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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is really strange, I've now created a backup from one of my bigger LXC containers and that took about 15 minutes and the DONE button appeared after it finished. What browser are you using? Did you let the tab in the foreground?
  2. Yes, I would try it, the game is not that big in terms of size anyways. Usually the path is set to /mnt/cache/appdata/valheim and this should not cause any trouble if you have set your appdata share to Prefer, as long as it is not running out of space.
  3. But what if something breaks. In no offense, if you can't get the Docker containers to work (have to admit that it is a bit complicated but could be also done with Unraid templates -> I think 3 or 4 containers where necessary to run it but I gave up on this because I don't need it anyways and this is as said complicated... ) what would be the case if one of the containers breaks or a new setting is introduced where something is changed or the database needs to be updated...? Just think about that... Again, in no offense... If you want simplicity, simply install the compose plugin for Unraid and follow the official guide, that would be your best bet and is also working fine.
  4. Doesn't matter in your case because it's set to disk1 Do you made sure that all your data for Valheim is stored on disk1 on the Array and not spread across multiple disks? Is the path for the game files correct? Seems a bit strange to me...
  5. Please upgrade to 6.11.5 I really can't tell if it's the same on 6.9.2 over here it is working and showing up regardless if I'm changing the server name or password. What is also the same is that sometimes it shows that it auto starts the session and sometimes it doesn't in the log but I can always connect to the server.
  6. On what Unraid version are you? The screenshots looking perfectly fine to me at least in terms of startup but it seems not to start the session, have you yet tried it without the mod list and or trying changing one setting at a time which setting causes that?
  7. Is this a new instance? To what is your appdata share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Please post a screenshot from your entire template. But the backup size increases or am I wrong?
  8. No, of course not. This completely depends for what you are using the container and what is installed in the container. Maybe it ran into the php timeout and continued forever to display the .... When a backup is taking too long such things can happen. Have you yet tried to create a snapshot from the command line and see how long does it take from this exact container?
  9. What exactly is different? Have you double checked if the server is online from within the game, I can tell for sure that it's working when it displays this line, this is completely dependent on what you've changed. What did you change or modify in general and what did you copy over?
  10. You can always force the public version from the dedicated server with: 896660 -beta public Just ignore the "-beta" part, this is just a way of forcing the branch from SteamCMD.
  11. This is perfectly fine and is how it should be, this is the final stage from the dedicated server initialization and when it doesn't restart everything is fine. The line: Setting breakpad minidump AppID = <APPIDfromTHEgame> is for most games the final line, even for Valheim it's the same when debug logging isn't turned on. For example Valheim: (in this case the dedicated server is fully started and waiting for connections)
  12. Usually the container should not auto update to a public test branch, the auto update feature is now also disabled because it only causes trouble with the latest update and has been officially deprecated from my side. Maybe the developers messed up again, wouldn't be the first time... I've never get a mismatch so far, even after updating my old container to the newest available version I'm able to connect just fine. As said above the only real explanation to this is that the developers messed something up because the container will always pull the stable version, however if you where on the experimental branch and you want to go back to the official public version it is always recommended to change the GAME_ID to: 896660 -beta public and turn validation in the template to 'true', after it finished updating the game you can stop the container, set the GAME_ID back to: 896660 and delete the value 'true' from validation. Maybe that's why my container was never messed up, I never where on the experimental branch.
  13. Jup, but that also adds computational power, network traffic on your end and not to speak about storage. But what if a bigger server or even a smaller server decides to shutdown without any warning, where your account is hosted, isn't everything gone or do I understand that not right? That's true but with such small instances you are always taking the risk of being shutdown or better speaking your account is deleted. From my opinion the maintenance and all that comes with it is not worth for a single small server with maybe one or two users on it. Anyways that's a thing for another topic...
  14. Seems like an issue with the exporter. I would recommend that you‘ve report that over on the exporter GitHub Issue tracker over here.
  15. Bitte warte noch ein wenig ZFS kommt mit 6.12 Ich hab meine Docker, System usw. auf einem ZFS mirror liegen, aber der Cache selbst funktioniert noch nicht mit ZFS, kommt aber wie gesagt sehr bald.
  16. You can try to disable AER error correction, won‘t hurt anything. I also have to disable it on my server because otherwise my PCIe cards won‘t work properly (this is most of the times caused by some weired or better speaking wrong integration in the BIOS). Simply add this to your syslinux.conf: pci=noaer
  17. That shouldn‘t happen. Please also look in the Backup folder of there are any old backups from your wolrd that you can might recover.
  18. To what is your appdata directory set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Make sure that it is set to Only or Prefer. How did you copy over the .jar file? Did you copy it over to /mnt/user/... or /mnt/cache/... That's the only thing that I can think of why it can't find the files. However Minecraft should work if you change the path from /mnt/cache/... to /mnt/user/... in the template. You can set the JRE version by clicking on Show More... in the template.
  19. Your iGPU isn't active, that's probably caused because you also have a Nvidia GPU in your system. Please make sure that you've set it to the primary display adapter, if that also doesn't help, please connect a HDMI dummy plug to the iGPU <- I also have to do the same thing when I have a dGPU installed in my system, otherwise the iGPU won't be initialized even if I have set it to the primary display adapter.
  20. If you want to do something like that I would rather recommend that you use the steam-headless Docker container form @Josh.5 because this would involve some real tinkering. You can however achieve that in the LXC container too but it's really complicated, you can search my old repositories and search for the Debian-Nvidia-Steam container (deprecated that in favor to the Steam-Headless container) to get some clues how to do that. What do you want to do with the container or for what do you need HW acceleration? For a specific app or do you want to have HW acceleration for the desktop itself? I would rather recommend that you use a Docker container for that, if HW acceleration is not needed. For example look at my Debian Bullseye container from the CA App, it's basically the same as this LXC "template" for VNC.
  21. Sorry but I don't have any other recommendations. I've never heard anything like that, maybe the 7200rpm drives are the bottleneck, I only run the game containers on SSDs or NVMEs, but I don't think so. Seems like some other weird issue.
  22. Du solltest mal nach diesem fehler suchen. Irgendwas stimmt da nicht. Sry ich kenn mich mit dem container überhaupt nicht aus und hab auch keine verwendug dafür, aber der container kann eben genau aus dem oben angeführten Fehler vermutlich nicht erreicht werden.
  23. Dann lass den container port auf 8080 und den host port legst du auf was anderes 8085 oder was auch immer, dann kannst du mit 8085 drauf zugreifen. Exakt, du siehst auch fast das gleiche Kommando sobald du im Template auf Apply klickst im nächsten Fenster.
  24. On what hardware do you run the containers? Could also be a different issue. But anyways, seems like a pretty strange issue never heard of such an issue before.
  25. But keep in mind that this fixed issues for some users in terms of cards fall from the bus. Even one user switched slots and it started working and prevented that the card fall from the bus. Never say never… Maybe it‘s related because it‘s connected to the chipset and maybe some weird or hald-baked implementation in the BIOS so that the card falls from the bus. AMD did some crazy stuff with PCIe IIRC.
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