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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. There is a built in site config for nextcloud: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/README.md#site-config-and-reverse-proxy
  2. In your default site config: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/default#L54
  3. You need to create a new server block for the second domain the same way you create new server blocks for subdomains. Look at the cp subdomain example and replicate it
  4. This was solved through discord, but for reference, the issue stemmed from incorrectly editing the nextcloud proxy conf. In the version posted above, nginx would be trying to connect to a container named "cloud" which does not exist
  5. Unraid already developed dockerman which does almost the same thing. It's not realistic to expect them to duplicate efforts by building a gui for docker compose. Docker compose itself is all cli based. There is no official gui for it. You supply the yaml config file and that's it.
  6. When we update certain default conf files like nginx.conf or the default site conf, we don't overwrite the existing files because they contain user custom config. That's why we started tagging the conf files with dates and a link to view recent changes so you can make those in your config manually: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/default#L1
  7. It's already enabled Make sure your nginx.conf has this line in it: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/nginx.conf#L6
  8. There is no apache in letsencrypt, you would have to either run it on a separate apache container and reverse proxy, or run it on nginx. Only php7 in letsencrypt. You can however set up a separate php container (official one might do) that listens on a port and put that ip and port in your nginx config for that specific location
  9. I'm not sure what error you are referring to. The two screenshots you posted do not contain a shared error amongst them
  10. I just checked and it finds my TV shows on both plex and emby with no issues
  11. Just realized there is an ios app (and android). But they are not free so I can't test. Perhaps you should ask on ombi forums or their discord
  12. Nginx conf is internal and will get overwritten. But, can you try enabling gzip and see if it makes a difference? If so, we can update the file in the image.
  13. I don't see where it says self signed, but verified by linuxserver is weird. Did you perhaps edit your site config and change the cert location to point to the wrong cert? There is a self signed cert in there which is created by the nginx baseimage
  14. This nginx image is meant to be mainly a webserver, whereas the letsencrypt one is meant for reverse proxy. It doesn't mean that you can't use nginx for reverse proxy, it's just that the default site config of the letsencrypt image has some bits that makes reverse proxy much easier. For instance the letsencrypt image has a file called proxy.conf https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/proxy.conf Feel free to drop that into the nginx folder in this container and include it in the site config for proxies. Also, the letsencrypt container has a folder full of preset reverse proxy configs here: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/proxy.conf Also check out the two reverse proxy examples in the letsencrypt default site config: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/default This should set you on the right path
  15. Doesn't the ddclient image handle cloudflare? There is a linuxserver one I believe
  16. If you don't need letsencrypt, you can use the plain nginx container. But if you want the sbs server to provide certs, I don't believe it will be possible to reverse proxy that way. As far as I know, the first handshake (reverse proxy in this case) needs to establish the ssl protocol EDIT: On second read, I see that sbs will provide self signed certs. Those aren't really desirable. You're better off using letsencrypt certs between client and letsencrypt, and the sbs self signed certs between letsencrypt and sbs. I think you asked questions about your setup and issues with sbs servers before, honestly I never really understood your setup or what you were trying to achieve with sbs. But then again, I don't know much about ms servers
  17. Check out the folder /config/nginx/proxy-confs and read the readme there. There is a built in nextcloud config via subdomain
  18. It might be those custom options. I use the default options and it has no problems unraring. In fact, the later versions do unrar while still downloading. Pretty cool
  19. Problem is not the config folder permissions, it's the media folder permissions
  20. It takes sometimes 3-4 minutes, sometimes up to 20min or more for it to eventually stop. If I issue the stop once and wait, it will eventually stop. But if I try to kill the container or the process, it can get stuck for much longer. I don't notice anything strange with cpu utilization. During preclear, core 0 seems to be pegged at 100% the whole time and the others are pretty much idle (I have 16 virtual cores). I'm only preclearing 1 drive at a time and have plenty of ram (64GB), with only 10% utilization. Actually, now that I tried it a bunch more times, I noticed that with just the preclear, on unraid dashboard, the core 0 utilization bounces between 80% and 100%, but if I try to stop a container, it will remain at 100% constantly. Perhaps it is a cpu bottleneck where both processes hammer core 0 at the same time.
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