious and just has a quality look about it. It's also very quiet, which was a vital element of the overall build. I didn't want a massive window that showed my drives. I've bought this case to hopefully last as long as the Aurora3D, and it should be flexible enough to handle any scenario in the future GPU: I haven't played PC games since AOE/AOC, so I don't need a powerful card at the moment so the focus again has been on 'silent'. However, I am tempted to get a gaming card for one of my VMs as a later upgrade CPU Cooler: overkill for the Xeon which isn't overclocked, but capable of cooling hotter CPUs in the future. Plus it looks so damn sexy. Oh, and it's quiet PSU: efficiency important for a 24/7 machine and I wanted enough wattage headroom to support one mid-range GPU if necessary in the future. Quiet Lighting: I resisted buying a Hue+ as this isn't a gaming rig, but I couldn't resist adding some cheap lighting Original Build I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. Everything runs soooo fast compared to Cylon, RIP. Temps are fantastic and the noise levels are acceptable (more later). Working inside the R5 was a dream, with plenty of room to manoeuvre and no need to ask my wife to be an extra pair of hands. Cost wise, I’m very happy with the results as it cost me £1,234 to build THREE (unRAID + 2VMs) powerful machines: £952 old components (monitor, HDD drives, keyboard) £1,234 for new components Grand Total: £2,186 - All powered by one chassis, so electricity and space savings are huge Changes over the year - '2 more PCs', TV Server, Bigger Array Storage, M.2 storage, bigger cache pool - £925 I purchased a 3rd monitor on eBay for £75 and added a GT730 and cheap Logitech keyboard to create a 3rd VM. Now, 3 of my family can use the PC concurrently I added another 32GB of RAM as at times I was getting too close to 100% utilisation I initially bought a 500GB SSD to use as an unassigned drive for my VMs and used the 2nd 250GB SSD I was using previously to create a cache pool. I then gave in and bought a 256GB M.2. SM961 and threw the 500GB SSD into the cache pool, doubling the size Added an extra 6TB X300 to my array I purchased a WinTV Quad and then replaced with a TBS6205 TV card I created a 4th VM, pfSense by buying a AOC-SGP-I2 NIC on eBay for £60 Overall - £3,110 It’s been a fantastic year. I’ve more than achieved my goals of delivering more concurrent users and an efficient Plex server. What’s been amazing is the number of additional tasks my server has taken on-board over the year, without breaking a sweat: Kodi mysql database. I now use kodi throughout my home rather than Plex. This has been a very happy development as my media center journey started 15 years ago when I modded orignial Xbox consoles to run XBMC, and Cylon was originally built to deliver content to those XBMC machines TV server – I have ditched all my STBs over the year and now use a TVheadend docker delivering TV to Android and Fire TVs Unifi Controller – I’ve added 2 AC Pro APs over the year controlled by a docker and after 14 years of trying, I finally have a wi-fi network I am happy with pfSense router – excellent piece of software Home Automation through a Home Assistant Docker Automated media management dockers (sonar, radar, nzbget etc). I even use the excellent calibre-web docker to provide easy access to my book collection MineOS server docker for the kids Letsencrypt reverse proxy, openvpn-as and resilio-sync for secure remote access to server and files It really has become my HOME server – controlling my tvs, lighting, heating, media and internet usage! Future Plans Add a gaming GPU as the GT730 can’t even manage the most basic graphics settings Add more storage, probably moving to 8TB drives at the next purchase. This will probably mean I will have to build a dedicated pfSense box as I only have one SATA slot left on my motherboard, so I will need the PCIe slot to add a SATA card. I’m not keen on spending approx. £300-400 on a SATA card and a 2nd pfsense machine that will need maintaining, and I’m toying with maybe spending a bit more to get a new SSI-EEB motherboard (unfortunately this would mean a new case as well) with more PCIe and SATA ports for better future expansion options Think about the location of my box as it’s starting to get noisy with the number of drives spinning, which will only get worse as I add more. I think I might have a plan to tackle this in the future by using my cache drive for downloads (I don’t currently) and my latest media files before they are moved to the array; spending some time using the unbalance plugin and optimising my split levels to reduce the number of drives spinning. This also might involve using HDMI/USB over ethernet or something similar like Raspberry Pi thin clients, to put the server in a different room Here's to another 10 years!
  21. Whenever I use DelugeVPN it intermittently every couple of minutes knocks out my internet connection for a few mins e.g. nzbget, web traffic, youtube etc slows to a halt. basically all traffic stops, including torrents, and then it all 'restarts' after a min or so. I'm guessing it's something in the connection number settings that is causing the problem as I have a slow 19/1 ADSL2+ connection? I've tried reducing max connectons, upload speed, half-open, max connections/sec, max connections per torrent, upload slots per torrent and total active torrents - whenever I think I've cracked it, I just get problems a few minutes later. Has anyone else had this problem and cracked it? Other info that might be useful: - I'm using airvpn - I've got a forwarded port 19182 from airvpn that I've put in both the incoming and outgoing ports and I haven't (as instructed by airvpn) forwarded this in my router - I had an airvpn client also running in my pfsense router which I've just disabled to see if that helps as I don't need it now I've got this docker and privoxy - I've unticked UPnP and NAT-PMP - I've installed ITConfig plugin and set to 'High Performance Seed'
  22. it does struggle a bit with 4K content though - I think it's the box not my wi-fi network as I have an AC-Pro about 4m away through 1 wall. The Khadas Vim looks interesting - I think this will be my upgrade once I get more 4k content and a 4k TV (only got 1 season in 4k at the moment as I avoid it). I'm nervous about buying 'kodi' boxes as I only watch my own content, so this looks perfect for me.
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