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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. I'm not going to argue this any further. The purpose of the first post in this thread is not to provide any instructions (it provides none, zero) but instead to provide links to the docs, the source and the images. The docs that are linked in the first post contain ALL of the information, they are platform agnostic and are kept up to date. They are the sole source of official info by the devs for ALL users, not just unraid. Putting instructions in the first post here would mean we have to keep info on multiple locations up to date. So no, we are not going to add any instructions to the first post of this thread.
  2. What is critical information for you may not be as critical for someone else. Some people use this container to host a wordpress site, no reverse proxy needed. Some only reverse proxy. Some host a forum, some do all. Some run it on unraid, some on debian, some on rpi, some use portainer, some use docker compose and some use bash. You keep asking for step by step instructions but given the vast number of scenarios this container can be used in and for, and the vast number of apps/guis you can reverse proxy, it is not possible to cater to all (not even the majority) users with a step by step guide. "Everything" in that readme is critical information. It is all up front and center. We are of the belief that we should teach folks how to use something and provide the tools, so they can adapt it to their needs rather than spoonfeed them some information and expect them to copy paste. Teach a man to fish and all. You already followed existing guides (by others) and weren't satisfied. You won't be satisfied with a guide unless it was written specifically for you, with your software and hardware environment in mind and with the exact apps you want to reverse proxy. I suggest you contact the authors of those guides and videos with your requests. With regards to your redirect issue, it may be browser caching of 301 redirects. Try a different browser/machine and if it works, clear the cache of the first browser.
  3. I host production websites on vps via this docker. Any delay the docker network may add is not noticeable
  4. Did you try restarting your router? Is the delay present even when you connect from outside your lan, ie. on your phone using the cell data? To me it sounds like it's a lan related issue rather than nginx or docker
  5. You can use sub-subdomains with duckdns. They all automatically forward to your main subdomain ip. You do need to add those to your subdomains variable in the container settings, though
  6. Why don't you use the preset conf for ombi? https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/proxy-confs/ombi.subfolder.conf.sample Also, I wouldn't recommend copying and pasting full configs. As you can see, you duplicated the default server parameter somehow. You can only have one default server per listening port per scheme
  7. https://docs.docker.com/network/bridge/#differences-between-user-defined-bridges-and-the-default-bridge And here: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2017/10/17/using-docker-networks-for-better-inter-container-communication/ Github page tells you to read the preset conf readme: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/README.md#site-config-and-reverse-proxy
  8. You read it and still ignored it the first time. I doubt putting it in the first post would make a difference.
  9. It's probably slow because it is copying things to trash. Can't you disable trash in the settings?
  10. You have an extra "}" right above the sab location. Delete that and restart
  11. Default goes in that location. Proxy-control is not one of the default ones and must have been user generated. The location should be referenced in the default site config. Post your log along with the default site config and we'll take a look
  12. Please read the manual. We put a lot of time and effort into them: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/proxy-confs/_readme#L21 It needs to be a "user defined" bridge network, not the default
  13. It's already in there: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/Dockerfile#L36
  14. Make sure you're forwarding udp and not tcp And also make sure you're forwarding 1194 to 1194
  15. I mean, that kinda makes sense. Imagine how dirty you must be to be desperate enough to steal soap. So the punishment is really public service.
  16. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/proxy-confs/organizr.subfolder.conf.sample#L2 ?
  17. You're not supposed to change the port It tells you what you need to do at the top. It does not tell you to change the port ?
  18. There is also a preset proxy conf in there for nextcloud on a subdomain. They are under /config/nginx/proxy-confs
  19. If you set edge to 1, it should update on reboot
  20. That is correct and it is a limitation (security feature) of macvlan. There was another user here who tried to put openvpn on macvlan as well but still couldn't access the containers. Question though, why do you want every container to have their own ip? Most of them only need one port to interface through. Why not just map a port on the host?
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