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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I already built it for Unraid 6.9.1 Kernel v5.10.21 otherwise the the Plugin won't work on this Unraid version. No, because a module for the wrong Kernel wouldn't load anyways... Sorry I can't help any further because I don't own a Coral Acceleration Module but if you have the device '/dev/apex_0' then it should work. This shouldn't happen, have you a active internet connection on boot or better speaking have you anything like PiHole or a VM that is your Firewall on your Unraid box? The Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded file here in the textbox) from a reboot with previously installed Coral Accelerator Module Drivers would be very helpful to troubleshoot why it disappear. Have you looked into the Plugins tab in Unraid if there is a Plugin in Error state and removed that in the first place and installed it afterwards? EDIT: I think I got what is wrong here, you passed over a path to the container but it's a device:
  2. Exactly, so it can't resolve the DNS of the download link and will fail. Eventually try to set a custom DNS entry like for the Google public DNS server because I always recommend dath you set the servers DNS's server always to the one from your ISP or a public (in my opinion the server always needs exclusive access to the internet without any blocking service in front of it). You can configure your Containers always to use a custom one by adding '--dns=' to the Extra Parameters in your Docker templates if you open the Advanced View.
  3. Er meint mit dem External Sources (bzw Externe Speicher) Plugin das es in Nextcloud gibt, sprich in Docker eine mount auf einen share und innerhalb Nextcloud machen und in Nextcloud den neuen mount als External Source konfigurieren und dann auf diesen Syncen, oder @Anym001?
  4. The log seems totaly fine. No this line is fine, the dedicated server can't find a running instance of Steam but well it couldn't find a running instance because it's a dedicated server. Nothing to worry about. Have you already read the second post and tried to connect with the Steam Server Browser from your internal network (see the 2nd recommended post on the top of this thread)? Also please note if you are using ValheimPlus all clients must have ValheimPlus installed with the exact same mods and settings otherwise you won't be able to connect. Please undo the changes and try to run it like it is by default and try to connect through the Steam Server Browser from your local network after that you can try to change the ports (also if you want to change the ports read the 3rd recommended post on the top of this thread). I can try this but keep in mind that I have to do it with WINE and this can cause much overhead and can consume much system resources (more then on native windows). Also this involves to copy files manually to make the server even work since the dedicated server files are shipped with the game itself and this means that no automatic updates will work.
  5. If you want to install ping open up a Docker console for Valheim and then typ in the following commands: su apt update apt install inetutils-ping Then you have ping installed. Eventually it can't resolve the address for the Steam servers you can also try to add '--dns=' to the Extra Parameters of the container and see if this works. I have played today on the server and it works just fine (also it did the auto update just fine, didn't realized that there was an update until a user posted here a comment about it). EDIT: Also nothing has changed in the container itself since they update all on it's own. Have you got a Docker log?
  6. From the Docker itself, click on the logo of the container and select Log. Have you already read the posts and tried to restore a backup? It seems that your container has no connection to the internet.
  7. The query port is 2457 the game port is 2456 and for what the port 2458 is I don't know the description from the official dedicated server document says that you need those three ports. In your case it has something to do with the port forwarding. If you are in game and you use the default ports you simply can type in: 'target-down.com' and it will connect just fine because it knows that it has to connect to 2456, 2457 and 2458. You have to forward all three ports otherwise the game can't connect.
  8. Yes, the container updates itself and should done that already if you enabled auto updates. Another user here had the world destroyer bug, he had to restore the world to get it working again. My containers work a little different they update on a start/restart of the container itself (the description also tells that). Have you got a log? Already played on my server and there is no problem please look at this post and the following few:
  9. If I connect through the server from in game you can just use 'target-down.com' you have to understand that the domain name will be resolved into the IP of the server (that's why I have made it white in the above screenshot) and then it tries to connect to the IP with all 3 ports, only one port isn't enough. I hope that makes actually sense to you. You don't reverse proxy the server or do you?
  10. A subdomain won't work... You have to simply enter 'target-down.com' then it will work. Tried it now but I can't connect...
  11. ich777

    Unifi Controller

    Nur falls du wieder jemand makrieren willst, du musst auch dann auf den usernamen klicken wenn du @CarJo schreibst sonst bekommt der betroffene keine Benachrichtigung:
  12. This is from your syslinux.cfg: BOOT_IMAGE=/bzimage isolcpus=6-11,18-23 vfio-pci.ids=10de:1f02,10de:10f9,10de:1ada,10de:1adb initrd=/bzroot Make it that it looks like this (I actually don't know if you isolated the cpus 6-11,18-23 or by accident so I didn't removed it): BOOT_IMAGE=/bzimage isolcpus=6-11,18-23 initrd=/bzroot To change that go to 'Main' -> 'Flash' (click on the blue text that from your boot device) and scroll a little down and change the line, after you made the changes click on 'Apply' at the bottom and restart your server.
  13. I will look into this ASAP, please give me a few days... If you are forwarded the ports correctly and you already have a domain for your public IP you simply should be able to connect with: YOURDOMAIN:2456 (if you use the standard port like in this case you don't have to put in ':2456'). Maybe, as I said this has something to do with NAT reflection and when it's not set up correctly then this won't work to ping or even reach a serverice with your public IP on your internal network.
  14. Can you try to to run the container without the server manager? Seems like that the server manager causes the issue.
  15. ich777

    Unifi Controller

    Du hast bei installieren sicher eine veraltete oder andere Version ausgewählt schätze ich. Hierfür gibt es die tags: Click Ändere hier einfach das repo zu dem tag den du willst (wenn hinten nichts dran steht dann wird immer der latest genommen): Hinter den : kannst du immer den tag schreiben den du willst wenn du den :version-6.0.45 oder was auch immer bei der steht löscht gehst du zurück auf die latest.
  16. As said, if you are interested here is ipFire: Click This runs basically on a potato... I run it on some kind of Intel NUC with a Celeron J3160 and 4 NIC's with IPS and can fully saturate my 250Mbit/s symmetric connection so 500Mbit/s are no problem for such a "small" machine.
  17. Please note that Valheim doesn't answer those websites because it actually uses another protocol or at least a proprietary since the server won't answer a default UDP request from such sites... On what box do you run pfSense? Yes I've seen this also on Steam (I personally don't use Discord that much because then I would have no time at all because of the support requests I think... ) But I don't know if that also applies to the dedicated Linux server but I think so. EDIT: I hope that they fix the network bugs... I strongly recommend ipFire, easy to use and much statistics data (not the pretties GUI but it does the job).
  18. I also used it with pfSense without a problem. But the problem was that pfSense has that many options an configurations that the initial configuration is really hard or at least not very easy... Thankfully the guys over at ipFire fixed the issue in dhcpd because I got random disconnects with my new FTTH ISP and now I'm back on ipFire and it's way easier to use and I simply love it... Is this from the Docker log? Can you post the full log output please? Are we talking about AssettoCorsa or AssettoCorsaCompetizione? This bug is a real pain... Don't know if it's fixed already or if it's related to my container...
  19. I'm also not a genius, look at the Jellyfin container, it containers the Mesa Open Source drivers (keep in mind that I switched over to Debian Bullseye - yes I love Debian... - to get the latest drivers), you can try it with a version of my baseimage: 'FROM ich777/debian-baseimage:bullseye' and then it should be enough to do a 'apt-get update && apt-get -y install mesa-va-drivers'. I'm really not into mining but it always sounded interesting to me but to get GPU's these days is really hard at least for a normal price (I even don't asking for a good price... ). No problem, I'm here to help.
  20. ich777

    Unifi Controller

    Versuch mal den container zu löschen danach löscht du den Ordner der erstellt wurde für Unifi aus deinem appdata Verzeichnis und dann holst du dir eine neue Kopier von der CA App und lässt das template mal so wie es ist und öffnest dann das Container Log, evtl. fällt da was auf.
  21. This is really much appreciated! Yes this game is pretty buggy game but that's because it's in really early alpha. Also I like this game really much this is the first game in 2 years I think that I enjoy playing and never gets boring, at least to that day...
  22. Exactly, no reboot required after installing the plugin. No, because this is basically the same, the driver is loaded a little earlier in the boot process if you do it like that way than with the plugin but that should not affect a container since Docker is loaded way later in the process... If VFIO for the card or device ID is enabled neither of the top two methods will work since Unraid can't "see" the card (this applies also if you bind it to VFIO in the syslinux.cfg). I've already seen that container. Do you pass through the directory '/dev/dri' or how does this work? EDIT: Are in your container the RadeonPro drivers or the OpenSource ones since the OpenSource ones are significantly faster from what I know.
  23. This is the server log (docker log). Has the world destroy bug already been fixed? Eventually you are affected by it...
  24. Then this should also work from ingame just note that you have to user your domain + the game port (except for the default port you don't have to enter a port number) eg: valheimisbuggyashell.org:2460 for a non default port
  25. Have you the old log? It should automatically restart and apply the update if you enabled it in the template. I've tried it now and I can connect fine. Have you Valheim Plus or something else enabled? Here is my log (cut it a bit to only show the detection and update): valheim.log
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