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Everything posted by ich777

  1. That's the problem, if you open up the container terminal only enter: 'screen -xS Minecraft' The command: 'exec -u minecraft -ti MinecraftBasicServer screen -xS Minecraft' is meant to be if you open up a Unraid Terminal.
  2. ich777

    Welche Cache SSD?

    Alles was mit Parity bei BTRFS zu tuhen hat ist noch ein Risiko da die das 'Write Hole' noch nicht gefixt haben, solange kein Stromausfall ist oder ein unsauberes Herunterfahren sollte alles gut sein. -> Mehr Infos Also 10Gbit mittels SMB sollte kein Problem für Unraid darstellen (Standardconfig und keine Anpassung vom MTU):
  3. How is you container named exactly and what did you enter exactly? Did you open up a Unraid Console window or a Console window from the terminal. Can you connect to the server? If not please also attach the log.
  4. Can you please post a screenshot of you actual contents of your 'kernel' folder? There should be no folders inside if you start building new images, other than that, this is the wrong place to discuss this... I think this is also dependent on the time you download from Github/AWS... The best would be to delete all the folders that are inside of the 'kernel' directory, the files can stay there.
  5. This is pretty normal since I expose port 8080 but nothing to worry about. Added a quick fix. You now have the ability to change the port easily but you have to do a (force update) of the container first. Then go to the template of Firefox and click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' then select 'Variable' and at key enter 'NOVNC_PORT' and as value your prefered port, in your example '8082' then click on Add and Apply. Then go to the VPN container and add a port forwarding from 8082 to 8082 and you should now be able to access the container over that port (like you did already I think, of course you have to route the traffic from the Firefox Container through the VPN container). Btw, as I said it will still show 8080 but actually the VNC Server runs on Port 8082 if you add this Variable to the Firefox container. EDIT: Sorry had to do another update and change the Variable name from VNC_PORT to NOVNC_PORT
  6. Yes and no, I once got the option in to pull from the master branch but I removed that ability since nobody used it and it could lead to other problems and more complexity... You can always do a completely manual build, set the variable 'CUSTOM_BUILD' to 'true' and the Container copies the build script to the main directory and you can log into the Container itself with 'docker exec -ti Unraid-Kernel-Helper /bin/bash' and copy line by line and at the ZFS part you can/have to checkout whatever commit you want.
  7. Yes, I'm aware of that.. Strangely here in Austria we don't have such problems. You can only configure a for example my OpenVPN container and route the traffic through this Container. I think it is only possible to set a proxy for the entire Docker daemon and not only for a Container since I'm using standard system tools like wget or curl a proxy would not be that easy. You don't have to delete the files that are in the 'kernel' directory or the directory itself since when it finds the files in that directory it uses this files, if you are want to build a new Kernel you have to only delete the 'output-XXXXXXX' folder. I can think of a problem I experienced with ZFS, if a drive becomes unavailable for whatever reason (drive pulled out accidentally or not, bad SATA connection,...) if the zpool is not unmounted before the drive becomes unavailable this would lead to such a problem that you described here.
  8. Okay, if your system is pinned to 100% usage can you at least try to stop the array and issue the command form above and try to reboot? If something isn't working please make a screenshot or hook me up with a short message here.
  9. You actually have a few options regarding to this site: Click The only thing that's not possible is the Server UI, you can edit the files manually or you do it with the Commands (I think this would be the best way, becaus you can do it in game, but eventually you can not change everything).
  10. Sorry for the incovenience... This is a leftover from the Windows version since the developers released a native Linux and I switched over from Windows to Linux. I will remove this from the template ASAP.
  11. When did you get the 100% usage, is there something in the syslog? @Joly0 I think @Marshalleq mean my commands: Please try to: Stop the array <- This is really important and more important is that you wait for it to finish and after that continue with step 2 Open up a terminal and type in: 'zpool export -a' and wait for it to finish Then click reboot Please report back what happens when you do this if the server correctly reboots so that I can fix my Unraid-Kernel-Helper and also send a PR to the Plugin from @steini84 Which command? What does happen? What did you select when building the image with the Unraid-Kernel-Helper, there is a option if it's unmounted or not on an Array start/stop. EDIT: I really want to solve the issue where the server doesn't reboot properly and I think I already got the solution but I first need the confirmation that it works. Btw. after you issue the command 'zpool export -a' you shouldn't be able to access your ZFS volumes.
  12. Are you sure that it isn't working? I can browse the game in the Steam server browser and see it. I really can't help since I don't personally own the game. If you report it again as broken I will pull it from the CA App since I can't troubleshoot further. This line tells you that the game has startup just fine:
  13. Nichts, das ist eigentlich nur ein Performance Monitor soweit ich weiß und ich glaube den brauchen die wenigsten auf einem Homeserver... Poste mal was alles installiert ist, versuch so wenig wie möglich zu installieren, spart Systemresourcen und außerdem ersparst du dir meistens viele Problem (wie in deinem Fall mit atop - bzw. ich lese aus deinem Post nicht herauß ob atop über das Nerdpack installiert wurde.
  14. Yes, I think this is a Webplayer issue since I get this problem also sometimes. Please look at this post, I now got 3 users with the same problem: Eventually also post a short reply to this ticket that is linked in the post above.
  15. Please post the repositor like:, linuxserver, binhex, plexinc,...? How do you mean that exactly? Does the webplayer display no output? Can you try to start a transcode on a native app like Plex for iOS or Android instead of the webplayer?
  16. Was auf jeden Fall nicht normal ist ist das atop geschweige denn warum das 118MB groß ist... Lösch mal /var/log/atop bzw sieh dir mal ein paar Zeilen an bevor du es löscht was da alles drin steht. Welche Plugins bzw. Container hast du denn installiert? Hast du zufällig das NerdPack und im NerdPack atop installiert? atop ist normalerweise nicht installiert in Unraid und atop schreibt dir dein Log verzeichnis voll... EDIT: Hab vergessen zum löschen von atop: rm -rf /var/log/atop
  17. Nein brauchst nicht, du könntest den syslog dienst neu starten aber ich glaub das dir wahrscheinlich irgend ein anderer Dienst/Container dir das Verzeichnis zumüllt. Du kannst aber auch versuchen den syslog Dienst neu zu straten dann sollte das file neu erstellt werden: /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd restart Kannst mal den Output von: du -h /var/log/ posten?
  18. Please do a (force update) on the Docker page of the container and it should startup now fine. They added another Database connection that was not in my preconfigured 'ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json' (preconfiguration is done so that everyone can use this container easily). Thank you for reporting that!
  19. No, nothing to change, can it be that you run Unraid in GUI mode, this could possible lead to problems but it shouldn't under normal circumstances. Try to reboot without GUI mode instead. If Plex started just fine with all the variables passed then Plex is "allowed" to use the card, try to disable and enable HW transcoding. Which container are you using?
  20. Meines wissen noch nicht aber in den feature requests wurde dies schon mehrere male diskutiert, hatte bisher keine verwendung dafür da ich immer eine Festplatte direkt durchreiche und dann ein Bare Metal Backup erstelle (wenn ich überhaupt eins erstelle - meine Debian VM mit der ich die Docker Container baue ist "ersetzbar" falls da mal was passieren sollte).
  21. This seems like a waek signal or other kind of problem, nothing that I really can help with. Eventually look at this thread: Click
  22. Have you installed a cache drive in your server? Where is your appdata folder located? I will look into it after the weekend.
  23. I think this has a very specific reason, I have already contacted @b3rs3rk about this.
  24. @Kurtchen Can you eventually send me the server as a zip archive from your previous machen so that I can try it on my own? Eventually write me a short private message.
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