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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Are you sure that those mods are Linux compatible?
  2. If it's the same as for ArmA3 you have to do it like: -mod=@CF;@VPPAdminTools But keep in mind I'm not an expert when it comes to modding...
  3. No, that is not possible on Unraid or better speaking Slackware (at least to my knowledge it's not possible on Slackware and Unraid is based on Slackware). Usually you enable cgoup2 with "systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1" in the boot parameters but that won't work on Unraid/Slackware because it uses init cgroup2 is at least supported on Unraid/Slackware but you simply can't enable it (to check simply execute: "grep cgroup /proc/filesystems") However you can enable cgroup2 after you've booted Unraid but that will not work reliably because you can only mount the controllers in one hierarchy so there is not really much benefit from that, the stats also wont work and even worse the stats from the Docker page won't work either after doing this: Stop the Docker service Execute "mount -t cgroup2 none /sys/fs/cgroup" Start the Docker service again Run "docker info | grep -i cgroup" and you should see that it now uses v2 Also note that Docker needs to be at least on version 20.10+ for this but I would strongly recommend you to not try this on your main server! However if you really want to try I got a build where cgroup v2 is working but I haven't tested it extensively and can't tell if something isn't working... Fell free to contact me if someone got interested.
  4. Pushed an update to the container. Please update the container and check if that solves the issue.
  5. Welchen Fehler habt ihr denn beide, was zeigt das Docker run command an? (um diesen output zu bekommen einfach im Docker template was ändern und wieder zurück ändern, beispielsweise den letzten Buchstaben vom Namen löschen und wieder hinzufügen um den Apply button am ende frei zu schalten und dann auf Apply klicken) Funktionieren denn eure Geräte (DVB und Intel) auch und habt ihr auch die zugehörigen Pfade (/dev/dvb und /dev/dri)?
  6. Dann erstell dir doch eine genau wie hier beschrieben. Du verwechselst hier zwei Grundlegende sachen... SteamCMD ist die Anwendung zum Download der Dedizierten Server und warum solltest du nur 5 verschiedene Instanzen mit einem SteamCMD Verzeichnis laufen lassen können, wo hört man denn sowas? Du kannst unendlich viele Dedizierte Server mit nur einem SteamCMD Verzeichnis laufen lassen. Das ist doch egal, hauptsache der Inhalt der server.cfg stimmt, bedenke auch das du den Container vorher stoppen solltest bevor du irgendwas an den configs änderst oder was löscht oder hinzufügst. Noch ein kurzer Hinweis am Rande, wenn du jemand markieren willst dann mach das mit dem @ zeichen, schreib dann den Namen und wähle den Namen dann auch noch aus indem du drauf klickst, so erhält derjenige auch eine Benachrichtigung @vomi21, sieht dann so aus:
  7. @geromme just a little side note, please always use the support thread for such questions. You can go to the support thread by clicking on the container and select Support or if it‘s a plugin on the Plugin page by clicking Support Thread.
  8. Because the Linux server is only available for experimental or did it already made it to the stable branch?
  9. The better question would be, why doesn't he create a PR on the repository from @b3rs3rk so that everyone benefits? @b3rs3rk can you take a look at this maybe if you got some spare time?
  10. Nope, this would be an issue for the Nvidia Driver itself but it's not really an issue. Please put this in your go file at the end: nvidia-persistenced and your GPU should go to idle after a reboot.
  11. Sorry, I've completely overlooked this: Jul 30 00:54:18 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:08:00): 79, pid='<unknown>', name=<unknown>, GPU has fallen off the bus. Jul 30 00:54:18 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:08:00.0: GPU has fallen off the bus. Jul 30 00:54:18 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:08:00.0: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x24:0xffff:1394) Jul 30 00:54:18 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:08:00.0: rm_init_adapter failed, device minor number 0 Jul 30 00:54:19 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:08:00): 79, pid='<unknown>', name=<unknown>, GPU has fallen off the bus. Jul 30 00:54:19 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:08:00.0: GPU has fallen off the bus. Jul 30 00:54:19 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:08:00.0: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x24:0xffff:1394) Jul 30 00:54:19 RyzenNAS kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:08:00.0: rm_init_adapter failed, device minor number 0 Have you enabled C-States in the BIOS? If yes, please try to disable them. Also maybe try to disable PCIe power saving in the BIOS if you have that option (PCIe Auto Supsend or something like that). Do you have any other power saving features enabled installed on your server?
  12. No it doesn‘t but I would recommend that you‘ve enable it anyways. Do you run the card in a PCIe x16 slot? I‘m really not too sure what‘s going on on your system… The driver is loaded from what I see in the system devices list but it seems it isn‘t fully loaded from what I see in the syslog on the other hand… Have you turned on Vt-d? If yes try to turn it off. Also make sure that you are on the latest BIOS version but from what I see it‘s a pretty new version.
  13. How are you installing a older driver, what did you do exactly? Can you please tell me what the gow uinput plugin is and where do you have it from and for what it used? Why does it download the Nvidia driver? Jul 29 16:28:05 unRaid root: Downloading https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/510.73.05/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-510.73.05.run EDIT: I've now tested it on my server and everything is working as expected: Here with the installed driver version 515.57: The Downloading Package box opens after selecting a static version and clicking Update & Download (I've waited for the download to finish and clicked on DONE): After the reboot the plugin now shows the correct driver version:
  14. Have you read the description from the container? I think you should start there... In my templates almost everything is described how it should work and what you have to do to route the traffic from another container through the OpenVPN-Client container.
  15. Are you really sure that this is the message when you unplug the card? This indicates another issue... The drivers are already loaded from what I see here: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] [10de:1c82] (rev a1) Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] [1462:3351] Kernel driver in use: nvidia Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia Do you have enabled Above 4G Decoding and Resizabel BAR Support in your BIOS too? I can only imagine that this is some kind of weird HP thing that the card doesn't initialize successfully... Multiple users of HP or Dell Servers had issues and one wrong set BIOS setting can prevent it from working. What's really weird is that I have no indication that the driver isn't loaded successfully on your system, instead everything seems fine. I would also recommend to preven UEFI boot in Unraid itsel (click on the blue Flash text in the Main tab and there should be a checkbox for that - don't forget to click Apply).
  16. Then download the file that I've linked above on your computer and put it in the folder '/boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/5.15.46/' on your server, after that reboot and the driver should be installed. Have you maybe done anything custom to Unraid, custom DNS servers...? Any AdBlocking software on your network or something like that? Where are you located in the world? Maybe try it in a few hours, I really can't help since this is a download issue from GitHub. I've had such an issue with German users where it downloads the files with a few KB/s and the download took forever. What kind of USB Boot device do you have? Do you have enough free space on there?
  17. When the done button isn't displayed the driver download isn't finished and it can't work. GitHub gave me some trouble recently with download speeds and a ~200MB driver a download speed of about 15KB/s can take a while. Can you try to to download this file only to see which speeds do you get (you don't need this file, this is only how fast the download is for you)? Currently I'm getting about 18MB/s down from GitHub. Please follow the procedure described above, remove the driver, reboot and try to install it again from the CA App, I hope that it doesn't take this long to download this time.
  18. Did you actually wait until the driver plugin was fully downloaded and clicked the DONE button or did you close the window with the red X on top? Please remove the plugin, reboot and install it from the CA App again. Seems like the driver package isn't fully downloaded. Where? Also this isn't necessary, please follow the steps from above and wait until the DONE button on plugin installation is displayed.
  19. Is this Diagnostics after it dropped and isn't recognized anymore by your system or is this a Diagnostics file when it is still recognized? This seems like after a restart because the card is recognized, it would be really helpful if you can post the Diagnostics after it isn't recognized anymore by your system. Please also try to boot with Legacy Boot (CSM) instead of UEFI.
  20. Can you open up a terminal from Unraid itself and type in: modprobe nvidia If you get no output or error message please post your Diagnostics again, if you get a error message please post the message here.
  21. No, I don't will maintain it any further because such a "toxic" Docker shouldn't exist in the CA App that can crash the whole server and prevent the whole server from running correctly even after a restart.
  22. That's actually pretty easy, let it pull the latest version and then change the game version to custom and make sure that the jar file in the main directory for the container is in there and named "server.jar", if you wan't to switch over to another version simply download the according server .jar file and name it "server.jar" and put it in the main directory by replacing the existing one. You can of course name it differently but then you have to change the Serverfile name in the Docker template eg: if you name the file "mycoolminecraftserver.jar" you have to change the Serverfile name in the template to "mycoolminecraftserver". Hope that helps.
  23. Please boot with Legacy Boot (CSM) instead of UEFI.
  24. The updates wouldn't be the issue... The way the updates are handled are the issue. They changed the archive file name now 3 times and the file structure inside the archive file too and they changed multiple times how tmodloader is working and this should have broken installations for people that are not using my container too. I would rather search on DockerHub then on GitHub. You can install almost everything from DockerHub on Unraid:
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