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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Browser Cache löschen sollte das Problem auch beheben.
  2. Erklär mir das bitte was du damit meinst und ob wir von den Rechten im Container oder außerhalb des Containers reden?
  3. I recommend that you create a issue on Github for that because I'm only the template maintainer. Here is their Github Issue tracker: Click This seems like a really strange issue to me, does the log tell you anything why it stopped?
  4. Yes and no, this is a bit more complicated than you think and I really don't know if it's worth the effort since the Tesla K80 isn't even capable of transcoding H265 because the NVENC chip on there doesn't even supports it. The next thing is I don't think you even can use one from the two cards in a VM because it doesn't even have a display output and from what I know display drivers won't install properly in VMs, but I could be wrong about that... I've now created a complete custom package for you but the installation is a bit different than usual, please write me a short PM and I will hook you up with instructions on how to get the driver working. Also this custom package will only work on 6.9.2 and I even don't know if this will work... May I ask what system do you have? Do you have maybe a Intel system that is 7th gen or newer with a iGPU? The iGPU can handle up to 4x 4K streams without a hitch. If not maybe selling the card and buy something like a Nvidia T400 for transcoding (you can get them for about 140,- brand new) and a second card for the VM. This is only a idea, over here in middle Europe Tesla K80s sell for good money where you can buy two cards without paying extra.
  5. ZDB is already included in the builds, or what do you mean exactly? Simply type in 'zdb' in a unRAID terminal, should be located in /usr/sbin/zdb
  6. Sure thing, create a variable with the Key: CUSTOM_RES_W and the Value: 1280 to set the width and a second variable with the Key: CUSTOM_RES_H and the Value: 768 if you want to set the height in the Docker template. But keep in mind this should be the only menu that is slightly "bigger" than the pre set screen size of 1024x768 and you should be able to reach all buttons and drop downs.
  7. Sure thing, but this needs to be tested and a custom script needs to be made. The last thing that I want is that you get two or more messages when one operation finished for example... I only built the notification through ZED for a finished scrub into the plugin because it is actually trivial to do a scrub after a unclean shutdown and it is much nicer that you get a notification when it's finished. If now users want more notifications/features maybe a WebUI for the ZFS plugin is necessary to turn on/off notifications/features, but this means serious work and I'm also not to sure if this will actually make sense because ZFS is sometime in the near future built into unRAID itself. Also keep in mind you can add your own script(s) for notifications you want to ZED, I also don't know what makes more sense, what's your opinion about that @steini84?
  8. You should get the best results when booting in Legacy mode and using Q35 as machine type. Thats also how you can solve this...
  9. The driver is relatively easy to install but keep in mind every time you reboot unRAID the driver is uninstalled again and you have to do everything from beginning. The part thats a bit more difficult is to get everything working for Docker. If you want to I can look into this but not today because it's my sons birthday... 😁 Keep one thing in mind, I don't know if this is working what you are trying to do to use one card for Docker containers and the other in a VM.
  10. Exactly, because this is a Datacenter card. To be honest I even don't know if Docker or their container toolkit is compatible with those cards. What is the exact use case for thus card in your server? Not easily because it's not as easy as changing a URL. The drivers needs to be compiled for each individual unRAID version, then the container packages get added, then it is packed up and uploaded to Github.
  11. Yes, but what are you doing in the go file after you've enabled the iGPU? Do you disable the display output? I would recommend that you actually use a HDMI Dummy Plug since those helped already prevent crashes on other 10th gen systems if no monitor is plugged into the iGPU. You can also remove the modprobe and chmod from the go file and enable the iGPU by simply installing the plugin Intel-GPU-TOP.
  12. Exactly, the disk is used in various containers (Nextcloud, Emby,...) as a cache, external storage and so on... that don't need redundant storage. Sure I could also create a third Pool on my Server and use the disk there but I like UD for this usecase more. If you don't integrate this I'm also fine with it, I only thought this might be useful to somebody else too...
  13. But only if you turn this option on, otherwise it would work as usual. This was only just an idea to keep the main interface simple and hide it in the settings. Maybe another idea would be to display Disabled or something simmilar instead of Unmount/Mount if this option is turned on so that it is actually visible that it's disabled to mount unmount the disk.
  14. This is really strange since it is working just normal on my test system with 6.9.2: Do you have anything special installed through the NerdPack or from somewhere else? Do you have Unassigned Devices installed on your server? EDIT: Ah, now I get it, if you install UnassignedDevices and UnassignedDevices Plus it is working... I will add a check if the required package is installed and install it if it isn't installed next week. EDIT2: Released an update from the RCON plugin that now installs the missing libraries if they are not already installed.
  15. Seems like that in your case i915 is causing the Kernel panic or at least it is crashing right after you've activate it. May I also ask why you unbind the console output from your iGPU? But does your server now also crash if you have to CoreFreq plugin uninstalled? I also would recommend that you remove the statistics.sender.plg from your server, isn't this plugin deprecated?
  16. Is this something that would be appropriate: (please don't judge my drawing skills... ) Maybe it would be an idea to actually display this switch only if AUTOMOUNT is enabled (next to it not at the end like in my drawing).
  17. No, released it directly through CA and never had it somewhere else. Plugin URL never changed either... It's really strange that only some users are affected...
  18. Please share your full Diagnostics. Do I understand that right that after you've uninstalled CoreFreq your server crashed too? Did you rebooted after you've uninstalled CoreFreq?
  19. Have you actually tested if you can connect to the WebGUI? This is not an error, this is as the message says a warning... Nothing to worry about. Firefox is running just fine.
  20. Hi @dlandon! Got a feature request... Would it be possible to create a option in the settings to actually disable the Unmount button (greyed out) from a device like it is now when you activate that it is passed throug to a VM or Docker container: Or does this also work when I enable Passed Through? If yes will the Automount work like it works when it's not passed through? I unmounted the device now accidentally more times than I would like too...
  21. Thank you! The description in the container seems wrong replace "en_US" with "en-US" and it should work again, changed the description too. Before you do this please force a update from the container itself (turn on the Advanced View on the top right on the Docker page and click , don't forget to turn of the Advanced View after the update is done because it produces a little load on your server).
  22. Can you give me a screenshot from your template? Or better speaking what language variable are you using?
  23. Please use the appropriate support thread for your Kusader container. Click on your Krusader Docker icon and select "Support" this is a specific question to your Docker container. Seems like you've mounted the new disk wrong.
  24. May I ask about what hardware are we talking about? I think every x64 CPU is capable of running 4GB of memory even really old ones... Even if we are talking about DDR2 you can get a kit of 2x2GB on Amazon for about $20,- The same applies for a single DDR2 4GB stick (but I'm not to sure if a single stick 4GB DDR2 will work on every motherboard from that time).
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