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Everything posted by ich777

  1. TBH, I wouldn't need that much space... This is the last thing that I would do because you won't get the maximum speed out of it. This is also an option. Same answer as if you use it on a BTRFS volume. If you don't need that much capacity I would recommend choosing that route. There is no clear answer that I can give you besides that I really don't like FileIO images because they can get pretty slow and you are introducing much overhead and the route that you'll go depends on what you need and how important the data is. If it was my machine, the data is not that important and 12TB are enough I would only create a 12TB Target and pass it to my PC and maybe use some kind of external storage backup directly from the Windows machine (maybe put a drive back into it's enclosure) <- the reason behind this is, what if a thunderstorm takes out your server and some drives with it, you'll at least have a backup from the data. If the data is really important go with 2x 12TB as a Target, create a RAID1 in Windows and use the 3rd disk as a external Backup like mentioned above. Hope that makes sense to you, at least this is how I see things, off site Backups or at least external Backups are really important!
  2. In the template form jDownload2 create a variable with the Key: NOVNC_PORT and as the value specify a port like 8081 with this you ensure that noVNC will run then on port 8081 in the container. In GlutenVPN create a port forwarding with container port 8081 and host port 8081 preferably. Are you sure that you've deleted the default port 8080 from the jDownloader2 template? Otherwise it will not work. Did you also set the network mode in the jDownloader2 template to none?
  3. ich777

    Raspberry Pi OS

    Installier dir SSH in der VM bzw. aktivier es und verbind dich mit SSH dann brauchst du VNC nicht.
  4. AFAIK If you connect to a server everything is saved on there with your UUID, but that differs a bit from the single player saves where it is assuming that only one player is playing on the server and there is no UUID attached to your save file. This is changing when you made some progress on the server and have a few things in the inventory, after you connecting again your inventory will be back as it was <- because of the reasons explained above. It should be possible to load into single player mode, drop everything from the inventory to the ground, leave the game, transfer the save file over to the server and then pick up everything on the server <- maybe this isn't possible, I haven't played The Forest in a long time but it is pretty much fun (actually frightening) playing with friends on the server and maybe in VR (yes, you can also connect with VR to the server... ). Save your single player save game somewhere safe first before trying anything!
  5. I will look into this shortly, please give me until tomorrow.
  6. What OS are you running on that Server? Keep in mind that you need to run something recent like Debian 11 or on of the newer Ubuntu releases. 1 Core and 2GB of memory are way too less resources for Valheim and I think that it crashes because of too less RAM. For example this is my container (with Valheim Plus enabled) and no one is playing on there currently (i5-10600): (this is even without system resources, this is only the container)
  7. Sure thing, just put it in the Saves folder. Let the container start once and after that stop it, replace the Saves folder, start the container again.
  8. I have now also connected from one Unraid box to another Unraid box which one is the Initiator and one is the Target, I had to only add the IQN to the ACL list from the Target. Did you add the IQN from the Initiator to the ACL from the Dobro Target?
  9. ich777

    Raspberry Pi OS

    Bitte such mal auf YouTube „Debian VM auf Unraid installieren“ oder so ähnlich, eine extra share braucht man dafür nicht. Dort wirst du sicher fündig, auch wenn du was für ein anseres Betriebssystem findest, wichtig ist nur das du was für Linux findest damit du mal die Basics hast, ich würd dir empfehlen das du zumindest 1,5GB Arbeitsspeicher und 2CPU Kerne für die VM vergibst wenn das ding wirklich nicht sehr leistungshungrig ist und solange du Debian ohne Desktop Environment installierst (ich bin ein Debian Mensch da ich weiß wie es funktioniert also fühl dich nicht gezwungen Debian zu nehmen aber ich würd es dir empfehlen). USB Gerät kannst du ganz unten im VM Template hinzufügen bzw. daran binden. Vdisk würd ich mindestens mit 15GB erstellen.
  10. This is a Docker container and not a Plugin, just for clarification. I assume that's why you think you have to install davfs on Unraid but that is simply not the case. Really important information is missing, how did you mount the share, the full log would be helpful too and lastly please post a screenshot from the container. Please keep in mind that Unraid is not a general purpose server and I strongly discourage installing packages directly onto Unraid itself. Did you yet look into rclone which is available as a Plugin on the CA App? Depending on what you want to do this could be the right choice instead of DirSyncPro.
  11. ich777

    Raspberry Pi OS

    Aber du erzeugst damit auf eine x86_64 maschine mehr last und overhead wenn du darauf ARM laufen lässt als wie ein natives zB Debian image laufen lässt in einer VM. Lad dir einfach das Debian Image runter und installier es ohne Desktop environment in der VM und reich den USB miner im VM Template durch. Das braucht dann auch so gut wie keine Leistung.
  12. ich777

    Raspberry Pi OS

    Was für ein USB miner ist das denn, das würd sich doch auch sicher in einer x86 VM auch realisieren lassen bzw wäre das aus meiner Sicht auch viel einfacher, einrichten müsstet du ihn ja vermutlich trotzdem manuell weil du auch oben schon sagst es könnte ein light image sein.
  13. ich777

    Raspberry Pi OS

    Bitte erklär vorher erst mal was du genau machen willst bzw für was du das genau brauchst bzw. benutzen möchtest.
  14. I would have worked previously too but only with a manual edit from the settings file. The main reason why I asked you to upgrade was because 6.9.2 is simply outdated and shouldn't be used anymore. Anyways, glad that it is now working for you!
  15. Sorry for the late response, I somehow missed the post... Not as far as I know... Please keep in mind that this could be very difficult and could bring some other issues with it. Just imagine the iSCSI Target is currently connected to a Initiator and you disconnect it from the Initiator while it is writing data to it, this could lead to data loss and some other weird behavior. I would rather recommend that you back up the disk on the Initiator. Is the Initiator Windows based? Maybe consider Windows Backup or UrBackup from @binhex, sure if you are using UrBackup you are putting double the load on your NIC because you are reading and writing simultaneously but in my opinion that would be way more secure than "unmounting" it.
  16. Happy New Year! You are talking about a RAID0 BTRFS Pool correct? RAID0 and BTRFS is a really bad idea, if one of the drives fail all data is gone, even on the good one. No, you can't share a BTRFS Pool because iSCSI is meant for sharing entire block volumes (a whole disks). This is as fast as your block device and your network connection can go. Yes, you can create a file image which is located on the disk and use this as a virtual block volume, so called FileIO. In theory it should be as fast as a RAID0 but in practical use it isn't because you are adding much more complexity because you store, most certainly, a NTFS filesystem on a BTRFS filesystem and the use of an image will always cause some additional overhead. I would recommend that you do your own research on this and decide what's the right choice for you, Write Back is definitely faster and I would recommend using it, regardless of the risks if you want to achieve higher write speeds for a FileIO volume. Here I've linked an answer that is pretty much accurate: Click No, multi path is if you have two physical network connections between the Target and the Initiator, please see this image: Click I would not recommend to use a RAID0 that is set up on Unraid, I would rather recommend to use two block devices (disk) and share them over iSCSI and create a Storage Pool RAID0 on Windows with the two disks shared over iSCSI.
  17. Do you have more information please? What's not working? How much CPU and RAM does it use? Can you post the log from the container (click on the container icon and then on Logs, safe it in a text file and drop the text file in this text box)? Did you change anything in the Docker template?
  18. I can't se anything obvious why it shouldn't work but TBH I've never tried to run the container in host mode and I would never recommend doing that because I see no point why you would even do this. Anyways did you turn on validation in the template? If yes, please turn it off again since this is only meant to be turned on when you have some issues and the container is not updating the game properly if the developers release a update.
  19. I don't think that this will be the solution since all of your friends or anyone who wants to join your server needs a connection to this VPN. Anyways this is nothing that I can help with since this is CG-NAT and you should look that up and how you can workaround this, but please be aware that you have to tunnel UDP too for this container to work. This shouldn't happen at all and the container should just work fine in bridge mode too. If this is the case then this seems like some other kind of network issue to me. Then it is running and waiting for connections, this is always a good indication to see if it is running or not. The SteamCMD path can use (and is set by default to) /mnt/user/appdata/... but I recommend for the game files to use /mnt/cache/appdata/... to avoid some weird issues. adminDocker is only for the in game console to become admin. Docker is the connection password for the server. Exactly. TBH I've never tried to connect through the Steam Server Browser and I've only searched the in game server list but that's not possible in your case because it will not show up when you are behind a CG-NAT. Anyways, glad that you can now connect and it is working as intended, I really can't help with your CG-NAT issue since I'm not that familiar with that and how to workaround this, maybe create a post on the General subforums, maybe someone over there can help.
  20. If you are behind a CG-NAT there is nothing I can do about reaching it from the outside world, I would recommend that you ask your provider if they have a plan with a static IP so that you can forward ports to and form the outside world. Why? This is not necessary. That's just normal because the game servers use a proprietary protocol and don't answer to default requests. What happens when you open up the Steam Server Browser (View -> Server Browser) and add the server in your Favorites by entering: CONTAINERIP:27016 and click Refresh once. The container is definitely working properly and running, how much CPU and RAM does the container use? Yes, these are not strictly speaking Errors... please ignore them, as you can see from the last line Game autosave started, this is the indication that the server is running. Do you have a cache drive installed? Please use the path /mnt/cache/appdata/... instead of /mnt/user/appdata/... if possible but please also make sure that you've set Use Cache to Prefer in the Share settings. The use of /mnt/cache/appdata/... is not done by accident.
  21. But that isn't a TV adapter, is this USB HDMI Capture card supposed to work in TV Headend? Anyways, you haven't answered a single question that I've asked above so I really can't help with this. From my perspective this is the wrong thread for this.
  22. Im GitHub repo scheint es richtig übersetzt zu sein: Klick Was meinst du mit 6.11-rc5?
  23. Das ist eine gute Frage, ich seh mir das dann mal an.
  24. Jup, my server compiled and created the package just a few hours ago... Glad that everything is now working again.
  25. Wait, I think you got this wrong, this plugin only provides the DVB/ATSC drivers for TV Cards from LibreELEC but not capture cards. A capture card is a completely different device and generally speaking not supported by this plugin because it is only meant for TV Cards. This package doesn't container all drivers which are available on LibreELEC, this package only includes the DVB/ATSC driver portion. So it is a capture card or am I wrong? Can you post your Diagnostics with the device attached? Do you have a device called /dev/video0 in your system? What is the output from: ls -l /sys/bus/usb/drivers/snd-usb-audio/
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