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Everything posted by ich777

  1. For sure but don't forget that you are using the NVENC/NVDEC and the card maybe don't have to be an a higher or even clock higher than if you put some 3D load on it. Yes, because that's not supported on Unraid and nothing I can do about. Do you have any numbers to compare with? It's a little hard for me to troubleshoot for me with no real numbers. I've now tried transcoding with Unmanic and I'm at P0 on my T400.
  2. But I don‘t think that this is an issue… Why would you go in a higher power state than which is needed?
  3. With how many FPS is it transcoding? what kond of content ate you transcoding? I‘ve tested it yesterday and got in ~1200FPS (720p source file). Have you yet tried 3 simultaneous transcodes? It should switch to a higher power state if needed but I don‘t think that this is even necessary for transcoding.
  4. Please post your full Diagnostics.
  5. I‘m not an Ubuntu expert (because I still don‘t like it ) and I can only link to here. I can only tell you that it is just working fine in my Debian containers. This is purely a distribution thing and has nothing to do with LXC.
  6. Please post your Diagnostics, maybe I can see something but my hopes are not that high...
  7. I did, and it works perfectly fine. Install it, visit the plugin page and you will be instructed what to do. Everything is automated after you've clicked a few buttons. I'm running two Sundtek DVB Tuners on my system and they are working perfectly fine with the plugin in combination with TVHeadend. From what I see the plugin was downloaded 35 times, don't know if these people are using it but no one complained about something not working yet.
  8. It looks like the plugin is causing a Kernel panic, but that is usually caused by a hardware defect or something else hardware related. Please try to re-seat the card in the PCIe slot, check if external power is connected properly. I would also recommend that you let the Parity sync finish first so that your data is safe and after that we can try to get the card back working again. What I'm really curious is if you can test the card in another system, install the drivers and put a 3D load (preferably FurMark) on it for about 30 minutes to see if it is working properly. This would not be the first time I see a Quadro dying, these cards are pretty old now...
  9. Do you have anything custom on your system like many packages from NerdTools or similar? I really can't tell what's going on on your machine, have you yet tried to reboot your entire server? Why are you using a docker.img? I would strongly recommend to use a directory instead of a image file.
  10. Sorry but all my game servers that I've running are working fine, I can only think of a corruption of the Docker images itself. I have never seen this issue before... You are on 6.11.5 I assume correct? Please try to delete all containers (so that no SteamCMD container from me is on your server anymore) and then add it again with the button Add Container on the Docker page and selecting the appropriate containers again from the drop down, with this you make sure that your paths and everything is set as before.
  11. Have you yet tried if the card is working with the LibreELEC package? Maybe sell the card and buy a tuner from Sundtek or DigitalDevices… You can of course run a VM for that but that is pure waste of resources.
  12. Also ganz aus. Naja, ich würd eher mal dort ansetzen was da drin steht, das sollte da nicht drin stehen, wer hat denn das hinzugefügt?
  13. Eher weniger, schaltet sich dein System denn ganz aus oder läuft es weiter und du musst einen Hard Reset machen? Poste bitte mal deine Diagnostics.
  14. Was meinst du mit aus, ganz aus oder musst du ihn Hard Resetten und danach wieder an schalten? Wenn sich dein System aufhängt dann bitte stell bei den Docker Einstellungen von macvlan auf ipvlan um zum testen. Ich vermute du verwendest diesen Stick: Bus 002 Device 004: ID 05dc:a205 Lexar Media, Inc. JumpDrive Soweit ich sehe ist das ein superkleiner Stick, ich würd dir eher sowas empfehlen: https://www.amazon.de/Transcend-JetFlash-Extreme-Speed-32GB-USB-Stick/dp/B002WE6CN6/ Wenn du was schnelles willst dann kannst du auch eine M2 SSD in einem externen USB Gehäuse nehmen, würd ich aber nicht empfehlen weil das teuer ist und das einrichten muss manuell gemacht werden, zumindest das aufspielen von Unraid. Was machst du denn hier im go file: bash /boot/custom/etc/rc.d/S20-init.rsyncd bash /boot/custom/etc/rc.d/S20-init.rsyncd Bitte upgrade dein System vorher mal auf 6.11.5
  15. Maybe try to edit the file and copy the config that you want to import into the existing file. Just a question, you stop the container first before importing the config right?
  16. Yes, simply change the name from the container and the path in the template (maybe the port too so that it doesn't conflicts with another port).
  17. Maybe but I don't think so... Can you maybe try to pull a fresh copy from the CA App without changing anything in the template after that try to change something in jDownloader2, restart it and see if the changes persist.
  18. This is usually a indicator that SteamCMD can‘t connect with Steam Pipe. Are you sure that nothing on your network changed? maybe try to stop all game server containers and delete the contents of the steamcmd folder (including hidden files) and then start one container so that it can pull SteamCMD.
  19. Do you use nvidia-persistenced? How fast is it transcoding when in P2? One or two people have reported that already but AFAIK this caused no issues for them. There is not much if anything that I can do about since this is a driver issue itself and out of my control.
  20. If everything is working fine for you just stick to the in tree drivers which Unraid is using by default. This plugin is only meant for people who are having issues with 2.5Gbit/s adapters.
  21. No worries or need to apologize but it was mentioned a few post above yours to change the path to the "real" file path instead of the FUSE file path.
  22. Why? Please update to 6.11.5 Did you also change the path to /mnt/cache/... instead of /mnt/user/... in the template?
  23. Wie schon oben geschrieben, was ist falsch an VA-API? Du bist sehr sparsam mit Informationen, welche CPU hat denn dein Kollege <- bzw. ich vermute das ist hier nicht relevant weil es ja sowieso funktioniert. Was stört euch an VA-API denn so generell? 🤔
  24. Can't reproduce this over here. Have you changed anything in the template? Are the paths set correctly?
  25. Jup, h264 and h265 should work fine already. Most people only ask about AV1...
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