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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Remove power top or the line from your go file, only because you switch it to BAD doesn't mean that it works as expected (btw BAD are not always the recommended values!
  2. Lol, you are almost there… go one directory up and then you should see the folder… …on the server you have to edit GameUserSettings.ini
  3. That‘s really strange and I don‘t have an explanation for that, sorry… 😕
  4. Ja. Dieser NIC auf Linux ist ein zustand… Das ist fällt leider auf Realtek zurück, hauptsache massig chips verkaufen aber keinen Treiber support für Linux liefern und sich auf die Community verlassen. Sorry, is leider so und ich bin das Thema mit den Realtek chips leid. Dann musst du wohl zurück auf die alte version von Unraid und musst warten bis die Community im Kernel den Treiber fixt. Traurig aber wahr. Naja ned Amis ist es ziemlich egal ob die 1W oder 100W mehr brauchen übertrieben gesagt. Leider nicht weil dies ein Kernel thema ist und ein generelles Linux Thema. Du solltest das im Kernel GitHub melden. Es kotzt mich schon so an das immer Limetech angekreidet wird und niemand versteht das die auch unter der Haube nur den Linux Kernel verwenden der bei jeder Distribution der gleiche ist. Wah und schon wieder Themenverfelung, die Treiber kommen von Kernel und wenn du die gleich version vom Kernel auf Ubuntu verwendest hast du genau das gleiche Fehlerbild. Sorry ich bin hier raus mich kotzt das so an das immer Unraid schuld ist obweohl es eigentlich ein Kernel thema ist. Ich beteilig mich nicht mehr an so threads. Sorry das ich hier drin überhaupt gepostet hab.
  5. Das ist ein ziemlich generischer Ausdruck, welchen Realtek Chip habt ihr denn alle verbaut? Nutzt ihr denn das Plugin oder nicht das für den Treiber zuständig ist oder den eingebauten in Unraid? Zudem sind die Realtek NICs schon immer mit Problemen behaftet auf Linux und würd ich keinem empfehlen. Da bist du mit einem 2.5Gbit USB NIC von Intel noch besser dran. Von wieviel reden wir hier? Ihr müsst nämlich wissen unter der Haube hat sich nur eigentlich der Kernel verändert und sonst nichts. Ich sehe in diesem Thread auch nirgends wo Diagnostics.
  6. Have you yet tried to disable powertop autotune and reboot your server afterwards? It could be the case that it‘s related to that but I would recommend that you try it and see if it helps. Please keep in mind that all kinds of overclocking or underclocking or tools like powertop could introduce instability because of aggressive power saving modes and this is the last thing that you want on a server.
  7. Ich habe den thread mal ins Deutsche Interforum verschoben, bitte im Hauptforum mur auf Englisch. Warum installiert ihr euch das denn? Wäre das was ihr machen wollt nicht auch in einem Container möglich? Vergesst bitte nicht das auf Unraid alles als root ausgeführt wird.
  8. Is it possible that you have Slckware current instead of Slackware 15.0 specified in your sources.list?
  9. Glad to hear that it is working, also see the first recommended post in this thread on top.
  10. See here, these are basically the command line options. In the linked document are all configuration options for KF2.
  11. This is not as basic as you think, if I write that here out it is maybe more work than to do it for you since modules and bzimage are different files and have a specific structure. This is not very likely to happen. If it get accepted it would be better to create a plugin for the module so that others can also benefit from it, I hope that makes sense to you.
  12. Create a post in the Feature Requests subforums with a short description and for what you need that module and in combination the modules that I've mentioned above. I can also pitch that maybe a bit and see if it get's accepted. That is actually not that easy and would take me also some time since I have to recompile the Kernel (and of course the modules) filter them out (maybe that's not needed because it's completely custom at the moment) and repack everything for you. I can do that for you but it's getting pretty late over here and I'm tiered, had a hard week at work (thank god that we have a holiday tomorrow).
  13. That's a good question... I've now tried it through the WebUI and the server crashes here too, maybe you could rename the map without the ][ and try to load it from the template? I can only recommend that you create a Bug report about that (click the Bug?) button at the top right corner.
  14. I'm not too sure about KillingFloor 2 since I did that on request but I think you have to create or at least the file here. You could also work with start parameters (in the docker template GAME_PARAMS). Hope that helps.
  15. I've looked into that now a bit more in depth (...yes, I did partially recompile everything). First of all it's not possible (at least not that easily) to compile that module on Unraid because the module that you need depends on CAN and CAN_DEV which can be built as a module but you also need CAN_NETLINK which is only available as a built in module and so to speak not available on Unraid by default and even if you copy over the CAN_GS_USB module you are most likely missing the symbols from CAN_NETLINK and that's why you are experiencing crashes when you actually load the module. However with a feature request to build Unraid with CAN_NETLINK so that it's built into the base OS you can build the module and actually load it but for that you have to wait for the next Unraid version... You actually could build a custom bzimage alongside with the modules that you need but that is really advanced and also requires a rebuild from a ton of kernel modules because CAN_NETLINK is part of the NETDEVICES and you would also need a custom bzmodules after that to. May I ask what overkill printer has a CAN Bus interface? Hope that explains it a bit more in depth and somewhat helps...
  16. Did you change anything or what did you do exactly when reinstalling, did you also delete the directory or create a new directory in your appdata for the new container? How does the template look like? Did you change anything? Make sure that there is enough space on the disk, are all containers on the same disk? I think error 0x602 has something to do with SteamCMD not working correctly (I can't remember form the top of my head).
  17. Can you please tell me on what Unraid version are you and trying to do all of that?
  18. On what Unraid version are you currently? I assume you compiled it as module and not built in. Could it be the case that you Hypervisor doesn't like that module or better speaking that it is related that you run Unraid in a VM? Please remember you could always plug the USB boot device into that computer where you currently run the VM (or your main PC), boot from it, install the module there and see if it loads <- as long as you don't start the Array the system will be left untouched because Unraid runs from RAM.
  19. I don't feel like that. Because Unraid runs from RAM such things are rather complicated (compiling and make sure that it is load every time Unraid boots) or at least not that easily achievable and such question doesn't come up that often. <- if such question do come up most of the times it can be asked in the Feature Request forums if the module can be built into the base Unraid OS or users a pointed in my direction. As already said use the DVB Plugin with the LibreELEC package, there should be most webcams be included. Could you be a bit more specific which Kernel module exactly? These are basically all Community Application applications. Was it that one: https://github.com/ich777/unraid_kernel How did you load it or what did you do exactly? Did you copy it over to Unraid? Did you made sure the system was aware of the new module? There is nothing like dkms on Unraid available. Should we continue this conversation here or via PM?
  20. No, everything seems fine. I really don‘t know how that could be even possible that it loads the savegame from the wrong server since those are two different directories, the port mappings also seem fine. Sorry but with the map I really can‘t help and sorry for the dumb question but are you really sure that you connect to the correct server? Is it possible that the developers only allow one communtiy server per IP and you maybe only see the first one?
  21. Thanks, does GPU Statistsc show the Intel card correctly with it's values? What is the output from: radeontop
  22. I'm not too familiar with changing maps but are you sure that the map is available on the official server or did you already add it through the workshop? I'm not sure I'm understanding that correctly? Can you share a bit more in depth what you've changed where? Did you also create new port mappings or did you simply changed the ports in the the template? Do you maybe have some screenshots? Did you stop the container in the first place and then changed paths and ports? If you change the path afterwards to a new directory the game is download again to the new path that you've specified in the template.
  23. It would be super helpful if you can test with the onboard GPU disabled if that changes anything. AFAIK GPU Statistics it should work fine with the onboard GPU enabled. If you issue this command from the terminal you get no output correct: intel_gpu_top -J -d pci:slot=0000:00:02.0 If you get no output from the command from above, what happens when you issue that command: intel_gpu_top -J What about that command: intel_gpu_top -J -d drm:/dev/dri/card1
  24. If intel_gpu_top lists the values properly then I'm assuming it's not different with the onboard GPU disabled.
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