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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is not an error, this is just a normal Warnung and can be safely ignored. No, simply install the default container template. I think the best would be to start over again and redownload it from the CA App. What does the log look like when the container is fully started?
  2. If you are going to import a huge library it would be best to use MariaDB. Yes, for now it is single user only, but I think the developers plan to make it multi user if I'm not mistaken, take a look at Github.
  3. Try to reset the password by opening up a console window from the container (click on the Photoprism Icon on the Docker page and click on Console) and type in: photoprism passwd After that you should be able to change the password. After that restart the container and try to login again.
  4. Yes. Simply bind the RTX3080 to VFIO at your System Devices and then reboot. After you did that the plugin won't see your RTX3080 and it is reserved for exclusive use in VMs.
  5. From what I see in the logs it seems to me that something is wrong with the Java version or better speaking it's the wrong version for this Forge version. Btw, I hate Forge, it runs for a few days/hours and randomly it stops for no reason and won't start up again... You can try to change the Java version to something like jre8 "basicjre" in the Advanced Settings in the template: Steps to perform when changing the Java version: Stop the container Delete the "runtime" folder from the Minecraft directory Change the Java version and start the container again EDIT: Or eventually try "jre11", Java 16 is needed for the vanilla Minecraft servers.
  6. No problem here: Can you eventually share about what ssllabs is complaining about? If you look at the report from ssllabs you might be able to solve most issues yourself.
  7. I have actually two requests if possible please: Acer Easystore H310/340: Eolize svd-nc11-4 (haven't found a picture that shows it nicely from the front... Hope that's also ok... ) :
  8. As said above if the device in the template '/dev/dri' doesn't exist it shouldn't be able to use it anyways because it simply can't see it. But of course uninstall the Intel-GPU-TOP, remove the /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf file and reboot. Then the iGPU isn't activated and the container or unRAID won't be able to use it for hardware acceleration things.
  9. Sorry but I really can't help here since I can't think of a way that the Container can even see the iGPU without create a device mapping with '/dev/dri' in the template. It definetely doesn't have anything to do with the Nvidia plugin. From what I see try to uninstall the Intel-GPU-TOP plugin and make sure that you don't activate the iGPU on boot with /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf and reboot. After you did this the iGPU should be deactivated and Plex can't use it amymore. What you can also do to ask on the Plex forums how to force to use the Nvidia GPU instead of the iGPU but as said I have no clue why this is even possible when you haven't created the device mapping in the template.
  10. I will try it again tomorrow, but like I've said everything seems to work on my end, will post a few screenshots tomorrow too. Glad that you've figured it out.
  11. Can you send screenshots where it is visible that it uses the iGPU instead of the Nvidia GPU? I can't imagine that it uses your iGPU when you don't passed through the device /dev/dri like @alturismo said before. Why would you do that when Emby and Trex are fine using them, then there must be something wrong with the template itself. Can you post a few screenshots from your Docker template with the Advanced View turned on in the top right corner?
  12. Nur zur Info, ich weiß nicht ob das alles stimmt was da angezeigt wird, geschweige denn kenn ich mich da aus (Intel i5-10600 auf ASUS Z490-E GAMING): PowerTOP 2.8: PowerTOP 2.13:
  13. GVT-g funktioniert aktuell auf der Intel Core-i Serie und dementsprechenden Xeon Prozessoren von der 5th Gen. bis zu 10th Gen. Auf der 11th Gen. funktioniert aktuell GVT-g (noch) nicht.
  14. In Verbindung mit dem DVB Driver Plugin und einer DVB-C Karte, ein paar Zusatzinfos wäre nicht schlecht. Ich bin nicht wirklich der Plex und DVB Spezialist aber soweit ich weiß findet bzw. zeigt Plex die Sender nur an wenn Plex auch einen gültigen EPG reinbekommt, sobald der EPG fehlt werden die Sender in Plex nicht angezeigt wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab. Wenn du es in Verbindung mit dem DVB Driver Plugin versuchst, kannst mal probieren ob du TVHeadend zum laufen bekommst (vergiss nicht den Pfad vom Gerät "/dev/dvb" im Container template anzulegen). Evtl. kann hier auch @alturismo ein wenig helfen wenn du mehr Details was du im Server verbaut hast und wie du versuchst das ganze in Plex zum laufen zu bekommen.
  15. Darf man das? Du könntest dir eine Firewall installieren, ob jetzt wirklich auf einem physischen Gerät oder in einer VM auf unRAID mit dediziertem Netzwerk port und deinem Mitnutzer ein eigenes Netz zuteilen und die Dinge die du mit ihm teilen willst per NAT zur Verfügung stellen. Sei dir aber bewusst wenn du den VM weg einschlägst und unRAID down ist nichts geht, weder bei dir noch bei ihm. Damit wäre auch sicher gestellt das dein und sein Netz getrennt sind und er in seinem machen kann was er will und du in deinem was du willst. @Ford Prefect hast du hier evtl eine bessere Idee mit VLANs und einem "günstigen" Router? Bzw. das sollte doch auch möglich sein das man auf einem Router ein eigenes Netz auf einem Port erstellt und dann alles da durch NAT zur verfügung stellt oder bin ich mit der Annahme wieder falsch...
  16. What CPU are you using, from what I see it is using the Nvidia card and not the CPU for video transcoding. The screenshot from Plex shows that it uses HW but also keep in mind that it transcodes the audio and eventually subtitles, this is done on the CPU. From the first screenshot from 'nvidia-smi' you can also see that one process is using the card (the better command would be 'watch nvidia-smi' since this will update the output from nvidia-smi every two seconds, to abourt press CTRL+C). The next thing is that it looks like you haven't configured GPU Statistics, you have to go to the Settings page and on the bottom press on GPU Statistics, from the dropdown select Nvidia, select the GPU UUID from the dropdown and on the bottom press apply. Hope that helps and makes sense to you.
  17. Exactly only i-Series and Xeon chips with an iGPU from 5th gen to 10th gen are working.
  18. This indicates the plugin to don't create a cron job and from what I've see in your crontab the cron job for the update check is not created so it is impossible that your server will notify you when a new version is released... On which plugin version are you because of the screenshot?
  19. Try to close Safari or the Tab for unRAID and reopen it again, I sometimes also have that problem that a Tab freezes when I'm on the Docker page and it seems that the Server is frozen but actually only the browser is frozen and I have to reopen it.
  20. That would be super nice. Also check if the plugin looks like in my screenshot above, the Update Notification should be in between System Info and the Download button. Do you boot in GUI mode or do you leave a page from unRAID open on your local PC? Are you sure that the server was actually locked up and not only the GUI on this instance from your browser?
  21. Something with this screenshot seems also to be wrong since the Driver Update Notification should be below System Info:
  22. What do you mean with nothing changed? The automatic update is a cron job between 8am and 10am and downloads the driver in the background, if a newer one is found and sends the message, doesn't install anything when the message is sent, that is all done on reboot. But then there is something else wrong, when 470.42.01 was fine until you rebooted and now you have to run 460.80... Can you be a little more precise please? What was forced? What does the plugin page say about the automatic update, have you clicked Update after you set automatic update to False? Please open up a unRAID terminal and send me the output from 'crontab -e' (without quotes) and also from 'cat /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/settings.cfg' (without quotes). What version from the plugin itself are you running, "2021.07.30" is the latest one.
  23. Can you please double check that Auto Update is off? What crashed your GUI? The download from the update? The first thing I have to say, v470.57.02 was uploaded to the repository on 2021.07.21 and the update notification should be triggered on 2021.07.22. What I can imagine is that something was wrong when the plugin tried to fetch the versions. For troubleshooting reasons I would try one last time the latest driver since your card should be supported. Also please include the Diagnostics, otherwise troubleshooting is really hard.
  24. Are you on rclone 1.56? If yes go to the plugin page and select the beta build and install it. Release 1.56 has a bug in it so that rclone mount is not working properly.
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