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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Hier kann ich dir leider nicht helfen da ich keine PS5 habe, vielleicht hat @sonic6 eine Idee?
  2. I don‘t have a Enshrouded container. Maybe for some games but not for games that I have in my repository, I‘m also unsure if you are not satisfied with the performance from my WINE based dedicated servers because I don‘t see an issue with Conan Exiles or similar game servers. Protons strength is mainly when it comes to graphics which a dedicated server usually doesn‘t need. I have tested a few dedicated servers that are only supported natively on Windows and the performance hit or better speaking the overhead was neglible and for some games it even run better through WINE. I know, I know, I mark my containers as Beta which run through WINE and warn often about the overhead but that is something that I have to do since it is not native Windows and crashes or some other weird behaviour can happen (maybe on AMD or maybe on Intel on specific CPUs…). However I don‘t consoder switching over to Proton because I don‘t have a game in my repository which suffers real performance hits I think. Hope that answers most of your questions.
  3. Can you please post the output from intel_gpu_top (screenshot)? But I think since this is an ES chip you are ver much on your own, I assume it reports maybe the state from RC6 but no actual values.
  4. An what does the log say? Have you yet tried to: Stop the container Delete the "steamapps" folder form the Palworld server directory Start the container
  5. A bit more information would be nice. Where did you change the server name and map? In the Docker template or in the config?
  6. Please don't, please use /luckybackup/.ssh/id_rsa It should always point to /luckybackup and not to /root inside the container! No, that is not the same, --protect-args is used when you have special characters or I think even spaces in your paths and you don't want the shell to mess with that when passed over to rsync.
  7. Either RCON after enabling it or from in game.
  8. Sorry but I don't support modding, I just can give support for basic requests. However what do you need for paths? The main path inside the container is: /serverdata/serverfiles after that you have the above mentioned path: insurgencysandstorm\Insurgency\Config\Server Didn't you need to also include the map cycle list somewhere since it's a Source game? IIRC some users are using mods fine with Insurgency: Sandstorm.
  9. That's not the cause at all, the cause is that on Unraid there are currently only privileged containers and in privileged containers you see all resources where on the other hand you only see resources that you've assigned in unprivileged container. You can even test that by creating files with dd in /tmp inside the container that is bigger than 8GB, if you reach the 8GB mark then the container will simply crash.
  10. Please read this post: Are you really sure that your appdata share stays on the cache or is it moved to the Array? So basically it‘s not the same error.
  11. Sure, please read this post: Please read the full post from above since I explain how it works. Please also note that Unraid uses cgroupv2 If you change your config like I explained in that post it will work and the container will crash/restart instead of the host if the set limit of RAM is reached.
  12. I assume you are not on Unraid? If you would have read a few posts further I have posted the answer, you have to use the tag palworld, I assume you are using the wrong tag. Here is the run example.
  13. Why did you do that in the first place? Please read this post, most likely something with where the files stay is incorrect: The container is using /mnt/cache/appdata/… for the gane files if you are using that directory on your server too then you have to male sure that the files in the appdata directory are not moved to the Array. It could also be that you have wrong permissions.
  14. Because this password is for the admin console not for login... 😅 See here. You can't login with the admin password, you always have to use the login password and then in game you have to authenticate with the admin password to become the admin.
  15. A bit more information would be good...? Do you want to reset only the config itself then it's easy, stop the container, delete the config file (path is described in the description from the container) and start the container again <- be aware that you have to stop the container afterwards again since it pulls down the config file and you may want to change the server name, password and so on. Do you want to reset the entire server it's also easy, stop the container and delete the Saves directory in Pal subdirectory <- same as above with starting/stopping the container.
  16. Please read these lines, you can see that this repository is untrusted you can try this in your sources.list: ... deb [trusted=yes] bookworm main contrib non-free ... You should be also able to do it like so: apt-get update --allow-insecure-repositories But what I would recommend is that you route it through a reverse proxy, this is caused because you are not using https without any signed certificate and I heavily recommend to reverse proxy it since it is more easy to implement to your machines.
  17. Are you sure that you also append info or showplayers or something like that since otherwise it don‘t know what to do… That it hangs is a common issue and I recommend using timeout in combination with rcon as described here:
  18. Nope. That means more work too and also what can I give people for that money that they pay there? I can‘t maintain much more because about 200 applications is a lot and support too. @Nodiaque already made a container for the game based on my repository and I assume it works very well.
  19. Please read this post: Check what path is set for the game files in the template.
  20. Please see this post: I find it abit iberkill to use CA backup if you want to have indovitual backups lets say for every 2 or 6 hours because you have to run CA Backup every 2 hours and depending on the size of you appdata share this could take very long and also introduces downtime from the dedicated server if you don‘t disable the automatic stop.
  21. Please see this post, the container can do that now on it‘s own like it does for Valheim:
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