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Report Comments posted by Taddeusz

  1. 7 minutes ago, alturismo said:

    another browser didnt help here tooi checked another browser, typed in manually the webterminal address (the adress fiels stays about:blank

    i tried from another mashine, i waited till i was at home and tried also, same ...

    all other was still working, ssh through guacamole etc ... just the webterminal.

    i tried to find a way to restart web interface but afaik theres no way therefore ...

    Can you provide full diagnostics please.

  2. I've finally done some more digging on this and when it's working correctly TERM is set to "linux". When I ssh, for example, from my Mac TERM is set to "xterm-256color" and backspaces aren't working correctly. If I set TERM to "xterm-color" it works fine. One thing I did notice is that if I attempt to manually "export TERM=xterm-256color" I get the error:

    zsh: can't find terminal definition for xterm-256color

    It seems there might be something wrong with that particular terminal definition.


    While set to "xterm-256color" I have tried Ctrl-V Backspace and it reports it's sending "^@" rather than "^?".


    For the time being I put the following in my .zshrc for a workaround:

    if [ "$TERM" = "xterm-256color" ]; then
      export TERM=xterm-color


  3. 1 hour ago, limetech said:

    Ignoring for the moment why you would want to do something like that in Unraid environment, how did you install zsh?  Hopefully it has not completely replaced bash as the system default shell, right?

    I installed it through the Nerd Pack plugin.


    As to why, I prefer the case insensitive path/file completion as well as the appearance of the Agnoster theme. I spend possibly an inordinate amount of time on the shell so it’s the little things that improve my experience. I set it as the default shell for the root user upon boot. I have not experienced any issues that I am aware would be related to this change. I actually have what I consider a fairly stable system.

  4. 1 minute ago, jonp said:

    Oh ok, that explains it.


    Still not sure how you were able to delete two vms with one click.  Haven't been able to reproduce, but I'm legitimately concerned.  Nothing else stands out in memory from when you performed that action?  Anything unique or worthwhile noting?  Even something you might think to be trivial and inconsequential?

    Honestly, not really. I had just been messing around with attaching a video card to a VM so I might be able to use it to stream games via Steam to my laptop. Turns out it wasn't workable for me mainly because I access the VM remotely. I didn't want a solution that would require me to physically log into the machine for it to work. That and there was quite a bit of lag. That is the only thing unique about what I was doing at the time. Both VM's had been alternately defined to use the video card. However, not at the same time. Both VM's were shut down when I went to delete the newly created one for testing.

  5. I haven't been able to repeat this problem either. I'm not sure what happened. I was on my Windows laptop using the latest version of Chrome. Went to delete the test version and all of a sudden both VM's were gone.


    I fortunately didn't lose much, if anything, important. Mostly just have to reinstall all my applications.

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