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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Have you updated to a newer verison of Unraid or something like that? The Nvidia plugin checks actually if it can get the latest version, if not then it checks if the appropriate version is locally available and installs it if both checks fail you get such an error. The other plugins checks basically if a file for the current Kernel version is locally available and if not it tries to download it, if the file is not available locally and no internet connection is available it will also produce such an error.
  2. That's really strange that's the first report that I've got that it's not working or stopped working. Please keep an eye on it and contact me again if this happens the next time, maybe there was some other "bug" within Unraid that caused the error. Btw Please post the next time in the Plugin support subforums for DVB if this happens again. Also Happy New Year!
  3. Are you on Unraid RC2? I noticed yesterday that the Plugins where under the New Apps tab in the CA App but I doesn't changed anything to the templates or the plugins itself. Now the are in the usual place. Did this happen after a restart? Have you pfsense or some kind of PiHole running on your system that is preventing Unraid from connecting to the Internet on boot?
  4. This is not how it's intended to be: Click (please search for the value 'PHOTOPRISM_ADMIN_PASSWORD'). It should only be the initial password and if you change it in the WebGUI it's using, or at least should use the password that you entered in the WebGUI. Eventually this issue on Github will help you out: Click
  5. Wird deine Karte im Plugin angezeigt? Bitte vergiss nicht nach der installation des Plugins Unraid neuzustarten. Welche Karte hast du? EDIT: Das Plugin versucht das/die Kernel Module zu laden bei manchen Karten muss das aber manuell gemacht werden (ist bei ganz wenigen der Fall). Bitte lies dir auch durch wie du die Karte dann in TVheadend angezeigt bekommst.
  6. Sorry completely forget about that, got not much spare time ATM. I will look into at as soon as possible.
  7. Du kannst hier ruhig auf deutsch schreiben. Du musst die 6.9.0 RC2 installieren, den server rebooten und danach das plugin installieren. Im Plugin Support unterforum gibts einen hilfethread. Such einfach nach DVB-Driver.
  8. I hope I got this right but it should be the 'cfg' directory that should store all your accounts and downloads.
  9. Also updated mine now and it works just fine. You can try to delete everything in the jdownloader folder in the appdata directory this will force a new download of java and also jDownloader itself (of course please stop the container before deleting everything from the jdownloader folder).
  10. Zum Backup auf die externe Festplatte würd ich Unassigned Devices verwenden du kannst dort ein User script hinterlegen und das automatisch ausführen lassen wenn eine bestimmte Festplatte angeschossen wird (Festplatte wird vorher automatisch gemountet, script ausgeführt und dann wieder unmounted). Ich erlaube mir das hier mal vom Originalthread einzufügen: (du kannst das script natürlich nach belieben anpassen erweitern oder auch kürzen, ich hab fürher nach fertigstellung des scripts noch einen langen Ton abspielen lassen bzw. auch eine Meldung per Pushover verschickt) #!/bin/bash PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin ## Available variables: # AVAIL : available space # USED : used space # SIZE : partition size # SERIAL : disk serial number # ACTION : if mounting, ADD; if unmounting, UNMOUNT; if unmounted, REMOVE; if error, ERROR_MOUNT, ERROR_UNMOUNT # MOUNTPOINT : where the partition is mounted # FSTYPE : partition filesystem # LABEL : partition label # DEVICE : partition device, e.g /dev/sda1 # OWNER : "udev" if executed by UDEV, otherwise "user" # PROG_NAME : program name of this script # LOGFILE : log file for this script case $ACTION in 'ADD' ) # # Beep that the device is plugged in. # beep -l 200 -f 600 -n -l 200 -f 800 sleep 2 if mountpoint -q $MOUNTPOINT; then if [ $OWNER = "udev" ] then beep -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000 beep -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000 logger Started -t$PROG_NAME echo "Started: `date`" > $LOGFILE logger Pictures share -t$PROG_NAME rsync -a -v /mnt/user/Pictures $MOUNTPOINT/ 2>&1 >> $LOGFILE logger Syncing -t$PROG_NAME sync -f $MOUNTPOINT beep -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000 beep -l 100 -f 2000 -n -l 150 -f 3000 beep -r 5 -l 100 -f 2000 logger Unmounting PicturesBackup -t$PROG_NAME /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned umount $DEVICE echo "Completed: `date`" >> $LOGFILE logger Pictures Backup drive can be removed -t$PROG_NAME /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Server Backup" -d "Pictures Backup completed" -i "normal" fi else logger Pictures Backup Drive Not Mounted -t$PROG_NAME fi ;; 'REMOVE' ) # # Beep that the device is unmounted. # beep -l 200 -f 800 -n -l 200 -f 600 ;; 'ERROR_MOUNT' ) /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Server Backup" -d "Could not mount Pictures Backup" -i "normal" ;; 'ERROR_UNMOUNT' ) /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Server Backup" -d "Could not unmount Pictures Backup" -i "normal" ;; esac
  11. Are you sure that this is the right subthread? This is the German section? Have you installed the DVB plugin?
  12. What do you mean exactly? In the old version you could choose which Unraid version you want to use but not the driver version itself.
  13. I've tested it and it works flawlessly. Can you try to delete the container and recreate it, also the directory in the appdata folder for this container. That's completely depending on the hoster, doesn't change Rapidgator something so the captchas in jDownloader itself are no longer working anymore? Never tried this since I designed it for the use with premium accounts.
  14. Leider viel um die ohren grad... Soll nur ne ausrede sein... ^^
  15. Yes, because of some posts here on page 22 I decided to remove the Container for now, eventually it's comming back but I don't know... I've builded already a reset patch for Navi based cards for RC2 if you are interested write me a PM.
  16. Um das gehts mir hier eigentlich nicht, ich bin eigentlich mehr auf die einfachheit gegenüber FreeNAS bedacht. Als ich es damals versuchte kam es mir überladen und war einfach zu kompliziert in meinen Augen. Ich weiß nicht wie die Docker integration jetzt in FreeNAS aussieht (btw heißt das jetzt nicht TrueNAS oder so?) aber Unraid war damals Meilenweit voraus.
  17. Ja, da sie alles andere auf die ZFS Volume legen, sieh dir mal den ZFS Thread von @steini84 an, der USB Stick wird tatsächlich nur genommen damit sie das Array starten können, du musst aber auch zugeben das die GUI was Docker betrifft und die vielen Templates bis jetzt wirklich gut sind. Ist auch nicht mein usecase und stimme ich dir zu. Von der Community is der Wunsch nach ZFS eindeutig da, siehst auch gut in den User Requests 2020 und den zahlreichen ZFS Threads wann es endlich kommt...
  18. They should, you have to look on DockerHub which requirements in terms of variables, paths,... they have, at least they should start all fine. That doesn't mean that it's not installed there try something like: 'find / -name *ffmpeg*' and it should list all files that contains ffmpeg. It tells you only that ffmpeg is not in the $PATH of the container you have to go to the location where it lives and then execute it with './ffmpeg' or execute it with the full path eg: '/etc/ffmpeg' depending on where it lives. But that is something for the Handbreak thread... EDIT: But when I think of it now Handbreak is an alternative to ffmpeg and it is possible that it's not included in the container.
  19. Glad to hear that everything works now! You have to install the plugin because you need the modules and also the firmware that comes with this plugin.
  20. Try to find a container that as all the features that you need inside it. There are so many containers out there that have a newer version of ffmpeg inside, you can also try Emby that has also ffmpeg4.3.0 (custom version for Emby but also supports NVENC). Are you sure? Handbrake uses also ffmpeg as a backend and if ffmpeg supports it I think Handbreak also can support it but as I said before it has to be compiled with the right options.
  21. Das kannst du so pauschal nicht sagen. Ich kenne hier im Forum einige die das so betreiben mit dem USB stick als Array device. Die meisten warten auch noch auf die Offizielle Implementierung von ZFS seitens Unraid, was laut einem der letzten Q&A's auch in naher Zukunft passieren könnte und damit das heiß/kalt Konzept erweitern könnte und Unraid noch attraktiver machen würde.
  22. I think we've found the problem the line in the template should only be: '--device=/dev/dvb' and not more (if you do it like in the first screenshot in the extra parameters) if you do it like in the second screenshot with the Host device the path should also be only: '/dev/dvb'
  23. How did you passed the Tuner to the container? Please also post a screenshot from the template if possible. Are you using the container from Linuxserver.io? Can you try to open up a console from the container (click on the container and select 'Console') and do 'ls /dev/dvb' and post the output here?
  24. Are you now on 6.9.0-RC2? What does the plugin say? Can you post a screenshot? Looks like from your dmesg output something is wrong: pctv452e: I2C error -121 Is the Tuner displayed in Tvheadend? EDIT: How did you pass the devices through to the container, eventually also post a screenshot of the template please. Don't pass it to the VM for now please, let's try to solve why it's not working in the container. Have you rebooted after the installation of the DVB installation? Is the Tuner connected to a USB2.0 or USB3.0 Port? Please forget about that now, it also has to work in the Container since I'm using a dual tuner DVBSky PCIe card on my devserver and also quad DigitalDevices PCIe Tuners in my main server.
  25. I don't recommend that, if you want to do that, I strongly recommend using a Docker container... Have you ever tried Handbrake, you also can transcode manually in a container from the console. This is also a thing, the container/application have to be built with the apropriate options for Nvidia, please dont forget to also include the NVIDIA_CAPABILITIES This always depends on the version that is integrated in the Docker Container and has nothing to do with the Host OS itself. One Idea is that you install the Jellyfin docker and log into the CLI to this container and see which version of ffmpeg is installed, I have no problem whatsoever transcoding files h264 and also h265. You mean software encoding or do you mean HW encoding with QuickSync. Some say that QuickSync has a better quality than NVENC and most say that pure software encoding is the best but I don't want to start any discussion about quality here.
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