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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Nein. Aber du hast noch eine 2. Grafikkarte drin für Unraid oder? Wie reichst du denn die iGPU durch?
  2. Wie meinst du das? Was hast du genau gemacht? Es könnt durchaus sein, hast du sonst irgendwas im BIOS geändert (Overclock, Undervolt, XMP)? Lad mal die defaults und lass ihn so laufen. Das kann schon leicht sein das es am Netzteil liegt, wenn du eine Spitze hast das es eben diese nicht kompensieren kann, war hier auch erst Thema in einem anderen Thread.
  3. No, it's the exact same command. You can also try to stop the container, change the cron schedule to one minute in advance and see if it downloads the game too, then there is certainly something wrong with the LANCache responding too slow. I have now another user report of such an issue but not really related to the container. It may be possible that your LANCache is to slow to respond, do you have also issues that sometimes the friendlist is not working or Steam seems to be offline? I can only tell that the LANCache Prefill container is working fine for me and a few other users:
  4. Leider kannst du das nicht wirklich beeinflussen. Wenn er wirklich hart crashed dann siehst du nur am Bildschirm was das Problem ist.
  5. Parity Check kannst ziemlich sicher abbrechen weil der vermutlich sowieso zu dem Zeitpunkt auf das Array geschrieben hat, kannst du aber machen wie du willst. Nicht wirklich, aber das ist immer schwer was zu sagen wenn selbst im Syslogserver nix hinterlegt ist. Hast du denn einen mix aus br0 und bridge bei denen Docker Containern?
  6. Bitte geh mal in die Docker Einstellungen und schau nach was dort eingestellt ist: Wenn du einen mix aus bridge und br0 für deine Docker container hast bitte versuch mal auf "ipvlan" umzustellen wenn das bei dir auf "macvlan" steht. Bitte deinstallier auch das NerdPack und ich würde dir auch empfehlen das hier zu machen von einem Unraid Terminal nachdem du das Nerd Pack deinstalliert hast: rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack (das löscht alle alten Pakete, die werden by default nicht gelöscht) Wenn du das nächste mal nicht auf die GUI kommst für auch: diagnostics aus dem Terminal aus, das erstellt die Diagnostics und speichert sie am USB Stick.
  7. Do you have a cache drive installed? If no then this directory is cleared out because you are basically writing it to RAM. If you have for example a cache drive installed and named it differently then you have to change the name in the template too and make sure that the Share where the appdata directory is on is set to "Prefer" or "Only" in terms of Use Cache. Try for example TeamFortress2 or PvK2 with /mnt/user/... and it will crash for sure, or better speaking it will segfault. To circumvent that just specify /mnt/diskX/... (replace X with the correct disk number) if you have no cache drive installed. This will also as said above, save some CPU time because it doesn't have to go through FUSE.
  8. Can you change your Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan in your Docker settings with Advanced View turned on for testing purposes and see if it‘s the same with ipvpan?
  9. Thank you, I will update the plugin ASAP so that it takes that into account and you don‘t have to do any manual steps. I will report back when it‘s modified. Please update to the latest Coral plugin version (2022.11.14), remove everything custom you have done to enable the TPU on boot and reboot. It should now load the driver on it's own again. Please report back if it's now working for you.
  10. Can you give me the exact steps that you‘ve did? I‘m also not sure what do you mean by that, do you want to add the assets for CS or do you want to also run a CS dedicated server?
  11. This is done by default on almost all of my templates and that should be the default way of doing it for game servers because some games doesn‘t run when using the FUSE (/mnt/user/…) file path and they simply will crash. You are also saving some CPU time when using the real file path to the game (/mnt/cache/… or /mnt/diskX/…)
  12. This is most likely the case because LANCache isn‘t answerong quick enough and times out. Do you have added the —dns parameter to your Extra Parameters? Are you sure that you have a stable Internet connection when running the cron schedule? Can you try to turn on Force Update in the template and see if this makes a difference, BTW this will only run the prefill every time the container starts/restarts and not re-download everything.
  13. I would recommend that you ask that question on the Prometheus Support Thread because I‘m not the maintainer from that container.
  14. Thank you, will look into that and report back... please give me a few days...
  15. I would recommend asking over on his thread...
  16. No, not really... I think @mgutt somewhere has a script for that which is able to do that IIRC.
  17. So, hatte kurz Zeit, hab es auch kompiliert aber ich hab dann mal mit un-get gesucht und auch gefunden. Um es in gang zu bekommen einfach un-get installieren und dann: un-get update un-get install testdisk libewf (libewf brauchst damit testidsk läuft) Danach kannst: testdisk ganz normal ausführen. Zum löschen einfach wieder: un-get remove testdisk libewf
  18. If you turn on snapshots then it is storing deltas from all the modified files and if you want to get some files back you have to restore the full backup from that time to get that file back. Yes, the normal way, it does only copy files over which have actually changed and stores a delta from the changes so that it is able to restore the file at a certain time, this is exactly how rsync handles that because luckyBackup uses rsync as Backend. I think then luckyBackup is not the right tool for you.
  19. No worries. You should be also able to configure how many backups to keep in the settings from the sync job, but I really don‘t know how it behaves when doing this with a external drive. It could also be the case that incremental backups are not working correctly because it‘s a NTFS drive, make sure that you tick the box that this is a NTFS drive in the advanced settings from the sync job.
  20. External drives or drives which are removed while the container is running should be always mounted as R/W Slave.
  21. I would recommend to format it as XFS or some Linux native format since you are working with Linux here. If you want to use NTFS you loose some attributes sonce NTFS doesn‘t support all attributes from Linux and you also have to set the flag that it is a NTFS filesystem in the advanced settings from the sync job. If you want to read it from Windows there should be a application from Paragon software where you can read Linux filesystems natively in the Explorer.
  22. Stop the Docker, install/copy the mods to the Garrysmod directory and start the Docker again.
  23. Are the servers not working or what is the issue? A little bit more inforrmation would be nice. To connect to the servers simply enter your SERVERIP:PORT You maybe have to configure them first too… I would recomment to look in the Container logs and start from there.
  24. I hope you have mounted it as R/W Slave in the Docker template. What filesystem is that drive? luckyBackup does only incremental Backups by default, can you tell my what do you want to do exactly?
  25. Ich kann morgen am Abend eins kompilieren bzw. mir das mal ansehen sollte aber hoffentlich kein problem sein. Hab leider vor morgen Abend keine Zeit…
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