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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I only know that this version is locking up but not the old one. I would recommend to open up an issue on the checkmk Github or contacting the support from Checkmk and tell them your problem that even the "old" or better speaking stable is locking up your server, but never experienced this as said for the stable version on any of my machines.
  2. Try it with the default (old or stable, whatever you want to call it) version that is in the template. Are you sure that you've deleted the checkmk directory that is created in your appdata folder and then tried to reinstall it? I tried it now and it starts up just fine.
  3. @sonic6 wieviel verbraucht dein System nochmal mit dem 10400?
  4. I think the map has to be downloaded forst or am I wrong? Where did you put the command in in the template?
  5. Is this a Titan X with 12GB? This card is Maxwell based and does not support h.265 Try to transcode a file that is h.264 and it shouls work.
  6. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Bitte mach einen neuen Post, ist off topic...
  7. Please note when TPM got integrated into unRAID (this would be sooner than soon ) itself you have to undo everything and maybe have to reinstall Windows 11 new or if you encrypted the drive with Bitlocker you have to recovery the drive, but if you got it working already I think the necessary steps to undo the changes that you've made so far shouldn't be much of an issue for you. Also this script isn't really necessary...
  8. @Cyd have you ever played around with this? I'm not an ARK player in any way and I'm completely lost when it comes to modding those servers.
  9. Oh, you've already found it... Please keep in mind that it currently only supports up to 6.9.2 reliably... Sure thing, it's on DockerHub.
  10. I've already read about that here: Don't know how much users would benefit from this... Wouldn't it be better to create a post on the feature request sub forums so this gets baked into unRAID itself? You can use my Unraid-Kernel-Helper container for this, it also supports manual compiling and integration, but please be aware that I maybe soon will deprecate the Unraid-Kernel-Helper because I want to move away from custom builds since you can now integrate basically everything with plugins to unRAID.
  11. Okay, dann wird es wohl so sein... Ist das für dich auch ok? Ich kann da leider nicht viel dagegen machen, du könntest auch noch das Backup script von mgutt benutzen ist aber ohne GUI und ich glaub das erstellt dann Ordner mit den einzelnen Dateien drin...
  12. Ich glaube das nur eine komplette Sicherung wiederhergestellt werden kann, ja. Müsstest du aber ausprobieren, hab ich ehrlichgesagt noch nie gemacht, schau mal was passiert wenn du Kalkuliere Unterschiede anklickst, evtl kannst du dann Dateien einzeln auswählen.
  13. @stubennatter bitte poste deine Diagnostics.
  14. Please try to stop the container, remove the Backup folder, start the container again and see if the backup archives are created properly... Is it possible since the last update that the worlds where reset, I'm not too sure about that but I think I've read that somewhere...
  15. Are you sure that the share where the game files are located is set to use Cache Only or Prefer? Maybe the mover moved the files to the Array. You can also try to set the variable VALIDATE to 'true' (without quotes) and wait for the Container to validate the files, when it's done please unset the variable VALIDATE again.
  16. Have you set the variable VALIDATE to true?
  17. May I ask which tool? Why does it need the Kernel headers, some kind of modules involved?
  18. I hope it's okay to post a part from your syslog here: Oct 1 11:59:21 Gen8 unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'MSA_1040_SAN_00c0ff282747000057d6436101000000', mountpoint 'HP_MSA_1040_SAN' is not set to auto mount. Oct 1 11:59:22 Gen8 iscsid: Connection1:0 to [target: iqn.1986-03.com.hp:storage.msa1040.1629281c75, portal:,3260] through [iface: default] is operational now Oct 1 12:00:10 Gen8 emhttpd: MSA_1040_SAN_00c0ff282747000057d6436101000000_3600c0ff00028274757d6436101000000 (sdf) 512 64257810432 Oct 1 12:00:10 Gen8 emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdf From what I see iscsid is mounting the share 1 second to slow... I mainly tested the Initiator on the Array and the Cache without a problem but now that I think about it, the Array and Cache drives are mounted way later than the Unassigned Device drives. Would it be an option for you to actually create a Cache pool with the iSCSI disk in it? @dlandon can you think of an easy way to delay the mount in UnassignedDevices from the disk?
  19. @JorgeB do you have a clue why he can't add the last 3 disks to the Array?
  20. Beim ersten containerstart wird dir das angezeigt im Log vom Container. Auf der Docker Seite je nach unRAID version der Notizzettel oder auf das Logo vom Container klicken und dann auf Log oder auf die Schrift ganz rechts die dir die Uptime vom Container anzeigt, so öffnest du das log. Wie gesagt wird aber nur beim ersten Start angezeigt, du kannst auch den Container sowie das Verzeichnis das für checkmk in appdata angelegt wurde löschen und dann nochmal neu aus der CA App installieren.
  21. Currently not implemented in my container, will look into this how to implement this ASAP. Please force an update from the container and add this variable to the container: Please also add a TCP Port to the template with the Container and Host port 41144.
  22. This is done on reboot and is tested with multiple targets, can you please send me your Diagnostics after a restart where the connection failed? I can only think about a network issue that the network is not fully initialized when the plugin tries to connect to the Target.
  23. Das Plugin hättest du mit USB basierten Coral Geräten doch sowieso nicht gebraucht weil der Stick ganz anders durchgereicht wird... Du siehst auch nur deshalb nur die Überschrift weil es keine API für die USB basierten Coral Geräte gibt. Wollte nur Fragen weil ich dem Plugin ein Update verpasst hab:
  24. @Rockikone du hast doch ein Coral TPU oder? Ist dieses PCIe oder USB basiert? Wenn es PCIe basiert ist hast du das Plugin schon upgedated und kannst mir mal auf die Plugin seite gehen und einen Screenshot schicken wie es dort aussieht? Soweit ich weiß schon, du musst nur mein Coral-Driver Plugin installieren und es sollte ganz normal laufen. Im Frigate template musst du das Gerät "/dev/apex_0" durchreichen damit die TPU im Container auch erkannt wird. Sei dir bewusst das DUAL EDGE TPU einen E-Key verwendet!!! Da brauchst du dann evtl einen adapter, ich würd eher das B+M Modell nehmen bzw. je nachdem was dein Slot unterstütz.
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