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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is the default messag that a container produces if you start and stop it. A bit more detail please. Stop the container and post the full log please.
  2. This is really strange since a container shouldn't be able to crash the host. This is a really strange behavior and I've never heard of such an issue before. Do you experience any power spikes or something like that? What power supply are you using, could it be possible that it is the cause? However can you do a memtest? This sound more like a issue that another user had with another container (sorry but I couldn't remember which one it was) but the culprit was a defective RAM stick and it only happened with this specific game server. This is of course just a vague guess but I've now also tried it and the container is running for almost two hours on my i5-10600
  3. Can you explain this a bit more in depth? The Diagnostics from you system would be also helpful since I don't know anything about your system, what power supply do you have,...? Does it instantly shut down when you install the container or does it take some time?
  4. Please check if the are plugged all the way in.
  5. Can you spot the issue: Aug 29 00:54:40 Daedalus-Gaming kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:84:00.0: GPU does not have the necessary power cables connected. Aug 29 00:54:40 Daedalus-Gaming kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:84:00.0: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x24:0x1c:1436) Aug 29 00:54:40 Daedalus-Gaming kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:84:00.0: rm_init_adapter failed, device minor number 0
  6. Your card is bound to VFIO: 84:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070] [10de:1b81] (rev a1) Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070] [1043:8599] Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia 84:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GP104 High Definition Audio Controller [10de:10f0] (rev a1) Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. GP104 High Definition Audio Controller [1043:8599] Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci Please unbind it from VFIO and try again, this is the entry: Loading config from /boot/config/vfio-pci.cfg BIND=0000:84:00.0|10de:1b81 0000:84:00.1|10de:10f0--- Processing 0000:84:00.0 10de:1b81 Vendor:Device 10de:1b81 found at 0000:84:00.0 IOMMU group members (sans bridges): /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:84:00.0/iommu_group/devices/0000:84:00.0 /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:84:00.0/iommu_group/devices/0000:84:00.1
  7. Where did you place the file? Can you post the exact path please?
  8. Do you stop the container before editing the file your do you edit the file and then restart the container? The container does only start the Minecraft Bedrock server and does nothing to the config files or is this only happening after a new release from Minecraft Bedrock is installed? I make a little change to the update routine, this should preserve the allowlist hopefully. The update will be available in a few minutes (you have to update the container itself).
  9. Wenn du einen mit Intel Chip findest solltest du auf der sicheren Seite sein da Intel ja generell pro Linux ist und eigentlich fast alles auf Linux unterstützt wird (ich kann dir aber nicht genau sagen ob es überhaupt welche mit Intel Chips gibt). Das Problem ist hauptsächlich das die Realtek Chips weit verbreitet sind (so gut wie in jedem USB 2,5Gbit/s Adapter verbaut) aber von offizieller Seite für Linux eigentlich so gut wie keine Unterstützung gibt. Sprich im Kernel selbst gibt es schon Unterstützung dafür (dank der Community) jedoch erreichen die nicht die volle Geschwindigkeit bzw. auch von Netzwerkverbindungsabbrüchen und sonstigen Problemen berichten. Alternativ stellen @jinlife und ich die Realtek Treiber mittels Plugin zur Verfügung. @jinlife passt die Treiber an damit die auch auf neuen Kernel Versionen funktionieren und ich Kompiliere sie dann damit sie dann bei einem neuen Release von Unraid verfügbar sind. Sprich wenn du ein normales Unraid upgrade machst und Drittanbieter Treiber installiert hast weißt der dich drauf sogar hin das du mit einem Reboot warten sollst (mittels Unraid Notifications) und du benachrichtigt wirst wenn die neuen Treiber für die neue Unraid version heruntergeladen wurden und es sicher ist neu zu starten (auf Fehler wird auch hin gewiesen). Es sollte eigentlich nicht mehr notwendig sein irgendetwas im go file eintragen zu müssen. Sorry, ich hab ein wenig weit ausgeholt mit meiner Antwort aber lange Rede kurzer Sinn: Realtek funktioniert wunderbar mit dem Plugin und Intel sollten OOB funktionierten (wenn es denn welche gibt).
  10. As @sonic6 said, something seems off, can you please also post a screenshot from your torrent container with the Advanced View enabled? I think there is a general configuration issue. I've now also tried it with the ams-001.default file (@iviv this is maybe also interesting for you) : First I've created the OpenVPN-Client container (this is a completely fresh installation) : Then I clicked this button in the OpenVPN-Client template to add a variable and a new port entry: This is the variable (this will ensure that no outgoing traffic is possible when the VPN connection is not established, strictly speaking you don't have to create that variable but I recommend it) : This port is necessary because you route the traffic from the torrent client through the OpenVPN-Client and the torrent client has strictly speaking no own network anymore and you have to create all ports that you want to be reachable from outside the torrent container in the OpenVPN-Client template: Then I ensured that the container doesn't leak by opening the console: And issuing the command that I've provided (a bit modified, but it does the same) : Then I created the torrent container and changing the Network Type to None and in the Extra Parameters you have to tell the torrent container that it uses the container network from OpenVPN-Client: Then I ensured that there is no leak in the torrent container by opening up the console (please note that the WebUI button in the torrent container is not working anymore because it has no network anymore, you have to type in the IP:PORT manually in the address bar like to open the WebUI from the torrent client) : I issued the command again: Then I went over to the leak testing thing and this is my real IP (I removed basically everything except for the last digit but you should see that the IPs are different) : Then I copied the Magnet Link and pasted it into the torrent client (you have to open up a browser and enter the IP followed by the port manually because the WebUI button doesn't work anymore as explained above) : And back to the leak tester you can see that there is only one IP (from the VPN) : Hope that makes sense.
  11. I think you are doing something differently because I asked a second user and he also had no issues at all. Why? This is pretty easy if you follow the steps from the description.
  12. Please post your logs. I'm also not sure if I'm following this, have you changed the ports? Please also see this post where a user had almost the same issue and I've posted a link to a possible solution:
  13. I've done a quick read on the other thread but the OpenVPN client is not designed what you want to do here. It is designed to connect to a OpenVPN server which then can be shared with other containers so that they can use the VPN connection but not a site to site connection. However what you can try is that you install a Firefox container along side with the OpenVPN container and share the network from the OpenVPN container with the Firefox container and connect through to the Firefox browser with the remote Unraid system. Please keep in mind that you may have to set up proper routes so that your remote server can communicate with your local network which can be complicated and I can't help with that. Do you have a second Unraid machine at home? If yes, why not create a site-to-site connection with the built in Wireguard Tunnel.
  14. Yes, post your Diagnostics here. I'm not sure what you are talking about...
  15. Wo sind denn deine Diagnostics?
  16. Hope that helps, I always use Transcend USB2.0 devices (USB3+ is notorious for getting really warm and most of the times shortens the lifespan of the USB ).
  17. Is it possible for you to create a free account on privado.io and try it with their .ovpn files and see if it's the same? Privado supports free accounts to AFAIK.
  18. I don't know if the same applies to Satisfactory but for most game servers the mods are OS dependent, so to speak if you have a mod for Windows that doesn't mean that it has to work on Linux. Transferring mods across different OS is always a bad idea, you should add them one by one and see which mod is breaking the container since it is possible to run the container with mods (keep in mind, this container is nothing else than if you run Satisfactory on bare metal but the download and start from the game is automated). BTW modding is always up to the user since I can't know every mod, I only provide the basic functionality.
  19. Maybe, but I have stopped creating containers for games that I don't own because giving support for such games if something isn't working is a nightmare and Life is Feudal:YO is one of the games that I don't own. If you however donate it to me I can look into it. (I can't tell for sure if it's going to work because I have to use WINE since it's only available for Windows only)
  20. You can do that however you want but keep in mind you have to do that on the host, so to speak Unraid. You can create for example a ZFS volume, you can create a BTRFS volume, you even can create a Windows storage pool if you want to do it directly on Windows.
  21. I can't reproduce this with privado.io % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 3273 100 3273 0 0 3561 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3557 # chmod +x dnsleaktest.sh # ./dnsleaktest.sh Your IP: <REMOVED> [Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, AS9009 M247 Europe SRL] You use 1 DNS server: <REMOVED> [Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, AS9009 M247 Europe SRL] Conclusion: DNS is not leaking.
  22. Then try this (just copy paste all): cd /tmp curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/macvk/dnsleaktest/master/dnsleaktest.sh -o dnsleaktest.sh chmod +x dnsleaktest.sh ./dnsleaktest.sh rm dnsleaktest.sh BTW you don't have to make a post for every command since this is bloating the thread and I believe you that it's not working.
  23. This should do the trick: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/macvk/dnsleaktest/master/dnsleaktest.sh | bash -
  24. This is an issue from Plex on Linux, in general and AFAIK knowm by the developers, I think if you read back one or two pages you‘ll find a link to the Plex forums where multiple users reported that. So to speak this affects all Linux users. Yes, but only because I set a limit for the maximum allowed bitrate because I don‘t use Plex, only for testing if the driver works. (If you set a general limit it is working but not if you are changing it on the fly) I‘m a Emby guy.
  25. Oh sorry, you actually have to execute the script too. I‘m currently on the go and have not seen that.
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