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Everything posted by ich777

  1. If you read on you'll see that it says "can't download uNmINeD-GUI', so the download simply failed, nothing more but I don't know exactly why... This shouldn't happen at all. Will investigate that further. EDIT: I really don't know what happened there, even if I do it like in your case it is working and updating just fine:
  2. This seems like a DNS issue to me if it doesn't detect the LANCache DNS. May I ask if you already have PiHole or Adguard running too? Why not make a rewrite to the LANCache Monoithic in PiHole or AdGuard, with that you don't need the DNS container. Do you have a screenshot from that? I already had a report about such an issue, what container are you using and how have you configured them?
  3. A little hit more information would be nice, what CPU are we talking about. Passthrough feom the iGPU wihout a dedicated GPU isn‘t possible AFAIK. You can however use it for transcoding in a Docker container. This is not a limitation from Unraid, instead it‘s a limitation from the hardware. Have you read for what this plugin is and what it does? This will create a vGPU and gives you the ability to run software inside the VM which needs a „real“ GPU but this plugin won‘t output anything to a screen.
  4. Nein, das muss der NIC unterstützten und wurde meines wissens auch absichtlich nicht im Moduel bzw. im Kernel aktiviert da dieser NIC bzw. die Anbindung zum Chipsatz zu buggy ist wenn ich mich recht erinnere und der Server manchmal trotzdem aufwacht auch wenn kein Magic Package für WOL geschickt wurde.
  5. Ich habe im Support Thread geantwortet ich finde es unnötig zweimal zu Antworten. Das wird dich aber wieder zurückwerfen da die Karte dann vermutlich mehr Strom braucht weil sie nicht abgeschaltet wird sondern in einen "floating" Zustand wechselt (abhängig davon wie es im BIOS der Karte implementiert ist) der ziemlich gleich ist wie wenn du den Computer an schaltest (Lüfter drehen womöglich kurz voll und kein Power Management) -> heißt vermutlich wieder deine 100W. Nein. Nur wenn der Miner einen Desktop hat. Das hab ich dir im Support Thread beantwortet, hängt vermutlich mit der Initilaisierung der Karte zusammen was eben nvidia-persistenced eben nicht wirklich macht.
  6. Don't use this anymore: --persistenced-mode=1 because it is deprecated soon by Nvidia and even if you are using it, please disable it before starting a VM, you can definitely crash your entire server because persistence mode is not meant for such a use case. Where are you seeing that, in nvidia-smi or on a power meter? Is that even true if nvidia-smi displays that? There is a little bit of misunderstanding here... The Windows driver does nothing to the Unraid Nvidia Driver, it does something to the card that changes the power consumption, if that's even true what nvidia-smi displays. This behavior is also not consistent between all cards and it seems to me that it has something to do with how it's implemented in the BIOS from the GPU itself, but I really can't tell for sure. You have to understand that the card isn't fully initialized by nvidia-persistenced, it tricks the card only into a state where it thinks it sits idle on the desktop and that's why it's pulled down to P8 but as said above nvidia-persistenced doesn't initalize the card fully. Anyways if you are really sure that the power consumption is higher (measured on from the wall) then do something like that in a user script at startup: virsh start VMNAME sleep 120 virish shutdown VMNAME This will basically start the VM once, wait 120 seconds so that it is fully started (in case Windows Update kicks in) and shutdown the VM again after said 120 seconds.
  7. No issue over here: ---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user--- ---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user--- ---Setting umask to 0000--- ---Checking for optional scripts--- ---No optional script found, continuing--- ---Taking ownership of data...--- ---Starting...--- ---Version Check--- ---uNmINeD-GUI not found! Please wait, installing...--- /unmined/uNmINeD-0. 100%[===================>] 25.93M 10.7MB/s in 2.4s ---Sucessfully downloaded uNmINeD-GUI--- uNmINeD-CLI not found! Please wait, installing... /unmined/uNmINeD-CL 100%[===================>] 11.90M 10.6MB/s in 1.1s ---Sucessfully downloaded uNmINeD-CLI--- ---Checking for old display lock files--- ---Resolution check--- ---Starting TurboVNC server--- ---Starting Fluxbox--- ---Starting noVNC server--- WebSocket server settings: - Listen on :8080 - Web server. Web root: /usr/share/novnc - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file) - Backgrounding (daemon) ---Starting uNmINeD-GUI--- How does the folder structure look on your system?
  8. Nein, stimmt schlichtweg nicht, die 3090 sind dafür bekannt sich ein wenig mehr im Idle zu genehmingen, sogar die 3090 (Zotac) von einem Kumpel von mir genehmigt sich am Windows Desktop 25 - 35W auf Bare Metal. Ich weiß nicht ob eine 3090 in einen Stromsparthread passt... Das kann an der Monitor Ausgabe liegen, hast du denn einen Monitor dran? Es kann sein wenn die 3090 keinen richtigen Handshake mit dem Monitor gemacht hat das die dann mehr Strom braucht, der Stromverbrauch im Idle hängt auch stark vom angeschlossenen Monitor an und ob überhaupt einer dran ist. Ist aber nur eine Vermutung. Bitte nur mehr bzw. bevorzugt: nvidia-persistenced benutzen. Vergiss aber nicht wenn du eine VM startest und nvidia-persistenced aktiv ist kann es gut möglich sein das du deinen ganzen Server crashed, deshalb müsstest du vor dem VM start nvidia-persistenced killen.
  9. Not, that won't work because you need a GUI for that and even if you boot in GUI mode Unraid doesn't ship all the necessary libraries for it. Simply run this command from a Unraid Terminal: nvidia-persistenced wait a minute or two and the card should go into P8 which is actually the lowest power state. You can also put this command in the go file so that it persists across reboots so you don't have to enter it every time manually. Please don't use this command if you are planning to use the card in a VM because this can crash your server as soon as you start the VM.
  10. Please use the official Docker container, AFAIK and also a few other people reported that the binhex container doesn't support it.
  11. Nothing manual, everything is automated, otherwise you would need to compile the driver on every reboot.
  12. Please create you filters and then exit the application once from within Thunderbird "File -> Quit/Exit". If you are restarting the container from the Docker page within the Unraid WebGUI it won't save it.
  13. Why? Please try it I'm really curious, never heard of such an issue like you are experiencing. This is not the right terminology, the older driver is still from the production branch and that a new driver is released doesn't mean automatically that 515.86.01 is deprecated... This is the new driver yes, I compiled it and uploaded the package to GitHub so that is available and in the plugin for users to download and install on Unraid.
  14. Quoting yourself is never a good idea... Please join @Spectral Force's Discord server for more help: https://discord.gg/VwwYA5h
  15. This makes no sense at all, you've said that it wasn't working properly on driver 470 too. Is it maybe possible that the video files are corrupt?
  16. Do you have cgroup2 enabled on Unraid?
  17. Wüsste nichts... Ich war schon mal wo aktiv aber da gings glaub ich nicht um Fehler oder doch? Bist du dir sicher das die Kabel in Ordnung sind? Tausch die mal wenn du die Möglichkeit dazu hast bitte. Kannst du bitte mal versuchen für 2 Tage die Platten nicht in den Spindown zu schicken bzw. die Platte mal an einen anderen Port anzuschließen mit spindown aktiv und sehen ob es dann das gleiche ist.
  18. Please see @Squid's answer over on Reddit: Click
  19. Please share the link to the post.
  20. ARK can be horrible in terms of the server list... Anyways thank you for the update and glad to hear that it is now working for you!
  21. You've said there that everything was working with 6.11.2 and for 6.11.2 there wasn't even a 510.85.02 driver version available... Unraid 6.11.2 is based on Kernel version 5.19.17 (see here) and Unraid 6.11.5 is also based on Kernel version 5.19.17 (see here or your installed version in the change log). This is simply not true, you can search the whole thread and you won't find a single post about such an issue with a new driver (except for really old cards where you need the 470 series driver). The driver 515.86.01 is from the production branch (see here) and should come without any bugs and your card should just work fine, if the you are using a driver from the new feature branch or beta branch I can understand your argument but not in this case (up until now the new feature branch nor the beta branch had any major bugs which prevented a card from transcoding). Oh, now that I think about it, please try to 470 series driver and there should be no bugs in it, this should be the most stable one and also supports your GTX 1070 (see here - click on "Supported Products")
  22. No. Yes. What do you want to do that you need access to the console in the container?
  23. Maybe someone else can test it for you? I really can‘t help, you are currently the only one with that issue and I don‘t know what‘s wrong in your specific case.
  24. Had to hide your post, please read the big red text from the first post of this thread!
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