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Everything posted by CorneliousJD

  1. Are you able to import from other websites? Perhaps just that site isn't supported for import?
  2. I have set this manually but it keeps reverting for some reason to the defualt "?" icon.
  3. As long as the image itself supports this it should be easy enough to add in if you want to for now - I'll work to adjust config in a future template revision, thanks for the heads up!
  4. I'm not sure how 401 would be expected? There is nothing that needs to be logged in for that to work, but regardless, I'm logged into NPM, Plex, and Organizr. I would also *need* just domain.com/plex to work, I already have plex.domain.com but plex.domain.com/plex/ wouldn't work with Organizr's SSO authentication anyways from my understanding? Also my local plex is HTTP via docker container, but once it's reverse proxied via NPM it would be at https://domain.com/plex, if it would work without the 401 error. Also even if I try to setup plex.domain.com/plex I still get the same 401 error... Main plex.domain.com entry then the custom location Still results in It's hard to imagine I'm doing something that wrong since there's hardly any settings to speak of.
  5. Ok so I have my TLD domain.com pointed to organizr, and then adding /plex like this doesn't work. And then under custom locations, plex is on 32400 for me FYI Then when I try to go to domain.com/plex I just get...
  6. Do you have a working example? When I try it, it just.... Doesn't work unfortunately. I tried a few times but no luck.
  7. This makes sense, especailly about caching, no real benefit to cache anything if I'm running nearly everything on this same unraid box. Only thing I need better performance on is Nextcloud and I don't know if anything can be done for that haha. Still would like to find answers to the following. 1. (My most important for now) is it possible to get mydomain.com/plex working as a custom location instead of a subdomain (This is for Organizr SSO with Plex, which requires a /plex location and NOT a subdomain. 2. When would you NOT want Websockets, blocking of common exploits, and HTTP/2 enabled?
  8. Did you have another DB setup beforehand? Did you run the conversion? https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/20/admin_manual/configuration_database/db_conversion.html I have mine up and running on PgSQL 13.1 with Redis as well, it's faster but still leaves a LOT to be desired at times...
  9. Oh boy, 46 pages is a lot to go through. Just a few questions. 1. (My most important for now) is it possible to get mydomain.com/plex working as a custom location instead of a subdomain (This is for Organizr SSO with Plex, which requires a /plex location and NOT a subdomain. 2. What exactly is caching of assets doing. 3. When would you NOT want Websockets, blocking of common exploits, and HTTP/2 enabled? 4. HSTS Seems like overkill for a lot of services, am I wrong on this? Thank you in advance!
  10. Really not a whole lot to this container, you add your DB connections and roll with it. Based on official image, just made a tempalte for unRAID since the other conatiner here did not store database connections (no appdata mapped). Any unraid specific issues please let me know. Thanks!
  11. Is there a way to make it display more containers? It only shows 12 but I have 15 containers in this folder. I'd like a way to see them all in the text list (there's some free space to the right still, or can add a 3rd line with a toggle option in settings to show overflow?) I use the text list to click on them and restart/update/edit, etc. Thanks in advance!
  12. I was wrong, I am still using SQLite, I just changed where it's stored at, in settings.py Sorry for the confusion, I was working on a few other projects at the same time and used other databases (MariaDB/PgSQL) for those, and confused myself.
  13. YEP. I am already seeing the worker thread issue myself, but because I'm letting it be automated for sonarr/radarr hardlinking, I plan to just use Transmission only for hardlinks and leave Deluge running for any other manual torrent needs I may have. or QBT if it didn't use up some much darn RAM.
  14. No problem! Sadly I don't think I'll be much more help. QBT uses 3-4GB of RAM just sitting idle with one torrent. Plus I've read that it has issues with over 1,000 torrents. I plan on using Transmission moving forward for hardlinking files for sonarr/radarr so my downloads don't duplicate disk space. I'll easily soar far past 1k torrents in no-time, so potential problems there, paired with high RAM usage I just can't justify using QBT. It sure is a pretty interface though!
  15. PSS - Here's an icon URL you can use. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CorneliousJD/Docker-Templates/master/icons/snipeit.png This is what it makes it look like in my container list.
  16. It seems the changes to strict mode are no longer required (I didn't have to do them with a new setup) and the "whoops something went wrong" issue just shows 500 server error now instead. Also on the initial page preflight check, e-mails fail to send with gmail configured, but work fine after getting things up and running. PS - the /config/ volume mapping no longer seems needed, only your "data" one does. https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/docker According to them they are mapping --mount source=snipe-vol,dst=/var/lib/snipeit and that's it
  17. I just ran into same problem. Instead of downgrading I just added this to my /appdata/qbtorrent/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.conf file WebUI\HostHeaderValidation=false Then it worked after saving that and restarting the container Hope this helps! SOURCE: https://github.com/guillaumedsde/alpine-qbittorrent-openvpn/issues/32 & https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/8095#issuecomment-472740702
  18. Thanks! I do believe Ih ad this working where you mentioned actually, however I ended up going with an actual database instead of SQLite for mine.
  19. So from the main Cookbook page, click the three "..." icons next to search page and you can import from webiste there.
  20. You could either fire up a TFTP port as described above in the thread, or just use something like Krusader or Dolphin (both available as docker containers) to move files, they should run as root and have full access to all the files, then you can copy/paste them out of the appdata directory and back them up elsewhere. I always keep Krusader and Dolphin installed for managing files, docker permissions get tricky sometimes and I can pretty much always do what I need to do with one of those and never have to touch the command line. Hope this helps! If not let me know, I'll see what I can do to more directly assist w/ screenshots, etc later. EDIT: If you're not running anything that needs to be saved then go ahead and just blow the whole thing away. For example if you're running a Minecraft world that nobody has really started using yet, you might as well just start it over fresh IMO.
  21. Off hand, I don't know how to fix this short of wiping the container's data out compltely and setting it up again with a static MAC address that it needs from the very first launch. It sounds like having a differnt mac after you first launched it is what caused this. You can (and should) of course backup your game server data first, so you can just restore it once you get AMP set back up and re-activated.
  22. Thank you for popping in and supporting your creation here too! Much apprecaited. You would need to edit the container and add a new port if you want to run more than one port open to AMP, yes. Pretty easy to do, if you need help with that though let me know and I can take some screenshots to show you later! Are you running with a properly generated MAC as this thread describes? Failure to have a consistent MAC address would result in it being deactivated for sure.
  23. This is going to be an issue of AMP-Dockerized, and not specifically running it on unRAID. See GitHub Page here: https://github.com/MitchTalmadge/AMP-dockerized
  24. Squid was right, the container kept recreating that path with it mappedl like that. Remapped /boot to /flash in the conatiner and setup a separate backup job and we're good to go. deleted /mnt/user/flash folder, restarted container, and re-rean fix common problems and the issue now. Thank you everyone
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